breastfeeding is difficult for many different reasons.
of course theres the issues of mama being the only one to get up in the middle of the night, the annoyingly boring task of trying to pump if you know youll be out, the awesomely fun scavenger hunt for the 'nice bathrooms' at the mall that lend to more comfortable nursing, and the oh so embarrassing problem of occasional leakage in public.
while the above mentioned things arent the most awesome, none of these are my biggest issue with breastfeeding my child. i feel like the sweet bonding time we share together and knowing that i am the only one able to do it are worth all the troubles... except for one.
my child bites.
he doesnt have teeth just yet, but they might as well be in there. he is teething like his only goal in life is to get those teeth out. every waking moment he has to have something is his mouth, either a toy, his fingers, your fingers, a blanket, anything. but the most awful part of it all is when he gets his undeterrable urge to bite while part of me is in his mouth. not cool.
it is especially unpleasant during the 4 am feeding.
heres the scenerio: baby starts stirring just a bit, i wake up, turn on the bathroom light and mostly close the door (i need a little light- my aim isnt perfect). i get the baby up, we sit in the nursing chair, and while we are both half asleep he begins to nurse. in the middle of fighting my own body to stay awake there is a sudden stab of pain! of course i cry out, (i mean, come on, someone just bit my boob) and my voice startles the baby who also then cries out. from there on it is just a downward spirial of crying and sadness from all parties. but soon enough i get us both calmed down and resume the nursing.
im pretty sure i sure get an award or something.

a picture of the cute little biter.