ok so this isn't really pregnancy related, unless you wanna say that it stems from a weirdly early case of nesting spawned by nice weather over the weekend, but that may be stretching it a bit...
I decided for no other reason than I was sick of the mess, to absolutely clean up our bedroom which seems to be a catch all for everything that no one has any idea of where it should go... I went through the closet and got clothes together to donate, I actually moved furniture to vacuum underneath (totally not a k.roof move by the way...) I dusted, put away the 357 articles of clothing left behind by my two toddlers that believe that my bedroom is their second room, and got down on my hands and knees and cleaned spots on the carpet. I know, im a rockstar. ha ha, isn't it sad that I am totally giving myself props for regular cleaning?.. ive just been feeling so sick that other things have been highly neglected.
so in my mad woman cleaning, i was forced to at the very least acknowledge laundry mountain that is the newest attraction in my basement. and the only positive spin i can put on it is that is clean, of course i have a couple loads down there that need to be washed, but the mountain itself is clean and just waiting, wrinkles settled in, to be folded and carried up to the third floor to be put away in its rightful place. i just hate carrying the laundry up. i truly hate it. and id like to blame it on pregnancy, but i hate it even when im not pregnant. ill wash and fold laundry all day long, doesn't bother me a bit... but carrying it all the way upstairs, ugh... hate. but im getting off topic... in my acknowledgement of said mountain, i looked at the pile of socks sadly waiting to mated with their partner. and then that made me think of the 'sock bag.'
do you have a sock bag? or a 'sock basket' as we had growing up... you know, a place where all the single socks go to mingle until their long lost soul mate decide to show up, maybe he was lost in the dryer, maybe she fell behind the dresser, maybe they got a hole and were thrown away leaving their friend behind to a lonely life of solitude in the sock bag.
so i start thinking of our sock bag which is really just a reusable recycled bag that holds all the singles, and i was wondering if that was normal or if i just think its normal because i had a version of this growing up... i mean, like what do you guys do with those socks? and then i started wondering about what other weird things im doing that my children will one day do thinking its totally normal and maybe its not at all... im sure there are plenty... poor kids.
my boobs hurt.
my boobs hurt.
I threw up three times this morning before work. each time I threw up, I peed a little bit. after three voms and three pees, I definitely had to rush around like a crazy person to take a shower before I went to school smelling like a urination station.
now im cleaning out my pantry. I found the wheat thins I asked the hubs to pick up. he got me the no salt kind. who eats wheat thins with no salt? certainly not this overly picky pregnant lady. whats he tryin to say... are my salt intake levels a bit high for his liking? am I looking a bit puffy?
back to the boobs. apparently they are their own entity. there has been much discussion about them since I recently posted my 12 week pregs pic. im attempting to upload said picture now, but twice it has frozen my computer. either my girls are that epic that the internets cant handle them, or BlogSpot is having some sort of issue with the uploader... anyway, they hurt. already. i really don't remember them hurting this early on, I know later on they got painful, but... ok, so you know when you have one of those super long days where you leave the house before 7 and you don't actually sit down to relax until 8 that night and you are finally able to unleash the fury of your breasticles and it is like the best. feeling. ever. you know what im talking about, right? or when your hair has been in a pony all day and you take it down and your head says 'ahhhhhhh....' ok. well that absolutely does not happen anymore. these things are so heavy that the wire of my massive bra digs into ribs all day, I take it off and the ribs are pleased with the situation, but the now unsupported weight of the boobies is so painful... and now im getting stabbing pains in one of them. ughhh...
and I don't have salted wheat thins.
I threw up three times this morning before work. each time I threw up, I peed a little bit. after three voms and three pees, I definitely had to rush around like a crazy person to take a shower before I went to school smelling like a urination station.
now im cleaning out my pantry. I found the wheat thins I asked the hubs to pick up. he got me the no salt kind. who eats wheat thins with no salt? certainly not this overly picky pregnant lady. whats he tryin to say... are my salt intake levels a bit high for his liking? am I looking a bit puffy?
back to the boobs. apparently they are their own entity. there has been much discussion about them since I recently posted my 12 week pregs pic. im attempting to upload said picture now, but twice it has frozen my computer. either my girls are that epic that the internets cant handle them, or BlogSpot is having some sort of issue with the uploader... anyway, they hurt. already. i really don't remember them hurting this early on, I know later on they got painful, but... ok, so you know when you have one of those super long days where you leave the house before 7 and you don't actually sit down to relax until 8 that night and you are finally able to unleash the fury of your breasticles and it is like the best. feeling. ever. you know what im talking about, right? or when your hair has been in a pony all day and you take it down and your head says 'ahhhhhhh....' ok. well that absolutely does not happen anymore. these things are so heavy that the wire of my massive bra digs into ribs all day, I take it off and the ribs are pleased with the situation, but the now unsupported weight of the boobies is so painful... and now im getting stabbing pains in one of them. ughhh...
and I don't have salted wheat thins.
its that time again...
alright my little kidlets... you know what time it is...
that's right, its k roof overshare time! which also means if you haven't figured it out by now that kraby #3 is on his or her way. I know, crazy town... sometimes we still cant believe we've boarded this roller coaster for a third time!
ok, to catch some of you up, ive ignored this blog for awhile and created another to follow all of our ups and downs with finny issues, you can check that out at the happy happy baby. and if you happen to go back into the archives of this particular blog, you will find there are some odd names, I went through a phase where I felt the need to protect my childrens identities and changed names, clearly im over that and im far too lazy to go back and change everything... youll figure out whos who. im not a total jerk though, im over the identity thing because I fully intend to exploit the internet and my childrens cuteness to bring awareness to finnys disease, if everyone in the entire country knew my childrens names and what duchenne muscular dystrophy is all about, I would be a happy mom. awareness = research = a cure.
ok, back to new baby.
its Christmastime. my mother in law is in town. we normally have at least a few late evenings drinking a little too much wine, chatting, and catching up on all that we have missed... but this visit was different, I was far too tired to stay up much later than 8, but I brushed it off to having sick kids, craziness at work, stressing about Christmas... fast forward a bit, the day she leaves I hug her and apologize for my lameness the previous week, she then makes a comment about the possibility of me being pregnant. up to that point it had not even slightly crossed my mind that that could be what was going on... if you remember, both of my other children are products of fertility meds, and numerous blood tests that told me that I just DO NOT ovulate...
the eve of Christmas eve. the hubs and I run out to pick up a few last minute things for the boys stockings, so while were at target, I sneakily slip a pregnancy test into the cart. by the time we get home, its about 11 pm, and you know what they say, the first morning pee is where its at as far as pregnancy tests go and the detection of hormones... but we all know there is no way I could have a pee test in my hot little hands and not pee on it. so I peed on that stick while the rest of my house was asleep, and while I fully expected to see just a single sad lonely line, there was part of me that was a little excited at the thought that maybe I was. so I pee, and I try to find something to distract my mind so that those two whole minutes of waiting don't last 87 hours, but then, oh my gaga, immediately there are two lines! I almost didn't believe it, but I forced myself to save the second test for the morning... you know, just to make sure.
Christmas eve morning. absolutely two lines. now what do I tell the hubs? we hadn't even really decided whether or not we were gonna try again... so I tell my mom and she thinks its a great idea to wrap up the test and give it to wadae Christmas morning, and I figure its either gonna make it the best Christmas ever, or I will absolutely ruin his day. so I wrapped it up and gave it to him and everyone found out Christmas day, he was happy. :)
so I have a million embarrassing stories to write as well but I think this current entry is long enough with my yay I found out im pregnant story, so youll just have to wait to hear about all the unfortunate events that seem to happen to me when im harboring a human.
that's right, its k roof overshare time! which also means if you haven't figured it out by now that kraby #3 is on his or her way. I know, crazy town... sometimes we still cant believe we've boarded this roller coaster for a third time!
ok, to catch some of you up, ive ignored this blog for awhile and created another to follow all of our ups and downs with finny issues, you can check that out at the happy happy baby. and if you happen to go back into the archives of this particular blog, you will find there are some odd names, I went through a phase where I felt the need to protect my childrens identities and changed names, clearly im over that and im far too lazy to go back and change everything... youll figure out whos who. im not a total jerk though, im over the identity thing because I fully intend to exploit the internet and my childrens cuteness to bring awareness to finnys disease, if everyone in the entire country knew my childrens names and what duchenne muscular dystrophy is all about, I would be a happy mom. awareness = research = a cure.
ok, back to new baby.
its Christmastime. my mother in law is in town. we normally have at least a few late evenings drinking a little too much wine, chatting, and catching up on all that we have missed... but this visit was different, I was far too tired to stay up much later than 8, but I brushed it off to having sick kids, craziness at work, stressing about Christmas... fast forward a bit, the day she leaves I hug her and apologize for my lameness the previous week, she then makes a comment about the possibility of me being pregnant. up to that point it had not even slightly crossed my mind that that could be what was going on... if you remember, both of my other children are products of fertility meds, and numerous blood tests that told me that I just DO NOT ovulate...
the eve of Christmas eve. the hubs and I run out to pick up a few last minute things for the boys stockings, so while were at target, I sneakily slip a pregnancy test into the cart. by the time we get home, its about 11 pm, and you know what they say, the first morning pee is where its at as far as pregnancy tests go and the detection of hormones... but we all know there is no way I could have a pee test in my hot little hands and not pee on it. so I peed on that stick while the rest of my house was asleep, and while I fully expected to see just a single sad lonely line, there was part of me that was a little excited at the thought that maybe I was. so I pee, and I try to find something to distract my mind so that those two whole minutes of waiting don't last 87 hours, but then, oh my gaga, immediately there are two lines! I almost didn't believe it, but I forced myself to save the second test for the morning... you know, just to make sure.
Christmas eve morning. absolutely two lines. now what do I tell the hubs? we hadn't even really decided whether or not we were gonna try again... so I tell my mom and she thinks its a great idea to wrap up the test and give it to wadae Christmas morning, and I figure its either gonna make it the best Christmas ever, or I will absolutely ruin his day. so I wrapped it up and gave it to him and everyone found out Christmas day, he was happy. :)
so I have a million embarrassing stories to write as well but I think this current entry is long enough with my yay I found out im pregnant story, so youll just have to wait to hear about all the unfortunate events that seem to happen to me when im harboring a human.
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