How far along? 16 weeks
Total weight gain/loss: in total ive lost about 15 lbs
Maternity clothes? sometimes when im feeling a little blegh...
Stretch marks? ugh! 2!
Sleep: no more sleeping on the back = no fun for kristin
Best moment this week: being called a 'cute pregnant lady'
Movement: only the one time last week
Food cravings: i LOVE watermelon & some other fruits
Gender: im thinking girl, but of course we have no idea right now...
Labor Signs: natta
Belly Button in or out? innie thank god! just got the new preggo rings
What I miss: an ice cold beer on nice days like today
What I am looking forward to: next wed, for the next appt.
Weekly Wisdom: i must keep in mind that i am hormonal and not always completely rational...
Milestones: eh, nothing really major happened this week...
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1 comment:
I wanna play! :)
How far along? 35 weeks 5 days
Total weight gain/loss: @ 20lbs
Maternity clothes? since day them!
Stretch marks? ha! had them before so now i just have an overload
Sleep: what's that? haha, i haven't slept since about week 10
Best moment this week: new pants! i know, sad
Movement: he's constantly playing soccer on my bladder...especially when i'm driving and can't get to a bathroom! grrr
Food cravings: fruit for sure, and popsicles
Gender: boy
Labor Signs: none yet
Belly Button in or out? a bit out now
What I miss: martinis and wine! and sleep!!! haha
What I am looking forward to: appt tomorrow - hopefully i will find out if i'm dilated at all!
Weekly Wisdom: i have no brain whatsoever anymore. no memory, and no knowledge. how do women raise children with no brain like this??
Milestones: hopefully will have one tomorrow, but so far got all the baby clothes washed and put away
Thanks Kristin! That was fun ;)
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