after a night of screaming by my child that i have seemingly scarred for life by an excessively long road trip, i thought nothing could top the cake... until i experienced for the first time the notorious 'spit up in my mouth.'
my brother recently had a baby and my mom and i decided it would be a great idea to drive 1,000 miles to biloxi mississippi with a four month old baby. not a great idea. he did really well on the ride down; we broke it up into three days and he really only got fussy on the third day. the ride home was a completely different story, from the moment his little heiny cakes touched his car seat it was clear that he was not going to be a happy or cooperative baby.
so because my poor child was in a car seat for a little over 2,000 miles, i am fairly certain he hates the car with a passion. we were in the car for about 10 minutes last night on the way to dinner and im pretty sure he cried for 9 and half minutes. same goes for the ride home.
we finally get home and i get my little man calmed down, were playing and hes giggling and having a good time. and im doing the whole lifting him in the air like hes super man, working on those little core muscles and then it happens. out of nowhere there is spit up in my mouth! i didnt even see it coming! he was laughing and i was laughing and then i had a mouthful of spit up. pretty disgusting but surprisingly i didnt gag at all. i just put him down, wiped my mouth, and drank a bottle of water.
luckily for you i do not have a picture of my spit up mouth experience because i think that wouldve made me spit up. but here is a picture of my little man with my brothers little lady.
my favorite.
i cant believe i havent posted this pic yet, its my favorite.
it probably took me a good hour to get this shot. for some reason, dublin can be smiling and happy as can be, but the moment the red light from my camera's flash hits his face, the smile instantly drops into the saddest and funniest little frowny face ever. i now have about 30 pictures of odd faces of my child saved in a folder. ive decided that i should compile all the weird pictures i accidentally take throughout the years and give it to him on his 18th birthday. ha.
it probably took me a good hour to get this shot. for some reason, dublin can be smiling and happy as can be, but the moment the red light from my camera's flash hits his face, the smile instantly drops into the saddest and funniest little frowny face ever. i now have about 30 pictures of odd faces of my child saved in a folder. ive decided that i should compile all the weird pictures i accidentally take throughout the years and give it to him on his 18th birthday. ha.
the pits.
this dairy allergy thing is the pits.
i had what i thought was the best non-dairy snack ever that i had been totally chowing down on until last night. who would ever think that tortilla chips have dairy in them? worst mom ever.
not even cool.
i had what i thought was the best non-dairy snack ever that i had been totally chowing down on until last night. who would ever think that tortilla chips have dairy in them? worst mom ever.
not even cool.
babies and b-dogs.
so im back after a crazy holiday season that included celebrating christmas a week late and almost ignoring new years eve altogether.
the hubs and my pops ended up having to work a lot of extra hours so we kept postponing and postponing until we were able to spend an entire day together, it was pretty great once we finally got it! the moms and pops got avery an exersaucer which is awesome, and he loves it.
and i am currently writing this blog while watching hours and hours of 'the office,' because i received the entire series for christmas from wil. it is spectacular.
we had a pretty rough day today because the little man is having some sort of issue which caused him to scream for the better part of three hours. after finally getting him in to see the dr where he made me look like an absolute crazy person, he was happy as can be... but i do have to somehow collect and store four liquid poo samples for some tests to be run to make sure everything is ok. it is proving to be fairly difficult. im pretty sure they expected the samples to be in sometime soon but im thinking it might take a few more days than that to get the amount of liquid poo required. gross.
and the b-dog is now limping around...
days in the life of moms.
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