because my blog seems to be getting more attention now, and from quite a few people i dont really know (btw, i LOVE that!) i have decided to change my blog address and all personal names... so i will be using pseudonyms for everyone in my family. i just dont want to cause any embarrassment in the future to my son or my husband since i write so... candidly. also, in this time where identity theft is all around us, i feel that having so much personal info out there probably isnt the greatest idea...
so here we go:
my husband: Wil
my son: Avery
me: K
hope theres no confusion for anyone!
the poo poos & the pee pees.
so this particular entry is really more geared to the other moms out there. sorry to all of you other readers that do not have children but instead like to read my blog for purposes that can only be described as morbid curiousity perhaps? thats cool too. but i need to take a minute to talk about the pee pees and the poo poos.
as many of you know, we have had to deal with quite a few allergy issues with the baby dino. although i am happy to announce that im fairly certain that he has gotten over his dairy allergy! woohoo! we still have some other things to figure out...
his face has not broken out in quite some time and were thinking that it may be due to a switch in our diaper brands. weird, i know. but apparently pampers brand changed up their 'formula' and the new diapers were not being as widely accepted as they wouldve liked. we read that they were causing 'chemical like burns' on some babies; i know, terrible, right? then i saw the pictures and realized that avery had those same things... initially i just thought i was a terrible mom and either not changing his diaper often enough or his little heiny cakes did not like any of the diaper creams we were using. (i eventually had to get prescription stuff from the dr) anyway, wil started thinking that maybe the diapers were also causing the face rash which totally made no sense to me... until wade pointed out that while i change ashelys diaper i always hand him the diaper to 'hold' (it keeps him still). so of course while hes holding it and looking at it its all up in his face. so i figured what the heck, lets switch em up! btw... i think i was buying the most expensive pampers sensitive because of my allergy baby.
more info on pampers rash
so we switched it up and aside from a few days of red eyes, ave has been rash free... so we switched and weve been trying different brands but im not sure which ones i like the best. huggies do have the super cute new 'jean' diapers that are hilarious.

but ive also tried luvs which are super soft but dont have the same absorbancy level... those are the only brands ive tried, just because its expensive to try things out and have his cakes hate them.
so im posting a little poll on the left hand side of the page so give me your votes. which dipes do you use on your sweet little heiny cakes?
as many of you know, we have had to deal with quite a few allergy issues with the baby dino. although i am happy to announce that im fairly certain that he has gotten over his dairy allergy! woohoo! we still have some other things to figure out...
his face has not broken out in quite some time and were thinking that it may be due to a switch in our diaper brands. weird, i know. but apparently pampers brand changed up their 'formula' and the new diapers were not being as widely accepted as they wouldve liked. we read that they were causing 'chemical like burns' on some babies; i know, terrible, right? then i saw the pictures and realized that avery had those same things... initially i just thought i was a terrible mom and either not changing his diaper often enough or his little heiny cakes did not like any of the diaper creams we were using. (i eventually had to get prescription stuff from the dr) anyway, wil started thinking that maybe the diapers were also causing the face rash which totally made no sense to me... until wade pointed out that while i change ashelys diaper i always hand him the diaper to 'hold' (it keeps him still). so of course while hes holding it and looking at it its all up in his face. so i figured what the heck, lets switch em up! btw... i think i was buying the most expensive pampers sensitive because of my allergy baby.
more info on pampers rash
so we switched it up and aside from a few days of red eyes, ave has been rash free... so we switched and weve been trying different brands but im not sure which ones i like the best. huggies do have the super cute new 'jean' diapers that are hilarious.

but ive also tried luvs which are super soft but dont have the same absorbancy level... those are the only brands ive tried, just because its expensive to try things out and have his cakes hate them.
so im posting a little poll on the left hand side of the page so give me your votes. which dipes do you use on your sweet little heiny cakes?
a war of the wills...
as we are going through all the motions and mentally preparing ourselves for the possibilty of having another wee one running around, it seems as though the little dino may have his own ideas...
he went in for his 9 month check up on monday and his pediatrician had some ideas and suggestions about the way we are handling some situations. first, and i know its terrible, but the baby is not only in our room, but currently in our bed. we know he should be in his own room, and i honestly have tried, but with him not feeling well and taking medications, i just felt like he should be closer to us... thats all over and now its just hard because the hubs works the crazy hours and it would be difficult on the two of them to never see each other. anyway, its a work in progress. :) she (pediatrician) also thinks that he should be sleeping through the night without any wake ups for a bottle. he currently wakes up between 5 and 6 am to have a bottle.
last night i decided to tackle at least one of these issues. last night i also i came to the realization that this is much easier said than done.
so avery wakes up around 4:45, a little earlier than normal but thats ok because i am ready. he starts to wiggle around some and cry a bit, but i quickly give him the binky back and talk him back to sleep. at this point i actually think what im doing is going to work. silly me. not 10 minutes later he wakes back up, this time with a vengence... he then proceeds to scream like someone has physically hurt him. im starting to feel bad for him and thinking about giving him the bottle when all of a sudden he completely stops crying and looks over to me to see what im gonna do... it is then that i realize that he is faking it, so i make the decision that i am totally not going to give in. after about 10 seconds he begins to cry and scream again for another 10 minutes when he stops and 'checks' on me. this goes on for what seems like an eternity but in actuality is only an hour, i have a terrible headache, im worried about him waking the neighbors, and im worried about his throat due to the incessant screaming. im starting to wonder if we are going to be able to handle another baby right now...
i give him the bottle.
ave: 1
mom: 0
he went in for his 9 month check up on monday and his pediatrician had some ideas and suggestions about the way we are handling some situations. first, and i know its terrible, but the baby is not only in our room, but currently in our bed. we know he should be in his own room, and i honestly have tried, but with him not feeling well and taking medications, i just felt like he should be closer to us... thats all over and now its just hard because the hubs works the crazy hours and it would be difficult on the two of them to never see each other. anyway, its a work in progress. :) she (pediatrician) also thinks that he should be sleeping through the night without any wake ups for a bottle. he currently wakes up between 5 and 6 am to have a bottle.
last night i decided to tackle at least one of these issues. last night i also i came to the realization that this is much easier said than done.
so avery wakes up around 4:45, a little earlier than normal but thats ok because i am ready. he starts to wiggle around some and cry a bit, but i quickly give him the binky back and talk him back to sleep. at this point i actually think what im doing is going to work. silly me. not 10 minutes later he wakes back up, this time with a vengence... he then proceeds to scream like someone has physically hurt him. im starting to feel bad for him and thinking about giving him the bottle when all of a sudden he completely stops crying and looks over to me to see what im gonna do... it is then that i realize that he is faking it, so i make the decision that i am totally not going to give in. after about 10 seconds he begins to cry and scream again for another 10 minutes when he stops and 'checks' on me. this goes on for what seems like an eternity but in actuality is only an hour, i have a terrible headache, im worried about him waking the neighbors, and im worried about his throat due to the incessant screaming. im starting to wonder if we are going to be able to handle another baby right now...
i give him the bottle.
ave: 1
mom: 0
yay! i finally started yesterday! not that i really like hanging out with the aunt, but at least we can start trying to figure out whats wrong and getting back on the fertility meds! i will be a crazy person again! ha ha!
so tomorrow i go and have some blood drawn and then again on day 21, im not exactly sure in medical terms what they will be looking for, but i know its something that will prove whether or not i actually ovulated... my last ob assumed that was my prob and just gave me the meds, but my current ob is a little more interested in the why. so thats cool i guess. she mentioned the possibility of doing some crazy pants dye test where they would insert dye and then check out to make sure my tubes and everything are working properly. but since i have achieved one pregnancy she doesnt think they will have to go there.
i know it seems kinda soon for us to be trying again already, but we're not getting any younger and i feel like if we wait the normal 'accepted' amount of time, it could still take us a couple years after that because of my poo poo downtown not working right. so we have just decided that were ready now. so maybe in the next six months we will be getting ready for baby #2! hopefully... my ob also said that if we dont get pregnant after six rounds of clomid (same fertility med i was on before) that we will have to go to a fertility specialist which i am fairly certain we cannot afford so i really hope we dont have to go that far.
yay! baby fun times... ha ha!
so tomorrow i go and have some blood drawn and then again on day 21, im not exactly sure in medical terms what they will be looking for, but i know its something that will prove whether or not i actually ovulated... my last ob assumed that was my prob and just gave me the meds, but my current ob is a little more interested in the why. so thats cool i guess. she mentioned the possibility of doing some crazy pants dye test where they would insert dye and then check out to make sure my tubes and everything are working properly. but since i have achieved one pregnancy she doesnt think they will have to go there.
i know it seems kinda soon for us to be trying again already, but we're not getting any younger and i feel like if we wait the normal 'accepted' amount of time, it could still take us a couple years after that because of my poo poo downtown not working right. so we have just decided that were ready now. so maybe in the next six months we will be getting ready for baby #2! hopefully... my ob also said that if we dont get pregnant after six rounds of clomid (same fertility med i was on before) that we will have to go to a fertility specialist which i am fairly certain we cannot afford so i really hope we dont have to go that far.
yay! baby fun times... ha ha!
so i am really going to make a conscious effort to start blogging on a regular basis again. i think some people are still at least kinda interested, and i think writing makes me feel better about things sometimes.
ave just turned 9 months! yay! he goes to the dr on monday so ill have exact measurements, but at his last visit he was a little under 20 pounds and was 30 inches long. apparently my long, skinny baby is just getting longer and skinnier. the rash still comes and goes but it hasnt gotten nearly as bad as the first break out. no one has any idea of what is causing it, but im thinking about taking him to an allergist to see if we can figure it out. hes doing all sorts of things these days, sitting up, crawling around, clapping, waving... its super fun. he also says mama, dada, and baba. but lately mama sometimes comes out as mommy and dada comes as like 'dat.' real cute.

in other news... we are trying to start the whole baby process over again, fun! ha ha! i went to my ob the other day to talk about getting back onto fertility meds. but they want me to do some scheduled bloodwork before we jump right in, so now im waiting for my super fun time of grossness to start so i can do the bloodwork, and then we can figure out what course of action we want to take. i think my drs are more concerned about the cause of infertilty rather than just treating it, which is ok i guess since the rest of my family seems to be fertile myrtles. we will see what happens...
ave just turned 9 months! yay! he goes to the dr on monday so ill have exact measurements, but at his last visit he was a little under 20 pounds and was 30 inches long. apparently my long, skinny baby is just getting longer and skinnier. the rash still comes and goes but it hasnt gotten nearly as bad as the first break out. no one has any idea of what is causing it, but im thinking about taking him to an allergist to see if we can figure it out. hes doing all sorts of things these days, sitting up, crawling around, clapping, waving... its super fun. he also says mama, dada, and baba. but lately mama sometimes comes out as mommy and dada comes as like 'dat.' real cute.

in other news... we are trying to start the whole baby process over again, fun! ha ha! i went to my ob the other day to talk about getting back onto fertility meds. but they want me to do some scheduled bloodwork before we jump right in, so now im waiting for my super fun time of grossness to start so i can do the bloodwork, and then we can figure out what course of action we want to take. i think my drs are more concerned about the cause of infertilty rather than just treating it, which is ok i guess since the rest of my family seems to be fertile myrtles. we will see what happens...
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