
ugly babies.

14 weeks! we are officially into the second trimester, how awesome is that?! the odds of miscarrying have dropped way down, the morning sickness should be almost completely gone by now, and i should be getting back some of my energy that seems to have disappeared within these past three months. yay!!! i even let myself have a glass of wine at a friends birthday over the weekend, and honestly it tasted more weird than anything... very anticlimatic.

and let me also report that the kegels have been working out perfectly, i have been sneezing like crazy lately with this weather change and i have not been peeing, not even a little bit with my one million sneezes. yessss!!! although i have been peeing no less than 20 times a day. i think i woke up 5 times the other night to pee, and its not like i was drinking gallons of fluids throughout the day... you think you pee a lot in the first trimester? ha! just wait...

so my new worry is that i will have an ugly baby. i kinda feel like (hope) all other moms think about this at least a little bit during their pregnancy, and im not this crazy superficial sounding girl... but i really do worry about this because lets face it, when people say all babies are cute, it is so not true. i have seen plenty of babies that i did not have the instant urge to oooh and aaah over. of course i would never tell the mother this, and i think that that is my fear more than anything; my friends and family feeling that they need to tell me that my non cute child is cute. but i think as long as our baby looks more like my husband then well be fine. i was an odd looking baby (of course my mother would disagree). love ya ma!

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