so last night after dinner the big boy and the hubs were in the living room playing when that familiar little jingle started playing outside... you know the one. the one that makes all the kids stop whatever theyre doing, drop whatever theyre playing with, and ignore whoever theyre talking to... the one that moms both love and hate depending on where they are in the dinner/bed time routine. thats right, the ice cream man song.
luckily for us, we were done with dinner and it wasnt quite bedtime yet so the big boy got to go outside with daddy and wait for the ice cream truck to make its way through the neighborhood back to our house. im not a huge fam of our ice cream man because of two things: i totally judge him by his looks which are totally sketchy, and my dog who normally likes or is at least ok with everyone, hates him. he has awkwardly long pinky nails, which i refer to solely as coke nails, he has weird little braids in his hair that go absolutely everywhere, and he wears an eye patch. so not being too accustomed to the ice cream man, he didnt know that he would go to the furthest part of the neighborhood and make his way forward so before even making it outside, the big boy was crying for the ice cream man to come back... silly kid.
i stayed inside while the boys got their ice cream, but i did hear a pretty fantastic story when they came back in...
the hubs tells me that as soon as the ice cream man pulled up and stuck his head out the window to say hi, my big boy immediately squinted his eye and said 'aye me matey!' i think the ice cream man just laughed it off, but apparently my child was so excited to be in the presence of a pirate he continued to tell his daddy that the ice cream man really was a pirate and would not quit. the hubs decided to tip him a little extra as an apology for our two year old being so blunt with observations of the ice cream man closely resembling a pirate..
and it didnt stop there, the rest of night he kept telling me that he saw a pirate, and the pirate gave him ice cream, and that he knew that the pirate had a treasure chest and he wants it...
next weekend i am totally going to stand on the front stoop when he gets his ice cream... close enough to hear the hilarity the goes on, but far enough away that the pirate doesnt know that that kid is mine. daddy can deal with that.
of course this isnt him... but hes kinda similar. and hes your ice cream man. enjoy.
boogs, pee, & vom.
there are boogers on my truck.
there is urine on my shirt.
and there is vomit on the baby.
this is the day ive had.
the day started out ok, everybody was happy and pretty chill after the craziness that was sunday/birthday party day. the boys ate breakfast, played with all their new loot, and just kinda messed around until it was nap time. nap time went smoothly, they woke up, ate lunch, and went back to playing.
then the little one needed a change, so i take him upstairs, take off his dipe and i already know hes got a terrible diaper rash going on so its no surprise to see his sad little red heiny. but it is looking worse so i decide to use a prescription cream that i had from one of the big boys terrible diaper rash awhile back. the baby is all cleaned up, we go back downstairs, i put him down and as he starts crawling away he starts crying... and within about 7 seconds, the crying turns into screaming. i pick him up and hes clinching his little cheeks together hard so i know theres definitely a problem. i strip him and throw him in the bath to get all the cream off and let his little cakes chill out in the warm tubby. he calms down, we get him dressed and i call the dr.
its about 3:45 so they have about 2 appts available that afternoon, and only in haymarket (the farther office)... i get both boys in the truck and we're off. about 3 minutes into the ride, the big boy tells me that he has a sticky boogie and he wants me to help him, but of course im driving about 60 mph and definitely cannot grab a tissue and take care of his snotty situation. so i tell him to wait just a minute and ill help him, but he interrupts me to say 'boogie gone.' obviously he has wiped the boog somewhere and i assume its still on him... until he says 'look what i do,' im at a light so i glance back to see a giant booger on the window. gross. i start to drive again and hes super quiet so at the next chance i get, i look back and super proud of his work he says 'mom, look!' he has taken the gross boog and wiped all over the window like it was some sort gooey paint... disgust-o-rama.
so we finally get to the office and have about 5 minutes to unload both children, get out the stroller, grab the diaper bag and all other essentials and get to the 2nd floor. we get in there, i hurriedly sign in and we proceed to wait for about 40 minutes until we're called back... thank goodness i rushed in and left the booger on the window to bake in the sun...
i strip off the baby, the dr comes in and checks out his little downtown for about a half a second and determines immediately that it is a yeast infection... poor kid. so we're chatting and i havent diapered the baby back yet, but im still standing in front of him because that little rolly polly will get away in a flash. then i feel it. my stomach is definitely warm and wet. awesome. the baby is smiling so big, so happy that he has managed to pee all over mommy.
fast forward to the later evening... we decide to go out to dinner with my mom and sis since the hubs is out watching the caps game. C A P S, caps caps caps- says the big boy. anyway... we get to the table, get the kids into their high chairs and i realize that they both feel warm. even though 2 hours ago the baby definitely did not have a fever. so i give them both tylenol and start to feed the little one. within about 5 minutes he throws up on himself. not a lot, but enough to gtoss me out a little.
this is the life of a mommy. boogs, pee, and vom.
there is urine on my shirt.
and there is vomit on the baby.
this is the day ive had.
the day started out ok, everybody was happy and pretty chill after the craziness that was sunday/birthday party day. the boys ate breakfast, played with all their new loot, and just kinda messed around until it was nap time. nap time went smoothly, they woke up, ate lunch, and went back to playing.
then the little one needed a change, so i take him upstairs, take off his dipe and i already know hes got a terrible diaper rash going on so its no surprise to see his sad little red heiny. but it is looking worse so i decide to use a prescription cream that i had from one of the big boys terrible diaper rash awhile back. the baby is all cleaned up, we go back downstairs, i put him down and as he starts crawling away he starts crying... and within about 7 seconds, the crying turns into screaming. i pick him up and hes clinching his little cheeks together hard so i know theres definitely a problem. i strip him and throw him in the bath to get all the cream off and let his little cakes chill out in the warm tubby. he calms down, we get him dressed and i call the dr.
its about 3:45 so they have about 2 appts available that afternoon, and only in haymarket (the farther office)... i get both boys in the truck and we're off. about 3 minutes into the ride, the big boy tells me that he has a sticky boogie and he wants me to help him, but of course im driving about 60 mph and definitely cannot grab a tissue and take care of his snotty situation. so i tell him to wait just a minute and ill help him, but he interrupts me to say 'boogie gone.' obviously he has wiped the boog somewhere and i assume its still on him... until he says 'look what i do,' im at a light so i glance back to see a giant booger on the window. gross. i start to drive again and hes super quiet so at the next chance i get, i look back and super proud of his work he says 'mom, look!' he has taken the gross boog and wiped all over the window like it was some sort gooey paint... disgust-o-rama.
so we finally get to the office and have about 5 minutes to unload both children, get out the stroller, grab the diaper bag and all other essentials and get to the 2nd floor. we get in there, i hurriedly sign in and we proceed to wait for about 40 minutes until we're called back... thank goodness i rushed in and left the booger on the window to bake in the sun...
i strip off the baby, the dr comes in and checks out his little downtown for about a half a second and determines immediately that it is a yeast infection... poor kid. so we're chatting and i havent diapered the baby back yet, but im still standing in front of him because that little rolly polly will get away in a flash. then i feel it. my stomach is definitely warm and wet. awesome. the baby is smiling so big, so happy that he has managed to pee all over mommy.
fast forward to the later evening... we decide to go out to dinner with my mom and sis since the hubs is out watching the caps game. C A P S, caps caps caps- says the big boy. anyway... we get to the table, get the kids into their high chairs and i realize that they both feel warm. even though 2 hours ago the baby definitely did not have a fever. so i give them both tylenol and start to feed the little one. within about 5 minutes he throws up on himself. not a lot, but enough to gtoss me out a little.
this is the life of a mommy. boogs, pee, and vom.
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