yay! 17 days... hopefully. i went for a check up yesterday and i am not dilated at all! ugh. i was so hoping to hear that i was dialted at least a centimeter or two but no, we got nothin. i was even thinking that the little man has finally dropped but the dr didnt fully agree to that either. but i am not feeling nearly as much pressure up underneath my ribs as i was before so im gonna keep on thinking that he either dropped or is definitely in the process of doing so.
ok so i have to complain about the snotty little nurse at the office yesterday... in my experience, all the nurses in an ob office are pretty nice and really try to make the hormonal pregnant women happy. i believed this until yesterday. my name gets called and i go back to be weighed, which of course is everyones favorite part, and she immediately starts it out at the 200 lb mark. not even cool. she couldve at least pretended that she didnt think i was that heavy... but poo poo on her, she had to adjust back down to the 150 mark. ha! but then when she wrote down my actual weight for my chart, she added two extra pounds! what was up with that lady?! i thought i might hit her. then she mumbled the rest of the time and i could barely hear/understand her. all i know is she better watch herself next time!..
and after all the talk about him being little and no one really having a problem with it, other than the sono tech, i got a call yesterday afternoon telling me that now they are concerned... so my ob's office made an appointment for me to go to the hospital today to have another ultrasound and some other tests (a biophysical profile) run to see how the little man is doing.
i guess they are hoping to determine whether or not hes small just because hes small or if there is some sort of problem. and if there is a problem, it will also dictate when he comes, and whether or not i have to deliver by c-section. at this point, im just hoping hes alright in there...
ill try to update again later when i get all the results of the tests, but who knows if theyll tell me anything today. doctors are awesome at being vague.
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