14 weeks! we are officially into the second trimester, how awesome is that?! the odds of miscarrying have dropped way down, the morning sickness should be almost completely gone by now, and i should be getting back some of my energy that seems to have disappeared within these past three months. yay!!! i even let myself have a glass of wine at a friends birthday over the weekend, and honestly it tasted more weird than anything... very anticlimatic.
and let me also report that the kegels have been working out perfectly, i have been sneezing like crazy lately with this weather change and i have not been peeing, not even a little bit with my one million sneezes. yessss!!! although i have been peeing no less than 20 times a day. i think i woke up 5 times the other night to pee, and its not like i was drinking gallons of fluids throughout the day... you think you pee a lot in the first trimester? ha! just wait...
so my new worry is that i will have an ugly baby. i kinda feel like (hope) all other moms think about this at least a little bit during their pregnancy, and im not this crazy superficial sounding girl... but i really do worry about this because lets face it, when people say all babies are cute, it is so not true. i have seen plenty of babies that i did not have the instant urge to oooh and aaah over. of course i would never tell the mother this, and i think that that is my fear more than anything; my friends and family feeling that they need to tell me that my non cute child is cute. but i think as long as our baby looks more like my husband then well be fine. i was an odd looking baby (of course my mother would disagree). love ya ma!
if it looks like a duck and sounds like duck...
if you look pregnant, and you feel pregnant, odds are... youre pregnant.
went to the dr the other day and after a check up and listening to the heartbeat, it was confirmed that i am still preggo. it was kinda funny. the babys heartbeat was at 160, and according to the old wives tale, the baby should be a girl. but based on the heartbeats of both of my nephews... they too should be girls. clearly the old wives tale isnt always correct.
there are so many crazy things on the internet to supply and feed the pregnant womans insanity. when you first begin to suspect that youre pregnant, you become absolutely obsessed with ovulation calendars and predictors. once it has been confirmed that you may or may not have done the deed on the exact right day, you check out the one million sites that offer the 'early signs of pregnancy,' which make you over analyze the number of times you pee in a day before the 2ww (2 week wait) comes to an end and you can finally poas (pee on a stick). then you pee on no less than 3 sticks to make sure that they werent just messin with you. so now you know youre pregnant, you then go to the numerous websites that ask for the first day of your last period to give you an edd (estimated delivery date). you sign up and login to the many sites that offer you a community of other pregnant women just as crazy as you which will cause you to again over analyze everything that happens to you when you read about all the outrageous things that seem to be happening to all the other pregnant women. you will even have to look up the acronyms to understand what everyone is talking about... i have been online on babycenter.com for a total of six hours today.
my latest obsession has been trying to find out what the odds are that my child will have my husbands lovely blue eyes... for those of you that are curious about the odds of your own bambinos, here you go:
long story short, i am a crazy persons.
went to the dr the other day and after a check up and listening to the heartbeat, it was confirmed that i am still preggo. it was kinda funny. the babys heartbeat was at 160, and according to the old wives tale, the baby should be a girl. but based on the heartbeats of both of my nephews... they too should be girls. clearly the old wives tale isnt always correct.
there are so many crazy things on the internet to supply and feed the pregnant womans insanity. when you first begin to suspect that youre pregnant, you become absolutely obsessed with ovulation calendars and predictors. once it has been confirmed that you may or may not have done the deed on the exact right day, you check out the one million sites that offer the 'early signs of pregnancy,' which make you over analyze the number of times you pee in a day before the 2ww (2 week wait) comes to an end and you can finally poas (pee on a stick). then you pee on no less than 3 sticks to make sure that they werent just messin with you. so now you know youre pregnant, you then go to the numerous websites that ask for the first day of your last period to give you an edd (estimated delivery date). you sign up and login to the many sites that offer you a community of other pregnant women just as crazy as you which will cause you to again over analyze everything that happens to you when you read about all the outrageous things that seem to be happening to all the other pregnant women. you will even have to look up the acronyms to understand what everyone is talking about... i have been online on babycenter.com for a total of six hours today.
my latest obsession has been trying to find out what the odds are that my child will have my husbands lovely blue eyes... for those of you that are curious about the odds of your own bambinos, here you go:
long story short, i am a crazy persons.
12 weeks!

i definitely didnt think id get another ultrasound this soon, but since there was a chance of multiples and my first u/s was so early, pw obgyn thought it was a good idea for me to go ahead and have another just to be sure...
there is officially only one baby persons. :) i know wil was super relieved to hear that! other than finding out we only have one in there, the tech said that i currently have placenta previa (the placenta is covering my cervix) but there is really no reason to worry yet. she said that in most cases that women do show signs this early that there is a really good chance that the placenta will shift around as my uterus continues to stretch so it will most likely solve itself. so im gonna try to not really worry about it until the next ultrasound at week 20.
this ultrasound was so much better than the first! the baby actually looks like a baby! he or she was moving all around, touching her face, it was absolutely awesome! and im not sure if they even can hiccup this early but the baby definitely did something that looked like it, i cant even explain how great it was to go in there and see the baby and know that everything is going well. such relief!
there is officially only one baby persons. :) i know wil was super relieved to hear that! other than finding out we only have one in there, the tech said that i currently have placenta previa (the placenta is covering my cervix) but there is really no reason to worry yet. she said that in most cases that women do show signs this early that there is a really good chance that the placenta will shift around as my uterus continues to stretch so it will most likely solve itself. so im gonna try to not really worry about it until the next ultrasound at week 20.
this ultrasound was so much better than the first! the baby actually looks like a baby! he or she was moving all around, touching her face, it was absolutely awesome! and im not sure if they even can hiccup this early but the baby definitely did something that looked like it, i cant even explain how great it was to go in there and see the baby and know that everything is going well. such relief!
after a mere two weeks of daily calls and complaints, i finally got my records transferred over to prince william obgyn! we have two appointments already set up, i go in on thursday to get some more blood work done and then again on tuesday to finally hear the heartbeat! i cant wait, and i know my mama will be totally excited that she will be back in town to go with us. :)
i have also recently made the decision that pregnancy books are a little bit crazy... im not really sure who decided it was a great idea to have actual testimonials of horrible pregnancy experiences to prepare and inform an already irrational and hormonal pregnant woman. and i am positive that the most frightening part of the entire birthing process is the possibility that someone may or may not cut my downtown, before i have most likely pooed on myself in front of a room full of people. check out episiotomy info... if you dare! mwahahaha!!!
other awesome things preggo books open your eyes to: pregnancy acne, which i have none of my face but my chest is weirdly and disgustingly broken out; epidurals, a huge needle that will make the process less painful but could cause serious problems; birth plans, and their complete uselessness since every single pregnancy is different; and baby poop that is much like tar. so many wonderful things to look forward to!
and you know, as horrible as a lot of this sounds... and it does scare me, it doesnt even matter because i just think that in 6 or 7 months were gonna have a baby. and that is awesome.
i have also recently made the decision that pregnancy books are a little bit crazy... im not really sure who decided it was a great idea to have actual testimonials of horrible pregnancy experiences to prepare and inform an already irrational and hormonal pregnant woman. and i am positive that the most frightening part of the entire birthing process is the possibility that someone may or may not cut my downtown, before i have most likely pooed on myself in front of a room full of people. check out episiotomy info... if you dare! mwahahaha!!!
other awesome things preggo books open your eyes to: pregnancy acne, which i have none of my face but my chest is weirdly and disgustingly broken out; epidurals, a huge needle that will make the process less painful but could cause serious problems; birth plans, and their complete uselessness since every single pregnancy is different; and baby poop that is much like tar. so many wonderful things to look forward to!
and you know, as horrible as a lot of this sounds... and it does scare me, it doesnt even matter because i just think that in 6 or 7 months were gonna have a baby. and that is awesome.
new names?
completely unrelated to baby news! i got laid off today... im a little bit worried about it, but not too much. wade and my mom both seem kinda happy about it because now ill have more time to rest and can focus on getting everything ready for when the baby comes. ill start looking for a new job soon, but unless i find something relatively soon, i really doubt anyone is looking to hire a pregant lady...
so we put up two new polls, one for girl names and one for boys, and now you can only choose one name per poll. wade keeps calling the baby teagan everytime he talks to my belly or makes a reference to the baby so im thinkin thats his vote. hes even gotten my mom on that one... she told me on the phone to tell wade and teagan that she loves them. crazy kids!
im still trying to switch ob's, my previous practice is supposed to be sending my records over to prince william obgyn so as soon as that happens we should get a new appointment to hear the heartbeat and possibly get another ultrasound soon. cant wait for either of those things!!!
so we put up two new polls, one for girl names and one for boys, and now you can only choose one name per poll. wade keeps calling the baby teagan everytime he talks to my belly or makes a reference to the baby so im thinkin thats his vote. hes even gotten my mom on that one... she told me on the phone to tell wade and teagan that she loves them. crazy kids!
im still trying to switch ob's, my previous practice is supposed to be sending my records over to prince william obgyn so as soon as that happens we should get a new appointment to hear the heartbeat and possibly get another ultrasound soon. cant wait for either of those things!!!
stretch mark.
im feelin pretty good today! i went to my gp the other day because i have a sinus infection and i was just feeling awful... got some antibiotics and im feeling so much better now. i actually ate a pop tart and did not feeling like throwing up right after. yay!!!
and awesomely, im still losing weight, dont worry im sure the 175 lbs that i still am is good enough for the baby... the weirdest part of that is that i discovered two stretch marks the other day. who loses weight and still gets stretch marks, especially this early?! its craziness! so im thinking that maybe im a little further along than they seem to think i am, or maybe theres more than one in there. i guess we will find out in a couple weeks... my next appt is march 18th and i will complain and complain if they dont do another ultrasound. i think im allowed to complain about anything i want now... poor wade.
speaking of wade, he is so so so great! he has been absolutely wonderful! the poor guy has to deal with me, and is still happy. we go out to eat, i order food, take two bites and feel sick, i call him when hes out and busy to bring me el taco, and i almost vomit everyday in his car on the way to work... if there was some kind of award for great husbands during pregnancy, i would so nominate him. :) and he came home from work the other day and handed me a little sticky note that was full of baby names he thought of throughout the day... it was so cute. im really lucky to have him.
and awesomely, im still losing weight, dont worry im sure the 175 lbs that i still am is good enough for the baby... the weirdest part of that is that i discovered two stretch marks the other day. who loses weight and still gets stretch marks, especially this early?! its craziness! so im thinking that maybe im a little further along than they seem to think i am, or maybe theres more than one in there. i guess we will find out in a couple weeks... my next appt is march 18th and i will complain and complain if they dont do another ultrasound. i think im allowed to complain about anything i want now... poor wade.
speaking of wade, he is so so so great! he has been absolutely wonderful! the poor guy has to deal with me, and is still happy. we go out to eat, i order food, take two bites and feel sick, i call him when hes out and busy to bring me el taco, and i almost vomit everyday in his car on the way to work... if there was some kind of award for great husbands during pregnancy, i would so nominate him. :) and he came home from work the other day and handed me a little sticky note that was full of baby names he thought of throughout the day... it was so cute. im really lucky to have him.
im pretty gross these days.
ok so i think im catching a cold or something... or maybe its just the crazy weather but i am sneezing like it is my job to sneeze lately. and i have noticed that every once in awhile when i sneeze, i pee... just a little bit. im sure im not the only pregnant lady to pee a little bit when she sneezes so shut it. but im thinking that this is another one of those awesome things that comes along with pregnancy that no one really elaborates on when telling you just how wonderful being pregnant is...
so im telling my mom of my recent relapse back to the age of three again where i cant quite 'hold it' all the time and she tells me that i need to do 'kegels.' what are kegels you say?
there you go... basically its where you tighten and release your downtown, kinda like if youre peeing and you gotta stop all of a sudden. so i try to do it, and im doing it but the second i start to actually think about what im doing, im tightening everything in the lower region of my body... i feel kinda like a little kid trying to get that whole hand eye coordination thing going, but its just not quite all there yet...
so now you all know, sometimes i pee a little bit when i sneeze and sometimes i do kegel exercises... awesome.
so im telling my mom of my recent relapse back to the age of three again where i cant quite 'hold it' all the time and she tells me that i need to do 'kegels.' what are kegels you say?
there you go... basically its where you tighten and release your downtown, kinda like if youre peeing and you gotta stop all of a sudden. so i try to do it, and im doing it but the second i start to actually think about what im doing, im tightening everything in the lower region of my body... i feel kinda like a little kid trying to get that whole hand eye coordination thing going, but its just not quite all there yet...
so now you all know, sometimes i pee a little bit when i sneeze and sometimes i do kegel exercises... awesome.
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