ave just turned 9 months! yay! he goes to the dr on monday so ill have exact measurements, but at his last visit he was a little under 20 pounds and was 30 inches long. apparently my long, skinny baby is just getting longer and skinnier. the rash still comes and goes but it hasnt gotten nearly as bad as the first break out. no one has any idea of what is causing it, but im thinking about taking him to an allergist to see if we can figure it out. hes doing all sorts of things these days, sitting up, crawling around, clapping, waving... its super fun. he also says mama, dada, and baba. but lately mama sometimes comes out as mommy and dada comes as like 'dat.' real cute.

in other news... we are trying to start the whole baby process over again, fun! ha ha! i went to my ob the other day to talk about getting back onto fertility meds. but they want me to do some scheduled bloodwork before we jump right in, so now im waiting for my super fun time of grossness to start so i can do the bloodwork, and then we can figure out what course of action we want to take. i think my drs are more concerned about the cause of infertilty rather than just treating it, which is ok i guess since the rest of my family seems to be fertile myrtles. we will see what happens...
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So glad you are back!!
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