so i dont really have anything significant to write about today, but i feel that since there are only two days of sanity left in my life for awhile maybe i should write just one more entry. on friday the crazy pills get started and i will be on them until we hopefully achieve another pregnancy which doesnt really lend any hands to bringing sanity back.
but there have been a few things ive been thinking about since we will be actively trying next week. ahhhh!!!!
at averys last appt the dr talked to us about a few goals we should be keeping in mind as we near his first birthday:
1) he should be sleeping in his own bed, in his own room
2) he should be drinking from a sippy cup pretty exclusively
3) he should be on an almost complete regular food diet
we are doing terribly on all three fronts.
1) i know he should be in his own room, and i honestly have tried, theres just so many little factors that make it so difficult. the first being the hubs' odd work sched. if ave went to bed at 7 every night, they might go a week without ever seeing each other. not cool. and not only that... about a week ago i decided i was gonna make ave try it. ugh. so from the get go hes screaming, i try to calm him down and leave the room. and with the 'cry it out' method, you let them cry obviously, but you go in at different intervals to try to calm the baby... this did not work. after no less then 10 minutes of straight screaming and three visits into his room, i can see in the dark that his face his really really red. i pick him up and bring him into the hallway and my child was so upset that his entire face was red, he gave himself hives, and the eye that always swelled up was of course, swelled up. we havent tried again since.
2) i am fairly certain that we have about 15 different sippy cups currently in our house. my son hates almost all of them. there are a few that he will try to use sometimes, but hes no sippy cup pro. and he does try but i cant figure if he just doesnt get that he needs to tilt his head back some, or if he just doesnt feel like tilting his head back...
3) we currently have two faces of disgust that we get from the little man when making him try something new. there is the 'tart face,' which looks like hes just tasted a lemon, and the 'im gonna barf' face, which i think is self explanitory. and let me be clear, this child has had nothing that could be considered too tart or acidic in any way, hes just silly. the barf face is also a fake. he will try something and the moment it hits his lips, that little face is contorted into the most terrible gag you have ever seen... i only wish we had a picture of the awful face of disgust he gave when he tried my mashed potatoes.
in conclusion, im not sure how great im gonna be at child number 2, and i am dreading with everything in me the big '1 year' appt. they are going to look at me like i am the worst mom ever if we dont tackle these above mentioned items within the next two months. so if any of you moms out there have any suggestions or tips, they would be greatly appreciated. thanks.
she came!
i finally started my period today, woohoo! i know, who gets excited about that? about a week late, but better late than never! and there isnt even one good thing i think of when it comes to periods, especially mine since i have them for no reason, stupid non-ovulating ovaries.
anyway, now that ive started, we can offically start the process of makin a baby! yeah, baby time! ill start taking clomid on friday which will be terribly unpleasant. the last time i was on clomid was october through december, so the hot flashes werent that too much of a big deal. other than our thanksgiving in florida, sitting at the table and my sister in law says 'you ok? youre not looking so hot.' its pretty bad when people can literally see that youre having a hot flash. but starting clomid in july during record breaking temperatures is going to be less than pleasant. the mood swings alone arent fun, and add in that im gonna be hot all the time. el terible.
so if im grumpy, rude, snotty, weepy, angry, or any other non positive adjective to any of you kids out there within the next three months, please allow me to apologize in advance.
anyway, now that ive started, we can offically start the process of makin a baby! yeah, baby time! ill start taking clomid on friday which will be terribly unpleasant. the last time i was on clomid was october through december, so the hot flashes werent that too much of a big deal. other than our thanksgiving in florida, sitting at the table and my sister in law says 'you ok? youre not looking so hot.' its pretty bad when people can literally see that youre having a hot flash. but starting clomid in july during record breaking temperatures is going to be less than pleasant. the mood swings alone arent fun, and add in that im gonna be hot all the time. el terible.
so if im grumpy, rude, snotty, weepy, angry, or any other non positive adjective to any of you kids out there within the next three months, please allow me to apologize in advance.
ima boy.

finally got a call back from dr today and after she looked over the results from my last round of blood work, she believes that i do have PCOS. poop. i guess PCOS sometimes really affects insulin levels, and according to the doc, my levels are fine right now, BUT i have elevated levels of testosterone. gross!!! im a boy! ha ha! and she told me again that i ABSOLUTELY do not ovualte. awesome. did she really need to say it again?...
so... she called in a prescription for me to start the super fun clomid on my next cycle, yay! poor wil. i am an absolute crazy person on that crap, but since the theory of 'maybe youll start ovulating on your own after a successful pregnancy' didnt happen then i guess this is what we have to do. and i now have a list of a million different days within my cycle that i have to go back in for more labs to see how my levels are and if the clomid is actually working.
i know i went through a ton of craziness trying to have avery, but i just kinda hoped that the second time around might be a little easier. it just feels weird to schedule the baby making time. we are so not one of those couples that has this sweet story of how our little one came to be. 'well son, one day your mom was screaming at me after taking her crazy pills the week before...' ha ha! awesome.
so yesterday i had started writing a funny blog about the goofy way my child eats and i was waiting to post it until i got a great video of him, but i got a call this morning...
i went back into my ob yesterday to have my second round of labs done. my dr is awesome and was right on top of it, she called me this morning at 8 to tell me what the results were... she said that i am definitely NOT ovulating, which i kinda knew because thats what they had determined the first time. but then she told me that some things in my original labs are leading her to believe that i have polycystic ovarian syndrome. not cool. basically, it causes little cysts on the ovaries which not only make conception more difficult, but also raises the chance of miscarriage up to 45% or higher... awesome.
so im going back in this morning after i feed my baby dino to have some more labs done to see if that is indeed the case.
PCOS info
i guess ill find out tomorrow what the dr thinks...
i went back into my ob yesterday to have my second round of labs done. my dr is awesome and was right on top of it, she called me this morning at 8 to tell me what the results were... she said that i am definitely NOT ovulating, which i kinda knew because thats what they had determined the first time. but then she told me that some things in my original labs are leading her to believe that i have polycystic ovarian syndrome. not cool. basically, it causes little cysts on the ovaries which not only make conception more difficult, but also raises the chance of miscarriage up to 45% or higher... awesome.
so im going back in this morning after i feed my baby dino to have some more labs done to see if that is indeed the case.
PCOS info
i guess ill find out tomorrow what the dr thinks...
::: UPDATE ::: [poo poos]
after my post yesterday about successfully getting my sons poop probs back on track he decided to show me that i clearly do not understand the intricacies to the baby poos poos...
so we're sitting at my parents house playing dominoes with the fam, avery is sitting next to me at the table in one of those sweet baby chairs that hook to the table. at one point he makes the 'poop face' (see previous post) but i didnt think anything actually happened, i mean my childs poo poos are one of the most foul smelling smells that has ever entered my nasal cavity, and i didnt smell a thing.
my cousin is sitting on the other side of baby stinkypants and points to the floor and says that one of the dogs peed... it looks more like they peed elsewhere and let their downtowns drip dry underneath the table. i check aves diaper to make sure hes all good, he is, we clean up the mess and continue on with our game.
about five minutes passes when my mom walks by and starts to yell that a dog peed again... until further inspection revealed that it was not a dog at all. while i was checking the very dry front of averys diaper, the back of it was leaking liquid poo that had soaked through the chair and was currently dripping onto the floor. DIS.GUS.TING.
i quickly unstrapped my little poop machine, and holding him with outstretched arms whisked him upstairs and threw that stinker into the tub.
long story short, dont assume you have the low downs on the pees and browns.
so we're sitting at my parents house playing dominoes with the fam, avery is sitting next to me at the table in one of those sweet baby chairs that hook to the table. at one point he makes the 'poop face' (see previous post) but i didnt think anything actually happened, i mean my childs poo poos are one of the most foul smelling smells that has ever entered my nasal cavity, and i didnt smell a thing.
my cousin is sitting on the other side of baby stinkypants and points to the floor and says that one of the dogs peed... it looks more like they peed elsewhere and let their downtowns drip dry underneath the table. i check aves diaper to make sure hes all good, he is, we clean up the mess and continue on with our game.
about five minutes passes when my mom walks by and starts to yell that a dog peed again... until further inspection revealed that it was not a dog at all. while i was checking the very dry front of averys diaper, the back of it was leaking liquid poo that had soaked through the chair and was currently dripping onto the floor. DIS.GUS.TING.
i quickly unstrapped my little poop machine, and holding him with outstretched arms whisked him upstairs and threw that stinker into the tub.
long story short, dont assume you have the low downs on the pees and browns.
poop sched.
i dont know if anyone knows this, but the poo sched of a baby is very delicate business. it can set them up to be an excellent pooper in the future, or give them a complex that will cause them to be in pain and fear the poo poos. they get constipated so it hurts to poop which makes them hold in the poo which makes them constipated all over again... vicious cycle.
some poop & constipation infos
i have recently messed with my childs poo poos.
my little man eats prunes for breakfast everyday... i know, it sounds gross and boring to be eating the same thing everyday but it keeps him regular. just one day without prunes messes up the poop sched. so we went outta town to go visit my sis and have a super fun pool day. one of the mornings while we were outta town i gave ave some pears and blueberries instead of the prunes. terrible idea. that poor kid did not have a normal poop for at least four days. and the worst part is seeing him try to poo and crying because it hurts.
so he just had his prunes for breakfast and i will no doubt have a gross poo poo diaper to change in about an hour, but at least there will be no pain for his poor little heiny cakes.

this is what happens when you mess with the poo poos. i was taking a picture of a smiling baby and in less than a second the smile turned into the poo poo face. sad.
some poop & constipation infos
i have recently messed with my childs poo poos.
my little man eats prunes for breakfast everyday... i know, it sounds gross and boring to be eating the same thing everyday but it keeps him regular. just one day without prunes messes up the poop sched. so we went outta town to go visit my sis and have a super fun pool day. one of the mornings while we were outta town i gave ave some pears and blueberries instead of the prunes. terrible idea. that poor kid did not have a normal poop for at least four days. and the worst part is seeing him try to poo and crying because it hurts.
so he just had his prunes for breakfast and i will no doubt have a gross poo poo diaper to change in about an hour, but at least there will be no pain for his poor little heiny cakes.

this is what happens when you mess with the poo poos. i was taking a picture of a smiling baby and in less than a second the smile turned into the poo poo face. sad.
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