clearly i am the worst blogger of all time since i refuse to be consistent in my blogging as of late. i keep telling myself that ill be better about it... we all see how well that has been working out. but i have recently been thinking about the lack of my blogging during my most recent pregnancy, i started worrying that fin might look back or hear stories and feel left out about my not sharing every detail of his pre-life life... so im going to tell the story of his birth and honestly, i dont know how awesome hes gonna feel about that either.
we will start with the wbb (week before birth), i went to my final check up before reaching the almighty week 40, i was totally hoping to set an induction date if i didnt have him on my own by the time the magical projected date of arrival rolled around. so the dr checks me out and of course i was only dilated 1 cm... but as hes checkin out the downtown i am in some serious pain, it was hurting like woah. and i so dont remember that hurting when i had the first, but i definitely cried this time around, and thats when he informed me that my uterus is posterior which basically means that it was tilted backwards so he was all up in there to check it and thats why it hurt. not cool. i didnt think much more about it at the time... and because he made me cry he felt bad and went ahead and set up my induction date, including two rounds of the fantastic cervical gel to help my body get in gear which of course it didnt...
so the hubs and i get to the hospital all bright and early and totally ready to have a baby! ok, maybe we werent that enthusiastic but you know...
i get all hooked up with the iv and pitocin and not long after my contractions start which is awesome because who wants to be in labor all day long? so theyre coming on stronger and stronger and they decide to break my water which is a totally weird feeling, it didnt work out the right way the last time so it was kinda a new experience this time around. i totally felt like i was peeing the bed but like the most pee ever in your life all at one time... weird. a little after that the contractions are becoming a little more painful so they decide to go ahead and give me the epidural- yes! the dr said i could probably wait a little longer but my nurse kinda pushed for it so they said ok... not that it mattered much. so i get the epidural and its almost like instant relief, for about 5 minutes then all the pain i was feeling in my stomach had just transferred down lower to my actual vagina. thats right, i was feeling the contractions in my vajayjay. its a little alarming to me since i felt absolutely nothing when i had my first. so im saying 'hey, this might be weird but im feeling the contractions in my downtown,' the nurse tells me to go ahead and push the button to release more medicine (didnt have that luxury the first time around either). so im in a lot of pain now and i can only describe what i looked like as 'writhing in pain.' only because i was holding my body up with my hands on the rails of the bed and was doing everything i could to keep the lower half of my body from touching the bed because the pressure in the downtown was outrageous. so im kinda thrashing around yelling about how its time to push and how i just cant understand why i feel it when my mom finally grabs the nurse to come and check me out. they had just checked me not three minutes earlier and i was about 6 cm dilated (you have to get to 10) so shes thinking that im not ready but when she takes a peek she rushes outta the room saying they need to get the dr in there now. she starts prepping me for pushing but all im doing is pushing and pushing that button yelling about all the pressure when she comes over to me, gently puts her hand on my arm and calmly says 'honey, if youre still feeling it then youre just gonna feel it.' im sure i looked like a deer in the headlights because i was absolutely shocked that my epidural wasnt gonna work. so all throughout pushing (which felt like hours and didnt even last 10 mintues) i just kept yelling 'but why?! why can i feel it?! i just dont understand!' at some point the dr is trying to get my attention because the baby was upside down in there which is why that whole 'posterior' thing earlier mattered. so while im feeling all this pressure and pain from a baby trying to gegt out of my vagina, i now have to push in a certain way that the dr is describing to me so i can help to turn the baby over. apparently when i did what he said the baby just twirled right around like a 'ballerina in a music box,' according to my mom. side note: my first labor i banished the hubs to above my shoulders so he wouldnt see the horrors going on in the downtown area but this time because everything was so fast and rushed, i was all sorts of spread eagle on that bed with no sheet or anything to keep anyone from seeing anything. so its a good thing that at some point right before the pushing began i screamed at my sis to get my son outta there, i feel certain he wouldve been scarred for life seeing something like that. ok, so the baby twirled, he came out and was good to go. he was 6.14 lbs and 20.75 inches long.