sorry its been awhile... ive been a little busy being an awesomely crafty mom for the littlests' first birthday party yesterday!
super fun!
i got my craft on thanks to pinterest and a couple cool little mom blogs. (ill give them credit when i get to the good parts)
i totally made all my own decorations and im pretty proud of myself, i always say that i am not crafty or in any way creative, but i definitely had fun attempting to prove myself wrong with this party. and let me also say that i had no problem tooting my own horn yesterday whenever anyone asked about the decor... they were promptly told that all were made by the one and only krp- etsy store to be coming soon. ha ha! kidding!
now that ive worked it all up and youre expecting some grand thing... it was all simple, just a slight color theme. i made three dimensional stars in a couple sizes and hung them around the room and i made his banner. neither were hard at all, just time consuming, but worth it!
thanks to this blog i was able to make the paper stars
and thanks to this blog i had some inspiration and instruction to help with the banner.
and thanks to a fabulous suggestion from my cousins fantastic wife that i love, i am also posting a picture of my fruit dip. ha ha! because i spent so much time decorating, i kinda slacked on the food... normally ill make some delicious treats but since time was not on my side i opted for a lot of pre-made foods, good just not homemade. other than a cheese dip and my fruit dip. and my fruity dip is delicious. yeah, ill say it. its pretty awesome. so here it is and its the easiest thing ever.
krp's fruity grandma dip:
1 pkg instant vanil pudding
1 container cool whip (set out to thaw)
grand mariner (as much as you want!)
make the pudding according to the directions.
mix with the cool whip (if you want it to stay fluffier just mix by hand)
then mix in a little grandma to taste! delicious!
of course nothing is being cooked or heated so its definitely still full alcohol content, so if there are kiddies in attendance, be aware if they all start lingering around the fruity dip...
so there we go. i am offically crafty.
ill post more fun birthday stuff after our brithday trip to the zoo!
solange... or orlando?
ok so i see myself as a thrifty shopper even though my husband doesnt seem to agree... but majority of our childrens clothes come from target and old navy, and i cant remember the last pair of shoes i purchased for myself.
anyway, i take my little crew to target the other day to pick up a few things and of course we have to cruise by the clearance end caps where i see shining like a bright little star amongst all of the dark colored electronics (why are all electronics in black or dark packaging, btw?) a super fun yo gabba gabba cd marked down to $3. how awesome is that? cheaper than downloading it on itunes, obviously it went right into the cart. my clearly impressed two year continued talking about my expert shopping to everyone that happened to pass us in the next 15 minutes 'gabba gabbas, free dollars.' thats right buddy, three dollars.

so we get into the truck and i pop that sucker in so we can rock out to such classic jams as 'all my friends are different, i love bugs,' and 'dont be afraid.' and while listening and singing along with all the songs because i definitely know all the words, i hear the song 'moma loves baby.' i forgot about this one because the big boy was never too interested in it. i assume its because it is sung by beyonces sister solange knowles who has the ability to look beautiful at times, but manages to look more like a drag queen in her brief yo gabba gabba career. the first time i saw her little song i thought it was orlando jones pretending to be a woman... and apparently im not the only one...

poor solange...
i hope that no one ever thinks that i am secretly a well known male actor just pretending to be a woman so that i can sing a song on a childrens program...
anyway, i take my little crew to target the other day to pick up a few things and of course we have to cruise by the clearance end caps where i see shining like a bright little star amongst all of the dark colored electronics (why are all electronics in black or dark packaging, btw?) a super fun yo gabba gabba cd marked down to $3. how awesome is that? cheaper than downloading it on itunes, obviously it went right into the cart. my clearly impressed two year continued talking about my expert shopping to everyone that happened to pass us in the next 15 minutes 'gabba gabbas, free dollars.' thats right buddy, three dollars.

so we get into the truck and i pop that sucker in so we can rock out to such classic jams as 'all my friends are different, i love bugs,' and 'dont be afraid.' and while listening and singing along with all the songs because i definitely know all the words, i hear the song 'moma loves baby.' i forgot about this one because the big boy was never too interested in it. i assume its because it is sung by beyonces sister solange knowles who has the ability to look beautiful at times, but manages to look more like a drag queen in her brief yo gabba gabba career. the first time i saw her little song i thought it was orlando jones pretending to be a woman... and apparently im not the only one...

poor solange...
i hope that no one ever thinks that i am secretly a well known male actor just pretending to be a woman so that i can sing a song on a childrens program...
potty puker.

my child is an expert thrower upper.
im not sure why, but my big boy will sometimes randomly have to throw up right between having milk (dairy or soy) and going to sleep. hes an evening wretcher.
last night hes cuddling on the bed with daddy, and im nursing the littles when the big boy says 'daddy, i don feeeeel good.' and just by the look on his face i can tell that hes not messin around.
so the hubs scoops him up, takes him into the b-room and helps him to stand in front of the potty where my two year old expertly vomits into the toilet.
i know this isnt a normal thing to brag about, but you do not even know how much a mom appreciates a good thrower upper. hes clean, the room stays clean, its magnificent. although there is a little confusion as to why that kid is totally cool with puking it up in the potty but scared to deather to pee in it...
hes a work in progress...
where did the deliciousness go?
can i just say how much i hate that it isnt warm and delicious anymore? im pretty sure that the boys and i were completely spoiled by that awesome weather recently and being able to play outside and go to merrifield garden center just to walk around and look at all the plants. and its not even that cold out, but all my defences to the cold went away when it started getting warm, so this 50 degrees crap feels super cold and i am not a fan.
and i know im complaining about a measly two days... but two days of being couped up inside with two little boys after tasting the freedom of the outdoors and already taking it for granted, it feels more like two weeks. oh my gaga. my children are crazy. i swear they have not been this loud, or cried this much all at once in a long time.
and sadly we will be going out tomorrow, but i am already dreading it. i know they are gonna be super excited to leave the house which is definitely a recipe for disaster. they will be little crazy pantses that will not listen, but they both have drs appointments, back to back in different cities. it will be terrible.
being the accomodating patient that i am, i always accept whatever time appt i get offered, so the baby has physical therapy in gainesville at 10:30, and then i have to get the big boy out to leesburg by noon for his follow with the ENT for more sleep study stuff.
not only is this right in the middle of nap time, i have to somehow pay attention the the doctors and get each kid to get checked out properly, i also need to keep another child entertained and quiet.
im sure that i will complain tomorrow and let everyone know how it goes, either through blogging or a happy hour. maybe both.
and i know im complaining about a measly two days... but two days of being couped up inside with two little boys after tasting the freedom of the outdoors and already taking it for granted, it feels more like two weeks. oh my gaga. my children are crazy. i swear they have not been this loud, or cried this much all at once in a long time.
and sadly we will be going out tomorrow, but i am already dreading it. i know they are gonna be super excited to leave the house which is definitely a recipe for disaster. they will be little crazy pantses that will not listen, but they both have drs appointments, back to back in different cities. it will be terrible.
being the accomodating patient that i am, i always accept whatever time appt i get offered, so the baby has physical therapy in gainesville at 10:30, and then i have to get the big boy out to leesburg by noon for his follow with the ENT for more sleep study stuff.
not only is this right in the middle of nap time, i have to somehow pay attention the the doctors and get each kid to get checked out properly, i also need to keep another child entertained and quiet.
im sure that i will complain tomorrow and let everyone know how it goes, either through blogging or a happy hour. maybe both.
sad panda.
the other night the big boy and i were cuddling before bedtime. he was super relaxed and just laying there while i held him and played with his hair when he sleepily told me that 'mommy is so beautiful, i love mommy much.' it. was. the. sweetest.
so i went around the next day telling my mom, and my sister, and my husband all about how sweet our boy is and that he told me that i was so beautiful.
yesterday he told me that the doggy was beautiful, daddy was beautiful, bubbles are beautiful, and basically anything he laid his eyes on was beautiful.
way to burst my bubble kid.
so i went around the next day telling my mom, and my sister, and my husband all about how sweet our boy is and that he told me that i was so beautiful.
yesterday he told me that the doggy was beautiful, daddy was beautiful, bubbles are beautiful, and basically anything he laid his eyes on was beautiful.
way to burst my bubble kid.
this is why we cant have nice things...
last night after dinner i decided to be the coolest mom ever.
we totally had an awesome glow in the dark easter egg hunt! it was so much fun! while the kids were still in the kitchen strapped into their high chairs with daddy, aunt b and i were in the living room filling easter eggs with candy and glow sticks. well, they werent really glow sticks, they were little glow in the dark bracelets that i got from michaels- $1 for 15, great deal... or so i thought...
so while filling our eggs we realized that the bracelets might be a little old because not all of them would glow after we cracked them, and they were super stiff
(thats what she said) so there was quite a struggle to get some of them to curl up into the egg without popping it open. not gonna lie, we definitely taped some of those bad boys shut which my son was not such a fan of later.
so we hid them all over, turned off the lights and set the boys free! once the big boy started hunting i put a few on the floor for the baby to crawl to... he had fun just laying on his back holding the glowing eggs over his head and shaking them. silly little raver baby. (i tried to take pictures but it was too dark and with the flash on it just wasnt the same) we only filled about 20ish eggs so to extend the fun and get a laugh, birk and i got eggs out of the big boys basket once he found them and re-hid them... he got a little confused but i think he liked being able to play for so long.
so once we were done with hiding and seeking we all just sat in the family room playing with the glow sticks. we're waving them around, wearing them, putting them on the baby, and then i get a fantastic idea! since the earlier pictures didnt work i decide that it will be hilarious if i put one in my mouth (again, thats what she said- i am on fire!) so that only my mouth will be glowing for a picture.
so i stick the thing in there, it doesnt want to fold up but i kinda force it when i taste the worst most chemical thing ever, so i grab the thing outta my mouth, realize that it has broken when i see that my hands are now glowing so i just throw the stick and run to the bathroom to wash my mouth out. thats right, i threw the leaking glow stick on the floor. apparently my sister picked it up to prevent further leakage when my husband just shakes his head and says 'this is why we cant have nice things.' i am 5 years old.

clearly something that needed to be in my mouth.
we totally had an awesome glow in the dark easter egg hunt! it was so much fun! while the kids were still in the kitchen strapped into their high chairs with daddy, aunt b and i were in the living room filling easter eggs with candy and glow sticks. well, they werent really glow sticks, they were little glow in the dark bracelets that i got from michaels- $1 for 15, great deal... or so i thought...
so while filling our eggs we realized that the bracelets might be a little old because not all of them would glow after we cracked them, and they were super stiff
(thats what she said) so there was quite a struggle to get some of them to curl up into the egg without popping it open. not gonna lie, we definitely taped some of those bad boys shut which my son was not such a fan of later.
so we hid them all over, turned off the lights and set the boys free! once the big boy started hunting i put a few on the floor for the baby to crawl to... he had fun just laying on his back holding the glowing eggs over his head and shaking them. silly little raver baby. (i tried to take pictures but it was too dark and with the flash on it just wasnt the same) we only filled about 20ish eggs so to extend the fun and get a laugh, birk and i got eggs out of the big boys basket once he found them and re-hid them... he got a little confused but i think he liked being able to play for so long.
so once we were done with hiding and seeking we all just sat in the family room playing with the glow sticks. we're waving them around, wearing them, putting them on the baby, and then i get a fantastic idea! since the earlier pictures didnt work i decide that it will be hilarious if i put one in my mouth (again, thats what she said- i am on fire!) so that only my mouth will be glowing for a picture.
so i stick the thing in there, it doesnt want to fold up but i kinda force it when i taste the worst most chemical thing ever, so i grab the thing outta my mouth, realize that it has broken when i see that my hands are now glowing so i just throw the stick and run to the bathroom to wash my mouth out. thats right, i threw the leaking glow stick on the floor. apparently my sister picked it up to prevent further leakage when my husband just shakes his head and says 'this is why we cant have nice things.' i am 5 years old.

clearly something that needed to be in my mouth.
terrible mom.
this will not be a good post.
but i dont think it would be fair to leave it out just because it makes me look like a terrible mom.
so here it goes...
yesterday we had a lot going on. im making candy for a breast cancer bake sale and i needed more molds because making just a few pieces at a time just wasnt cutting it. so after packing up my crew, we headed to my moms because she said she had some molds that i could look through to see if any would work. i grabbed a few but still needed a specific one so we ran out to the craft store, where of course they didnt have what i needed, so i loaded the kids back up and we went to craft store #2- michaels had my mold, woot woot!
we get home, have a quick lunch and get the kids down for a nap. it was a little late so they were cranky and fought it a bit, but finally went out. so i came down to the kitchen to get started on some more candy before the kids got up.
some candy is made, ive done my hair and have the kids clothes ready when they start to stir. i get the big boy up and ready (were meeting daddy at the mall to see the easter bunny and then meeting some friends for dinner), and then i get the littles dressed. heres comes the terrible part... i could almost vomit just thinking about it right now.
the boys are both playing on bed like they always do, im on the phone with my mom and standing literally right next to the bed. but im not entirely facing the bed, im sort of diagonal, my hip is touching the quilt when i hear a thud and realize that the baby has rolled right off the bed. i immediately pick him because you remember, im standing right there. he was totally fine, and laughing within two minutes of falling.
but i successfully managed to freak out my mom who hung up on me to rush over to my house, scare the crap out of both of my children, almost make myself vomit, and realize that because they are normally okay i have become far too relaxed with them.
you think just because youre standing right there that they will be fine, but its not always the case... i know things happen to everyone, but that totally doesnt make me feel any less like a terrible mom. eventually i wont feel the need to vom everytime i think about it, but right now its pretty awful. but my little guy is fine and still loves me just as much.
go hug your kids.
but i dont think it would be fair to leave it out just because it makes me look like a terrible mom.
so here it goes...
yesterday we had a lot going on. im making candy for a breast cancer bake sale and i needed more molds because making just a few pieces at a time just wasnt cutting it. so after packing up my crew, we headed to my moms because she said she had some molds that i could look through to see if any would work. i grabbed a few but still needed a specific one so we ran out to the craft store, where of course they didnt have what i needed, so i loaded the kids back up and we went to craft store #2- michaels had my mold, woot woot!
we get home, have a quick lunch and get the kids down for a nap. it was a little late so they were cranky and fought it a bit, but finally went out. so i came down to the kitchen to get started on some more candy before the kids got up.
some candy is made, ive done my hair and have the kids clothes ready when they start to stir. i get the big boy up and ready (were meeting daddy at the mall to see the easter bunny and then meeting some friends for dinner), and then i get the littles dressed. heres comes the terrible part... i could almost vomit just thinking about it right now.
the boys are both playing on bed like they always do, im on the phone with my mom and standing literally right next to the bed. but im not entirely facing the bed, im sort of diagonal, my hip is touching the quilt when i hear a thud and realize that the baby has rolled right off the bed. i immediately pick him because you remember, im standing right there. he was totally fine, and laughing within two minutes of falling.
but i successfully managed to freak out my mom who hung up on me to rush over to my house, scare the crap out of both of my children, almost make myself vomit, and realize that because they are normally okay i have become far too relaxed with them.
you think just because youre standing right there that they will be fine, but its not always the case... i know things happen to everyone, but that totally doesnt make me feel any less like a terrible mom. eventually i wont feel the need to vom everytime i think about it, but right now its pretty awful. but my little guy is fine and still loves me just as much.
go hug your kids.
my child now says that things are 'cray.'
'mom, baby bein cray'
'mom, those cars are cray'
'cray cray mom, cray'
outrageous. hilarious.
'mom, baby bein cray'
'mom, those cars are cray'
'cray cray mom, cray'
outrageous. hilarious.
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