i am so sorry to keep everyone waiting for the follow up on the tests on wednesday!!!
we were at the hospital for about three hours on wednesday... not fun. they did all the initial tests which took a little over an hour, and then the tech went to show the dr all the results of everything and was gone for what felt like forever. she finally came back and said that the dr wanted her to re-do some things, what things, i have no idea, almost nothing was explained to us. she left the room again to go speak with the dr and then came back to tell me that she had to check out my cervix 'trans-labia,' she said that like twenty times until i finally had to tell her i had no idea what she was talking about. basically they didnt want to do an internal exam because they didnt want to promote any contractions.
after leaving the room for the third time, she finally came back and said that the neonatologist was in the middle of a procedure but that he wanted to speak with me. even though i wasnt getting any information from anyone, my mom and i could see the measurements the tech was taking of my little man and according to them, he had lost an ounce since my ultrasound a week ago. he was also measuring at about 33-34 weeks so they were saying i was off on my due date and my baby wasnt due until october 15th. without a doubt, i know when he was conceived... having to maintain a fertility chart and take fertility drugs, doesnt really leave much room for error. so we waited some more and were then told that i could go home... at that point it certainly seemed like there was some sort of problem since they kept asking me to wait but when i wanted information i was told that they legally couldnt tell me anything and i had to wait to hear from my ob's office.
of course i didnt hear anything back that day.
yesterday my mom finally gets a call, probably around 5:30, and its from my actual dr, not the nurse that normally calls back. i guess my doctor really went through my medical history because she brought up several things that i was prepared to point out. she told us to ignore the due date the hospital was trying to give me because they were 100% going to go by my dates because of everything we had to do to get pregnant. she also told us that he got a perfect score on his BPP tests, but because we are still high risk, they want me to have the BPP every week until we have him just to keep an eye on his growth. his measurements are pretty small for how far along we are, all except for his legs... they measure at 37 weeks, 5 days, so theyre thinking we are just gonna have a little man with long legs which is exactly how i was when i was born. so everything is pretty good. :) she did tell my mom that everytime i go in for the BPP i have to bring my hospital bag because if they see anything that looks off in any way, they will take me straight to surgery to get the little man out, but we will only have two weeks of that because she said theyre going to schedule an induction in two weeks.
so were gonna have a baby in two weeks!!!