almost to 37 weeks...
i went to the dr yesterday... twice. i thought i was getting strep throat, ironically this was two days after i had my strep test at the ob in my downtown. awesome, right? ha ha! so anyway, thought i was getting sick so i went to my regular dr, shes thinking possibly a sinus infection so i have antibiotics, woohoo! i was trying to hold off on taking them but i have some awesomely green boogs this morning so i think im gonna go ahead and take the plunge.
a couple hours after the first dr visit, i went to the ob to have one more sonogram before the big day! of course i was super excited to get to see my little man again, its been about 15 weeks since my last one. i dont know why i get all excited, i have not left a single ultrasound feeling all warm and fuzzy... i guess i was just hoping this one would be different. but no, after measuring his torso, head, and legs, the tech determined that my little man is indeed a very little man. hes measuring at about 34ish weeks when he shouldve been closer to 37, they estimate hes weighing about 5 lbs, 10 oz. but that isnt even one full pound less than what my hubs weighed when he was born so im hoping everything is ok. and the spot is still in his heart, but i kinda knew it still would be so no big change there. i think i just wouldve like to have left with someone saying 'ok ms. persons, everything looks great!' instead i get, 'please wait right here while i show these pictures to the dr, im not sure if shes going to want to come in here herself.' bah.
oh, but that tech really pissed avery off. ha ha! she was pushing down so hard on my belly it was an absolute rebellion on his part. he was completely uncooperative and proceeded to be unhappy for the rest of the day. he pushed and kicked on me so hard all day long, i was in some serious pain. crazy little man, he seems much happier today, thank goodness.
so did they push your due date back? my bean is measuring small too so i feel your pain. hope you 2 are feeling better soon!
sarah & averie
nope, they didnt push it back, the sono tech seemed more concerned than my dr so hopefully thats a good thing! hes been back and forth throughout my entire pregnancy though, measuring small in the beginning, then way big in the middle, and now small again...
hope you two are doing well! :)
I'm sorry you didn't get great news at your last sono. I hope everything is okay and you all are in our prayers! I can't wait till he is here!! yay!
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