after spending the day crying to my mom after my second blood test yesterday, today is fabulous! i spoke with the doc earlier and my numbers were great! everything is right on track and we go in for our first ultrasound on friday. we should even get to see the little sweet pea's heartbeat... we can't wait!
in other news: i ate fiber one cereal for breakfast because no one tells you that when you get all preggo, you cant poop. you get gassy, bloaty, and no poop. i understand why no one tells this glorious secret of pregnancy, but come on! so i've been eating fiber one and disgusting ugly prunes. prunes look like poop.
for lunch i had a pickle, popcorn, and a rootbeer. it was pretty good, mom laughed when i told her, apparently this lunch doesn't sound so appetizing to everyone? well it definitely did the trick for this girl.
Umm...I'm not pregnant...but that lunch sounds fantastic to me. Is that weird? Or is it because we're gfs?
Ok so the numbers are normal now, because mom scared me saying something about high in more than one in there...I was thinking.. Oh my gosh! That's exactly what I was freaked out about. lol.. Congrats little cousin! I'm so excited for you!!!
I was at Marshall's yesterday and the cute baby stuff already caught my eye. Liam was picking out baby shoes and I told him we would be able to buy some baby things real soon for the wee little crade.
krade that is...
wait, that's not a normal lunch?
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