nothing super new and exciting to report... one more week down, only about 5 to go! woohoo!
i went to the dr yesterday and everything is normal, my blood pressure was a little high, but its been pretty erratic for a bit so i dont think its a big deal. oh, and i might get one more ultrasound before the BIG DAY... the dr was feeling all around and determined that she has absolutely no idea what position the baby is in which doesnt matter much right now but if by my next appt they still cant tell then we will get an ultrasound to see for sure how this little man is hangin. fun fun.
i did have to go to the hospital last friday, and
that was an experience... i continued to have contractions for about a week and a half after my last appointment and when they got stronger or i had other symptoms i called the nurse, told her what was up and then got her advice, so friday she said she wanted me to go to the hospital just to get monitored and make sure everything was ok. so we get there and everything was very laid back, very awesome, and we actually ran into a couple of friends that were being induced that day, how fun is that?
fast forward: im finally in a room being strapped to the fetal monitor when the lady comes in to ask about insurance information and basically gets herself into a tizzy when they realize that my drivers license doesnt have the same name as my insurance card (which doesnt have my name on it at all, i am listed as 'spouse'). they then explain that i may see my name listed as my maiden name and not to be alarmed, but really my maiden name
is my last name since i havent changed it. i cant believe some women freak out about things like that... so while all of this is going on, i am informed by the nurse who is also in the room that they are going to monitor the baby and my contractions but they also need a 'clean' urine sample. clearly she saw the confusion in my face because she proceeded to tell me that a 'clean' urine sample is collected by catheter. so yay, i had my first catheter expereince. after all of that, the baby is fine, im still having mild contractions but i was sent home to rest.