we totally had an awesome glow in the dark easter egg hunt! it was so much fun! while the kids were still in the kitchen strapped into their high chairs with daddy, aunt b and i were in the living room filling easter eggs with candy and glow sticks. well, they werent really glow sticks, they were little glow in the dark bracelets that i got from michaels- $1 for 15, great deal... or so i thought...
so while filling our eggs we realized that the bracelets might be a little old because not all of them would glow after we cracked them, and they were super stiff
(thats what she said) so there was quite a struggle to get some of them to curl up into the egg without popping it open. not gonna lie, we definitely taped some of those bad boys shut which my son was not such a fan of later.
so we hid them all over, turned off the lights and set the boys free! once the big boy started hunting i put a few on the floor for the baby to crawl to... he had fun just laying on his back holding the glowing eggs over his head and shaking them. silly little raver baby. (i tried to take pictures but it was too dark and with the flash on it just wasnt the same) we only filled about 20ish eggs so to extend the fun and get a laugh, birk and i got eggs out of the big boys basket once he found them and re-hid them... he got a little confused but i think he liked being able to play for so long.
so once we were done with hiding and seeking we all just sat in the family room playing with the glow sticks. we're waving them around, wearing them, putting them on the baby, and then i get a fantastic idea! since the earlier pictures didnt work i decide that it will be hilarious if i put one in my mouth (again, thats what she said- i am on fire!) so that only my mouth will be glowing for a picture.
so i stick the thing in there, it doesnt want to fold up but i kinda force it when i taste the worst most chemical thing ever, so i grab the thing outta my mouth, realize that it has broken when i see that my hands are now glowing so i just throw the stick and run to the bathroom to wash my mouth out. thats right, i threw the leaking glow stick on the floor. apparently my sister picked it up to prevent further leakage when my husband just shakes his head and says 'this is why we cant have nice things.' i am 5 years old.

clearly something that needed to be in my mouth.
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