this is going to sound like absolute craziness because im only about 4.5 weeks pregnant, but i have already thrown up in my mouth twice, gagged while brushing my teeth, peed a little when i sneezed, and eaten an entire jar of pickles... and let me just tell you that about a week before i got my positive, the hubs asked if i had eaten any pickles lately and when i told him i finished the jar he said that that was all the confirmation that he needed... ha ha! way to go hubs, predicting the future based on my outta control pregnancy eating habits!
i have a feeling that this pregnancy may be even more outta control than the last.
and on top of all that im pretty sure that i now know what it feels like to have ADD. i was driving the mom & sis around the other day and i was the absolute worst driver in history. i was swerving all over the road and i just could not pay attention. i consider myself an alright driver, ive only gotten one ticket, and im even more cautios now that i have my precious cargo in the back seat. but for the life of me i could not get it together and i was consciously making an effort to pay attention. terrible.
and i keep forgetting everything. i will literally be having a conversation and i will forget what i have just said. i am a crazy person.
the 1st appt is wednesday with the ob nurse and to get some bloodwork done and then i go back in on thursday to meet with the doctor! woohoo!!!!
my pee is totally good.
i peed on another stick this morning around 5 am, and we got another very, very faint positive! woohoo!!! i cannot even believe that it worked on our first round of fertility meds... the last time it took three rounds. its craziness!
and i know all about the waiting until the first trimester is over before you go spreading the news, but i just kept thinking about how boring my blog would be if i tried to pretend that i wasnt pregnant for the next three months... and we're going to a wedding next weekend, and without a doubt in my mind, all of our friends wouldve call me out for not drinking and it wouldve been figured out anyway.
and if we have another miscarriage (which we're not because this is all about positive thinking and i am assuming that all you wonderful readers out there are praying for us) :) you guys are gonna hear about it. i mean thats what this blog is all about, me being terribly honest about all things relating to me and pregnancy.
so woohoo!!! kraby #2 is on the way!!!
and i know all about the waiting until the first trimester is over before you go spreading the news, but i just kept thinking about how boring my blog would be if i tried to pretend that i wasnt pregnant for the next three months... and we're going to a wedding next weekend, and without a doubt in my mind, all of our friends wouldve call me out for not drinking and it wouldve been figured out anyway.
and if we have another miscarriage (which we're not because this is all about positive thinking and i am assuming that all you wonderful readers out there are praying for us) :) you guys are gonna hear about it. i mean thats what this blog is all about, me being terribly honest about all things relating to me and pregnancy.
so woohoo!!! kraby #2 is on the way!!!
um.... ok so i know i just posted a couple hours ago with my poo poo thoughts of the negative pregnancy test BUT...
i went back and checked the test again and there is the very faintest of faint lines!!!! OMG!!! i have a bunch of negative nancy's around me and they want me to test again in the morning so i will, but i took another test this evening and i got another very faint line, so in my head two very faint, but positive tests = pregnant to me! woohoo!
so i am going to bed a very happy girl, and i will let everyone know what the test looks like tomorrow.
please check out my very faint tests below:
i went back and checked the test again and there is the very faintest of faint lines!!!! OMG!!! i have a bunch of negative nancy's around me and they want me to test again in the morning so i will, but i took another test this evening and i got another very faint line, so in my head two very faint, but positive tests = pregnant to me! woohoo!
so i am going to bed a very happy girl, and i will let everyone know what the test looks like tomorrow.
please check out my very faint tests below:

my pee is no good.
so i was supposed to start today and still no signs of the dreaded aunt flo other than a little light cramping which in my hopeful head i attributed to implantation cramping, the day before yesterday...
i just took a test and got a negative. i guess theres still a chance i could be pregnant because false negatives happen all the time, but im not trying to get my hopes up too much. because yeah, we didnt get a positive until we were like 7/8 weeks with the very first pregnancy but looking back and now knowing a little more about how things work, i shouldve known that was a bad sign. it took that long for my hcg levels to be high enough for a test to detect which meant that they werent multiplying fast enough, and then we lost the pregnancy... blegh.
this whole "maybe im pregnant, maybe im not" thing is the poo poo. i feel for all you other ladies out there that have gone or are going through the same thing.
i just took a test and got a negative. i guess theres still a chance i could be pregnant because false negatives happen all the time, but im not trying to get my hopes up too much. because yeah, we didnt get a positive until we were like 7/8 weeks with the very first pregnancy but looking back and now knowing a little more about how things work, i shouldve known that was a bad sign. it took that long for my hcg levels to be high enough for a test to detect which meant that they werent multiplying fast enough, and then we lost the pregnancy... blegh.
this whole "maybe im pregnant, maybe im not" thing is the poo poo. i feel for all you other ladies out there that have gone or are going through the same thing.
i totally wanna pee on a stick right now...
as many of you trying to conceive women out there know, once you get to be about 8-10 dpo (days past ovulation) you so wanna take POAS (pee on a stick), and i am definitely trying to force myself to wait. because lets face it, odds are that even if i am pregnant, im not gonna get a positive this early. but it is so hard not to test, especially when theres always those few ladies on the pregnancy boards talking about how they got their bfp's (big friggin positive) 7 dpo. and you know im back on those boards when i start writing with the pregnancy acronyms, because even though we clearly have enough time to chat with other pregnant or trying to conceive ladies all day, we absolutely DO NOT have enough time to write out 'days past ovulation.' makes sense.
so i wanna take a test, but im really trying to wait it out. we'll see how long that lasts... but i think that this is the test i need.

in avery news:: he now has a sentence fragment to add to his growing vocabulary list. lately hes been getting a little rough with stella (our bulldog) lately and we have to tell him to be gentle and then we pet stelly and tell her shes a good girl. so now ave will pet her and tell her shes a 'good gir.' its too cute! i try to get him to say it all the time which is probably not the best, im confusing the poor kid, but thats just what moms do...
so i wanna take a test, but im really trying to wait it out. we'll see how long that lasts... but i think that this is the test i need.

in avery news:: he now has a sentence fragment to add to his growing vocabulary list. lately hes been getting a little rough with stella (our bulldog) lately and we have to tell him to be gentle and then we pet stelly and tell her shes a good girl. so now ave will pet her and tell her shes a 'good gir.' its too cute! i try to get him to say it all the time which is probably not the best, im confusing the poor kid, but thats just what moms do...
im pretty sane.
i realize that i havent written in awhile, but honestly i was waiting for some sort of event, or maybe a trip into crazy town to write about... surprisingly, i have been pretty sane the past couple weeks, even with the fertility meds totally in my system.
i havent screamed at anyone, or cried uncontrollably at inappropriate times, and i think ive been annoyed once. yeah, 'annoyed,' i cant even use the word 'angry' because it hasnt gotten that far. so maybe with all my worrying about crazy pants mcgee coming back, i am more aware this time and have been able to control it. or maybe the meds this time around just werent strong enough to make a difference... i am on a lower dosage than the last time.
i will say that unless we achieve the big goal this month then we will be forced to wait it out a little while thanks to wils last job and their terrible practices of taking care of employees...
so wils last day at his previous employer was august 2nd, he went and outprocessed and was told that the last day of our health insurance was july 31st. that jerk company cancelled our insurance before his last day so that we wouldnt be covered through august. i will be so angry if there is a health insurance deduction taken out of his last paycheck because the last check will include three weeks of vacation that he never took, which really could be these next three weeks that we do not have health insurance. ugh. and the new health insurance doesnt start until september 1st.
long story short, i was supposed to go back in twice this month for labs and other things to see how the fertility meds are working and if they actually made my non-functioning body ovulate, but with no insurance i cant really go back in. which also means that if we didnt get pregnant this month then i should be on another round of the meds at the end of august but that also wont happen because of the lack of insurance. poop.
i havent screamed at anyone, or cried uncontrollably at inappropriate times, and i think ive been annoyed once. yeah, 'annoyed,' i cant even use the word 'angry' because it hasnt gotten that far. so maybe with all my worrying about crazy pants mcgee coming back, i am more aware this time and have been able to control it. or maybe the meds this time around just werent strong enough to make a difference... i am on a lower dosage than the last time.
i will say that unless we achieve the big goal this month then we will be forced to wait it out a little while thanks to wils last job and their terrible practices of taking care of employees...
so wils last day at his previous employer was august 2nd, he went and outprocessed and was told that the last day of our health insurance was july 31st. that jerk company cancelled our insurance before his last day so that we wouldnt be covered through august. i will be so angry if there is a health insurance deduction taken out of his last paycheck because the last check will include three weeks of vacation that he never took, which really could be these next three weeks that we do not have health insurance. ugh. and the new health insurance doesnt start until september 1st.
long story short, i was supposed to go back in twice this month for labs and other things to see how the fertility meds are working and if they actually made my non-functioning body ovulate, but with no insurance i cant really go back in. which also means that if we didnt get pregnant this month then i should be on another round of the meds at the end of august but that also wont happen because of the lack of insurance. poop.
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