as those of you with children are well aware, just trying to get out of the house is an ordeal in itself. i often find myself so frazzled by running around like a crazy person trying to get the boys together that by the time im ready to actually leave the house, i dont even want to go where i was going anymore.
i mean really... a typical day would go something like this.
wake up, feed kids. straighten up after breakfast and realize while flitting around the kitchen that i am missing an ingredient or two for dinner, so my next thought is 'oh well that gives us a reason to get out of the house for a bit, we'll just run to the store real quick.' real quick are the key words here...
once it has been decided that we need to leave the house there are numerous things that need to be done before the errand can be accomplished. first, i need to get myself ready which is never pleasant because there are two boys under the age of 2 that have both decided that at that exact moment they absolutely require my immediate attention. so if you have seen me out lately and noticed my lack of make-up and hair that looks like it may or may not have been brushed you now know why.
the second task at hand is getting the boys ready. the little one is easy enough because he cant really go anywhere to escape the changing of the diaper and clothes. score! one kid down. his brother, however is a completely different story. once he knows we're getting ready to go somewhere he is super excited, but at the same time completely unwilling to cooperate in any way. so i have to chase him down and change his diaper and put clean clothes on him all while listening to him cry about the car that he dropped while wrestling to get away from me. finally two kids, dressed and ready to go.
the last and most important thing to do before leaving is the sorting and filling of the diaper bag. this might be the worst part of the getting ready process just because i have to totally empty the thing before i can start adding supplies because i have a terrible habit of thinking that there are plenty of size 2 diapers in there when really i have 37 size 4's and no size 2's. so i dump everything out and separate everything between what is the big boys and what is the little boys. (i really honestly tried to have to separate bags for the boys to make it easier on the arranging and when one is left with someone and somebody else has the other... it works about 30% of the time) once i figure out what i need to grab, the extra outfits and diapers, i just kinda leave everything hangin because i now have to make the emergency bottle for the little man, fill up the big boys juice and snack cups, and make sure i have binks for both. while i am doing these things i realize that big boy is unusally quiet which is never a good thing, so i walk over to the diaper bag only to discover that the package of disposable wipes that i failed to zip back in the bag protecting it from little toddler hands has been completely emptied and i now also have a pile of unused wipes that i have to shove back into their home. fun.
we are finally ready to go, right?! wrong. while i was getting everything together, cleaning up big boys mess, and putting the dog up, the little man has either spit up all over his outfit or had the biggest poo poo explosion of life, the remedy of either situation requires a costume change.
boys are now both clean and everything is ready to go. i first take out boy #1, buckle him in his seat, make sure he has his juice cup and a toy. then i run back in to get baby boy #2, put his seat in the base and start the truck, yay, finally on our way! we get to the store approx. 3 minutes later and while getting the big boy out of his seat, i realize his shorts are soaked with the juice from his cup that he let drain all over his lap.
its a good thing its summer, he'll dry quickly.
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1 comment:
"He'll dry quickly" LOVE it! LOL
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