wow, it has been a long time. sorry kids, having a tiny angry man does not make for easy blogging.
so a lot has happened in the past six weeks since i have neglected my blog... lets start with the stats: he now weighs 11 lbs and is 22.5 inches long and wearing clothes for 3-6 months. he is no longer my tiny tiny little baby. it is outrageous how fast they grow and no matter how many times you hear that before you have your baby, you truly have no idea until you see it for yourself.
after 6 weeks of a fussy (i thought colicy) baby, a red rash on his face, numerous vomitting spouts, mucousy and finally bloody poop, we found out that the little man is allergic to dairy. you also have no idea how many foods contain some form of dairy until you are no longer allowed to consume it, and since i am still determined to nurse him, i cant have anything he cant have.
but its not all that bad, there are actually a lot of soy substitutes for dairy that are pretty good, and i am actually a fan of the soy milk silk, especially the chocolate. and there is an absolutely delicious ice cream that is dairy and soy free made with coconut milk, i am currently enjoying its deliciousness as i write this entry. there are also a ton of really helpful websites that have dairy free recipes, and luckily i have an awesome mom that made us a completely organic and dairy free thanksgiving, and a great hubs that found me the fabulous ice cream and is always bringing me new treat finds that are dairy free.
hmmm... what else... he had his first round of immunizations a couple weeks ago and he did great! i think i may have cried more than he did. but he took it like a little trooper. sweet little guy. it was just really hard to think that i was bringing my baby to have something done that would physically cause him pain. i also cried when the nurses took him from my hospital room to get his circumcision. clearly my hormones have turned me into a girl.
overall, he is a totally happy little baby man now that the dairy is completely out of his system. hes always smiling and laughing and 'talking' it up. i can be so frustrated if hes having a fussy day and all he has to do is look up at me with that huge gummy smile and all the frustration is totally gone. i know that sounds silly and mushy but its so true.