i really have nothing of importance to say today but i havent updated in awhile so here i am, rocking you like a hurricane.
went to the doc today because i was kinda crampy and didnt feel right so i went in to get my blood pressure checked and they went ahead and checked my pee while i was there and the nurse said that she had never seen a more perfect urine strip. how awesome is that? i have fabulous pee. you will find it on ebay shortly. everything is fine, they just want me to rest and ill get checked out more thoroughly next week with my regular appt.
i took the moms by target yesterday to check out the play pen (i know, people dont like to call them that anymore, but thats what they are) and stroller we finally deciced on... so glad i did because we realized that they were both clearanced and target wouldnt be carrying them anymore! ugh! but g'ma saved the day and purchased both so we would definitely have them, and on sale! even more awesome! so i am pretty confident that if baby ashe came tomorrow we would be pretty set...
oh... i attempted to shave my bikini area last weekend and i ended up mangling my downtown. you have no idea how hard it is to shave an area that you can barely see because everytime you bend over there is a huge belly blocking the view until you are pregnant... im thinking now is the time where i just have to suck it up and wax that thing!
LOL, you are so funny on your blogs :) I've never been waxed. Too scared. I got a mirror to put on the shower wall ;) hehe
ha ha ha!!! i got waxed last summer before my wedding so i wouldnt have to worry about razor burn for the two weeks i was there... and dont let people fool you, it hurts like hell!!! ha ha!
haha.. I can honestly say I never had my downtown waxed while I was in school... although, I did watch someone else feel the pain. It only hurts the first few times you do it, just don't wait too long in between.. lol.. yowza!
p.s. I'm totally licensed to do that now, you know you want to be my first victim Kirkle...
you crazy girl!!! are you sure you want to be the one to clean up my mangled mess?! ha ha!!!
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