

since I haven't written at all this pregnancy I figured that maybe I should do a little updating.  my poor kids, im already starting that thing where you get just a little more lax about things with each pregnancy...  I wrote all the time when I was pregnant with ashe, then significantly less with fin, and poor isla got like three entries.  maybe they'll never know about my blogs because blogs will be so out by the time they get old enough to care about such things.

so this pregnancy has been much like the other two, a lot of vomiting and peeing on myself at inopportune times.  massive boobies, back pain, constipation.  ha!  that sounded like it could've been the beginning of a pregnancy version of the commercial for pepto...

and of course my child is not growing right...  but since its happened twice before I think ive kept pretty calm about it this time around.  we did the weekly ultrasounds for awhile and the bpp's, or biophysical profile to check on her and all seems fine other than shes tiny and her noggin is even tinier.  im just hoping shell be like ashey and once shes out everything will catch up and shell get back on track.  if not then I guess ill have two children that see neuro for a bit...  we will see.

oh, her name is isla for anyone that doesn't know...  and just fer yer fyi (beauty shop quote) its pronounced eye-la. 

hmm...  I guess that's it.  shell be here Friday, if she doesn't come before then, but since I make the most stubborn babies of life, im fairly positive shell wait until Friday until shes forced out.  ok that's it for now.  id like to say that I will totally update next week with pics of the newest addition, but we all know id probably be lying, three children = no time for things.  you might see a picture of her when shes five.  maybe...

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