luckily for me this pregnancy is starting off much like my first, with the gagging and vomitting almost a constant, only this time around i am changing disgusting stinky poo poo diapers five times a day. even writing that last sentence made me a gag a little. ugh.
ok, so since my child is now pretty much completely on a regular food diet with meats and such, the poo poos smell absolutely terrible. i mean they smelled bad before i knew i was pregnant again... but now i cant even change one diaper without fear of vomitting on my own child. ive tried holding my breath, breathing through my mouth, and tying something around my face to block the smelly smells... nothing works.
last night while changing an especially stinky stink stink i started a gagging fit that i knew could only end in disaster. my child is lying half naked on the changing table when i realize that i am absolutely going to throw up, i cant walk away from him because he could fall, i cant just pick him up because hes naked and will most likely pee or poo on me as soon as cool air touches his little nakey self. so i do the only thing i can think to do... i vomitted into my own hand. GROSS.
this is my life now, vomitting into my hands. awesome.
a haiku
A Haiku
panera lady;
sorry you heard me throw up.
Pregnancy puking.
sorry ive been super lame by not updating anyone on anything in the fascinating life of me...
we've just been pretty busy with quite a few things going on. we went to the beach for a week, the littles turned the big O.N.E., went to the dr to see and hear the new bebeh, and in between all of that there has been a lot of gagging, dry heaving, and throwing up in public places like the panera bread.
first, beach. was a great time, but when a baby plays hard, they will also cry hard and be a grumples mcgee when they do not nap on time. and it was super easy to get him to take a nap when all he wanted to do was swim in the pool or play on the beach... ugh. but at least he liked it, that kid wouldve crawled the entire beach if we had let him. red, swollen knees from crawling in the sand all day- thats nothin for a little man on a mission! ha ha!

so after our week of fun came the week of craziness... trying to unpack, clean the house, and get everything ready for the big birthday. before now, i had absolutely no idea how much work goes into even the simplest of birthday parties. yikes. you invite all these people, have no idea who will show up, decorate, make all sorts of food, get all sorts of desserts, and then throw them all away a few days later because the number of guests that actually showed up was much less than what you had planned for... but the baby dino had a good time, and woke up the next day feeling like it was christmas when he saw all of his new toys again. and he clearly loved his chocolate cupcake.

next on the list we went back to the ob to get another ultrasound done to check on the newest little addition to our family. everything was great! they bumped my due date back a few days to may 5, but being the crazy person that i am i hope that its actually may 6. then the b-day will be 5.6.11... you know, 5+6 = 11. yay! mathematical birthdays! i am the dorkiest mom ever. so we got to see the tiny baby, and there was actually something to see this time! woohoo! we also got to see and hear the heartbeat which was going strong. and the doctor even said that he would be very surprised if we lost the baby just because both of the ultrasounds so far have looked so normal, so he truly believes that this baby will be fine, it was really reassuring to hear him say that. im actually really liking this new dr a lot. he totally gets my craziness. i like that.
and finally, the new baby hates me and all foods that i consume. i cant even remember the last time that i ate something and actually felt good. i feel like vomitting almost constantly and yesterday it finally happened with a vengence when the hubs and i went out to lunch. i think i had maybe three bites of my sammy when the littles dropped in juice cup. so i pick it up and go to the bathroom to clean it up, but when i get there i absolutely hated the smell of the bathroom and immediately started gagging. terribly for me and all other patrons of panera, the main door to the b-room was open, so i hold back the pukage and shut the big door then run back into the stall where i am gagging uncontrollably. i look at the dirty floor and this further disgusts me so i start vomitting up the little but that i had eaten. disgusting. and this poor woman walks in to use the bathroom like a normal person only to be met with the wonderful sounds and smells of the pregnant women in the stall next to her, i cant imagine that that is what she hoped to encounter upon her entrance to the bathroom before enjoying her lunch. so, i am very sorry lady, but i dont think it was necessary for you to stand outside the bathroom to give me a dirty look as i left the area, next time i might puke on you.
panera lady;
sorry you heard me throw up.
Pregnancy puking.
sorry ive been super lame by not updating anyone on anything in the fascinating life of me...
we've just been pretty busy with quite a few things going on. we went to the beach for a week, the littles turned the big O.N.E., went to the dr to see and hear the new bebeh, and in between all of that there has been a lot of gagging, dry heaving, and throwing up in public places like the panera bread.
first, beach. was a great time, but when a baby plays hard, they will also cry hard and be a grumples mcgee when they do not nap on time. and it was super easy to get him to take a nap when all he wanted to do was swim in the pool or play on the beach... ugh. but at least he liked it, that kid wouldve crawled the entire beach if we had let him. red, swollen knees from crawling in the sand all day- thats nothin for a little man on a mission! ha ha!
so after our week of fun came the week of craziness... trying to unpack, clean the house, and get everything ready for the big birthday. before now, i had absolutely no idea how much work goes into even the simplest of birthday parties. yikes. you invite all these people, have no idea who will show up, decorate, make all sorts of food, get all sorts of desserts, and then throw them all away a few days later because the number of guests that actually showed up was much less than what you had planned for... but the baby dino had a good time, and woke up the next day feeling like it was christmas when he saw all of his new toys again. and he clearly loved his chocolate cupcake.

next on the list we went back to the ob to get another ultrasound done to check on the newest little addition to our family. everything was great! they bumped my due date back a few days to may 5, but being the crazy person that i am i hope that its actually may 6. then the b-day will be 5.6.11... you know, 5+6 = 11. yay! mathematical birthdays! i am the dorkiest mom ever. so we got to see the tiny baby, and there was actually something to see this time! woohoo! we also got to see and hear the heartbeat which was going strong. and the doctor even said that he would be very surprised if we lost the baby just because both of the ultrasounds so far have looked so normal, so he truly believes that this baby will be fine, it was really reassuring to hear him say that. im actually really liking this new dr a lot. he totally gets my craziness. i like that.
and finally, the new baby hates me and all foods that i consume. i cant even remember the last time that i ate something and actually felt good. i feel like vomitting almost constantly and yesterday it finally happened with a vengence when the hubs and i went out to lunch. i think i had maybe three bites of my sammy when the littles dropped in juice cup. so i pick it up and go to the bathroom to clean it up, but when i get there i absolutely hated the smell of the bathroom and immediately started gagging. terribly for me and all other patrons of panera, the main door to the b-room was open, so i hold back the pukage and shut the big door then run back into the stall where i am gagging uncontrollably. i look at the dirty floor and this further disgusts me so i start vomitting up the little but that i had eaten. disgusting. and this poor woman walks in to use the bathroom like a normal person only to be met with the wonderful sounds and smells of the pregnant women in the stall next to her, i cant imagine that that is what she hoped to encounter upon her entrance to the bathroom before enjoying her lunch. so, i am very sorry lady, but i dont think it was necessary for you to stand outside the bathroom to give me a dirty look as i left the area, next time i might puke on you.
my awesome downtown.
i had my first 'real' ob appointment today at my new practice... (had to switch because of a change in insurance)
and i am really super happy with how it went! woot!
i met the dr and he went over my previous pregnancy info, problems, and questions. and then he offered to do an ultrasound after i promised that i would not cry or freak out in any way if we didnt see a heartbeat because im so early.
he decides to just go ahead and do my exam in the ultrasound room instead of making me strip down twice to just move down the hallway. while hes checking out the downtown which i was nervous about for some reason... you would think after having a million people check it out with the last pregnancy it would be old hat, but nope, still got all tense. anyway, he does the whole downtown check and asks how long ago it was that i gave birth, i tell him that my son will be one year in two weeks and he says that i 'healed very nicely' ha ha!!! he even said that he never wouldve thought that i had ever given birth. i guess all those awesome kegels i did the last time were totally worth it! weird, but funny. i kinda liked that he was so candid, clearly i operate the same way.
link to kegel refresher
the dr shows me the ultrasound screen and i see a little black spot which is the baby, no heartbeat yet but thats ok, im going back in two weeks and we should definitely see it by then. so i now have a picture of my little black dot. woohoo! bummer that we didnt see the heartbeat but at least it was verified that the fertilized egg actually made it to the uterus so thats a good thing.
and i am really super happy with how it went! woot!
i met the dr and he went over my previous pregnancy info, problems, and questions. and then he offered to do an ultrasound after i promised that i would not cry or freak out in any way if we didnt see a heartbeat because im so early.
he decides to just go ahead and do my exam in the ultrasound room instead of making me strip down twice to just move down the hallway. while hes checking out the downtown which i was nervous about for some reason... you would think after having a million people check it out with the last pregnancy it would be old hat, but nope, still got all tense. anyway, he does the whole downtown check and asks how long ago it was that i gave birth, i tell him that my son will be one year in two weeks and he says that i 'healed very nicely' ha ha!!! he even said that he never wouldve thought that i had ever given birth. i guess all those awesome kegels i did the last time were totally worth it! weird, but funny. i kinda liked that he was so candid, clearly i operate the same way.
link to kegel refresher
the dr shows me the ultrasound screen and i see a little black spot which is the baby, no heartbeat yet but thats ok, im going back in two weeks and we should definitely see it by then. so i now have a picture of my little black dot. woohoo! bummer that we didnt see the heartbeat but at least it was verified that the fertilized egg actually made it to the uterus so thats a good thing.
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