heres a little updated photo because i know the moms has been hearing some stuff from some family members... i wont name names... that i havent put up any pictures lately. so heres a sweet shot of my massive boobies and belly.
in other news, i got a call from the dr yesterday about the blood i had drawn last week for the possibility of icp. we are all good!!! no liver probs as of right now, so in celebration of our wonderful blood, i had a glass of wine with dinner last night! i had been boycotting alcohol of any kind with the chance of having a liver problem, but since we're good to go i figured a glass of wine wouldnt hurt anything, and it was fabulous!
ive also decided to get a leg up on the baby clothes and in doing so i realized that we have tons... i ended up splitting the clothes into lights and darks and it was two full loads, in a huge washer and dryer, and that is a lot when you think about how tiny some of these things are! my baby load was the equivalent to 17 full size towels... that is a lot of baby clothes. the little man is good to go!