ok so... update.
i got a call from my dr last night which was a little weird because the ultrasound tech said my dr wouldnt receive my pictures for at least 3 days.
anyway, even after the 2 hours of rolling from side to side, the dr is not satisfied with the pictures of the heart. i was told that there was a shadow over the left ventricle which could be because of the various positions he was in, but i have to go see a perinatal specialist in a couple weeks to have him checked out again.
i wasnt too worried until i realized they want me to go to a specialist instead of just having another ultrasound done... hopefully im just overreacting.
bah. my happiness bubble from yesterday has been popped.
Don't worry about it too much. Many times it just makes it easier on your OB to have a specialist look at things so they can make some judgements right there as opposed to just a random sonographer.
The sonogram tech at that office sucks anyway. Don't worry!
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