How far along? 19 weeks
Total weight gain/loss: still haven't gained anything! woohoo!
Maternity clothes? still just sometimes
Stretch marks? the same two from a few weeks ago and two new tiny ones sneaking in there...
Sleep: ha ha!
Best moment this week: being told that i look 'fantastic'!!!
Movement: oh yes... the baby definitely lets me know if the position im in is not the best...
Food cravings: nope, when youre still throwing up nothing sounds good to eat
Gender: we find out in about 11 days!!!
Labor Signs: natta
Belly Button in or out? still chillin with an innie
What I miss: sleep!
What I am looking forward to: may 12th...
Weekly Wisdom: i have bump envy.
Milestones: the belly definitely looks bigger these days
Total weight gain/loss: still haven't gained anything! woohoo!
Maternity clothes? still just sometimes
Stretch marks? the same two from a few weeks ago and two new tiny ones sneaking in there...
Sleep: ha ha!
Best moment this week: being told that i look 'fantastic'!!!
Movement: oh yes... the baby definitely lets me know if the position im in is not the best...
Food cravings: nope, when youre still throwing up nothing sounds good to eat
Gender: we find out in about 11 days!!!
Labor Signs: natta
Belly Button in or out? still chillin with an innie
What I miss: sleep!
What I am looking forward to: may 12th...
Weekly Wisdom: i have bump envy.
Milestones: the belly definitely looks bigger these days
You look more and more beautiful as you progress through your pregnancy! Your baby bump is cute as button (even though you don't see it at times.) Your thoughts about being pregant "...this is crazy,I'm gonna have a baby" are adorable with every giggle you make each time you say that! I am so lucky that you and Wade are here with us so that I may go through every little moment with you both; your aches and pains, worries, your spontaneous laughter, body changes, your gg's, stretch marks, baby movements, baby names, gas, food cravings...I could go on and on!
OH...and let's not forget Wade! He has been absolutely WONDERFUL through this whole thing also. He takes exceptional care of her. He is extremely attentive to her. He takes pleasure in getting "anything" that she wants (no matter what time of day it is to satisfy any of her cravings! He sings (sometimes their even medleys) to the baby every night! He tells the baby good-bye each time he leaves! The sense of pride that he has when he is taking care of the two of them is heartwarming!!! He will make a WONDERFUL DADDY!
I am truly BLESSED!
Thanks so much for allowing me to experience this with the two of you! Love you both! Mom (aka: G'ma and/or Oma)
I love your 19 week survey wit the belly pic. we have a baby blog also.
this is great. More Blessings with the pregnancy. And yes, pregnant people are beautiful people.
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