I feel awful.
this post is going to be very complainy...
I truly feel awful, and ive felt this way for at least the past month. I am really tired of it. what started as a regular old sinus infection, kinda got better with some antibiotics, then came back with some allergy fun has turned into the longest worst sinus infection of life.
I actually had an almost two week long vacay from vomit town... then the sinuses had to get all fired up and im back in my old throw up everyday routine. and I hate it.
im so tired from trying to sleep only to lay awake with coughing fits every ten minutes which lead to gross mucus, which in turn leads to vomit. I don't think I slept more than three hours last night, I spent the majority of the night in the bathroom, either throwing up, or showering because all of my violent voms led me to pee all over myself. I also may have actually pulled a muscle from coughing so hard. who does that?!
and then theres all the pregnancy stuff that of course is still going on... I had some crazy hip pain for awhile that was making it super hard to walk. luckily after starting some yoga stretching and being a bit more vigilant in the positions that im sitting and sleeping, the hip pain has mostly gone away. but I am still really crampy... although yesterdays diagnosis of placenta previa kinda explains that one...
I just wish I was like 36 weeks instead of 19 weeks and 6 days. and that my body would act right. yeah, im talking to you reproductive system...