i pooped!
ive decided to re-vamp my site just a bit, changed the colors to be a little more appropriate for the arrival of our fall baby. and i think im gonna start allowing google to post ads on my site so i can make some moolah while i spill my guts about all the personal and weird stuff im going through. so if everyone would just log on about one hundred times a day, it would be greatly appreciated. :) kidding.
and i think since im bored im going to take the baby names we still really like and add some new ones in there for a new baby name poll. and of course im putting up names i like, poor wade doesnt have too much say in what i throw up there! but he agrees with everything i like anyway, so i dont think its a huge deal...
business time.
so w'ere moving in with my rents tomorrow! we're trying to be responsible adults and save some money up before baby comes. i will be doing almost nothing to help because i think if i did, both my mom and wade would freak out, so luckily we have a bunch of friends coming over to help us out.
oh there has been absolutely no business time since we found out we're pregnant. its funny, before this i always thought women were so crazy to worry about sex during pregnancy since all doctors seem to seem to think its fine... we are so freaked out about it! i feel bad for wade, im sure this is not what he had in mind when he pictured us as newlyweds... complete abstinence. ha ha. maybe when we're finally outta the danger zone we'll chill out a bit... poor guy.
i think ive figured out that if i dont eat often enough i start to feel nauseous, but by that point its already too late because who wants to eat when you feel like throwing up? its a vicious cycle...
and my lower back is absolutely killing me! i feel like ive done some sort of exercise that would do something to my back and i am now paying for it. not the case. all i did this weekend was nap! and you cant use a heating pad, and im scared to take tylenol because i want to vomit now with no pain killers in my system...
its a really good thing im halfway through my first trimester...
tests, tests, & more tests!
so i had absolutely no idea what to expect at this appt so i didnt ask wade to come because i thought they were just taking more blood... i was wrong. the dr went over all of the tests they were going to run on my blood including the various optional tests that could be done to find out if our baby is susceptible to cystic fibrosis, down syndrome, ect. it was not the greatest thing to hear on your first 'big visit.' oh well, i guess they gotta tell you about all that stuff sooner or later... the only positive from the appt was getting prescription prenatals with a stool softener, ha ha!
the morning sickness has definitely come in and my lower back is killing me! so im not as lucky as i thought i was gonna be and completely skip out on any bad symptoms of pregnancy... ha ha, so much for wishful thinking!
a bag of rice

i know a lot of people were curious as to whether or not there would be more than one because of the fertility meds, but the tech said she only saw the one, it could change later on since we are still so early, but we're thinkin its just our one little sweet pea, and i am totally happy with that! we also got to see the heartbeat which was totally awesome!!! it just looked like a little flicker, but to know that that little flicker was out baby's heartbeat was absolutely crazy! i definitely teared up a bit... i know, im so emo lately. the rate of the heartbeat was 124 bpm, and the tech said that was really good, but i have no idea, i'm sure she tells every mom everything is 'really good' to not freak us crazies out!
i go back to the dr next week to have more blood work done, actually my appointment is scheduled for friday the 13th and i do not like that at all... so i might change it. i don't need anything working against us right now, and the only dr in that day is one i'm not too fond of, so even more reasons to switch. we'll keep you informed if anything funny or weird happens this week! so check back later...
gummy bear
we will hopefully get to see our baby for the first time ever!... even if it does look like a gummy bear with a heartbeat. and i will probably be one of those moms that posts the picture and sends it to everyone even though no one will even know what theyre looking at... and you will all love it! cause you know its gonna be on this most fantastical of all blogs by tomorrow evening!
nothing too great happened today... i think i might be experiencing slight morning sickness every once in awhile, ugh, i hope not.
oh, wait! heres something... so we ordered subs for lunch at work today and i specifically asked for mine to be hot since there is some weirdness about preggos eating deli meat. so we wait over an hour for the two subs to be delivered from no more than a mile and a half away and my sub was definitely not heated. stupid jerks. i waited for what seemed like an eternity for a sub that i couldnt even eat once acquired. theyre lucky i didnt call and yell real hard about them teasing me with the promise of food that i could eat... i am hormonal you know. they wouldve deserved it.
me vs. my boobs
for those of you that know me, i am very blessed in the breasticle region. everyone always thinks that its so great to have big boobs. let me tell you, it is not. nothing ever fits right, you can't wear the same cute outfits that your friends can, and they are heavy as hell. its really like you're lugging around two ten pound rocks all day... i have no idea how much they actually weigh, but i feel like in a fight between one of my boobs and a 5 lb. bag of sugar, my boob would win.
in the fight between myself and my ever growing breasts, im not sure who the winner will be, but if i were a betting woman, i would put my money down on them. the smaller one is already as big as the bigger one used to be! 6 weeks and they're already swollen and hurting and fighting my support system. how can i win?
popcorn, pickles, & rootbeer
in other news: i ate fiber one cereal for breakfast because no one tells you that when you get all preggo, you cant poop. you get gassy, bloaty, and no poop. i understand why no one tells this glorious secret of pregnancy, but come on! so i've been eating fiber one and disgusting ugly prunes. prunes look like poop.
for lunch i had a pickle, popcorn, and a rootbeer. it was pretty good, mom laughed when i told her, apparently this lunch doesn't sound so appetizing to everyone? well it definitely did the trick for this girl.
i peed on a stick!
they say as soon as you stop trying...
i was more than four days late before i took even one test this time! that is amazing, you have no idea what its like for a woman trying to conceive... every month spending no less than $20 on pregnancy tests, taking and charting your temperature every single day, taking crazy fertility meds, and thinking every single symptom of regular old pms is a sign of pregnancy... it literally turns you into a crazy hormonal mess.
SO.... after deciding to put everything on hold for awhile, we finally got a positive! i really didnt even believe it at first, i was on the phone with my mom when i read the results and could barely even tell her what it said. and since then my only thoughts on the subject have been 'that its so crazy.'