so i guess since i last wrote i have continued my gross vomitting that is not unlike taking out the christmas trash with one difference. it is now coming out with a fury! i dont know that i have ever projectile vomitted before but thats definitely how ive been lately, awesome!
i had a dr appt last week and it was pretty early in the monring after a night of throwing up so when i went in and peed in the cup i had protein in my urine which i hear is not a good thing. then they were a little concerned that i had lost more weight so i guess they were thinking that maybe i was dehydrated from all the throwing up which could account for the protein in my urine... soooo... i got a prescription for the anti-vomitness! woohoo!!! but because of the proteins in the pee pee i had to pee in a cup two more times, so i was there forever trying to work up more pee. and i have to go back in this week so they can do another pee check, fun!
we did the whole halloween thing this weekend which was super fun! my lil sis went to a party dressed up as me and half of our friends thought that she actually was me... ill post a pic later. and ave dressed up as a giraffe last night, we didnt do any trick or treating since he doenst eat candy or anything, but he did do a great job helping me give out candy. basically he would dive his little hands into the candy bowl and fling candy out in the yard, it was a good time. crazy kid. i will also post pics of this later...

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