Total weight gain/loss: 5 lbs... my weight goes up and down like a roller coaster...
Maternity clothes: you know it!
Stretch marks: wow, yes! i went from 2 to like 10 in a day!
Sleep: not too much...
Best moment this week: i finally picked out my weekender bag to pack for the hospital!!! wooo!!!
Movement: constant. this little man is like a tiny circus performer, i feel like my belly has its own dance these days
Food cravings: snickers bar ice creams & better than sex cake...
Gender: little man.
Labor signs: little bit of braxton hicks contractions just about every night
Belly button: in or out? its kinda surfaced, but its level with the rest of my huge belly... wont be surprised if i have an outtie by the end!
What I miss: a good nights sleep.
What Im looking forward to: this little man finally making his appearance, it feels like we're so close now!
Weekly wisdom: stay hydrated! you can get dehydrated so quickly during pregnancy, especially in this hot hot summer... ugh!
Milestones: started my every other week appointments... this baby will be here before we know it. :)
i dont know if you guys are ready for this... but heres a pretty sweet belly shot.