as many of you trying to conceive women out there know, once you get to be about 8-10 dpo (days past ovulation) you so wanna take POAS (pee on a stick), and i am definitely trying to force myself to wait. because lets face it, odds are that even if i
am pregnant, im not gonna get a positive this early. but it is so hard not to test, especially when theres always those few ladies on the pregnancy boards talking about how they got their bfp's (big friggin positive) 7 dpo. and you know im back on those boards when i start writing with the pregnancy acronyms, because even though we clearly have enough time to chat with other pregnant or trying to conceive ladies all day, we absolutely DO NOT have enough time to write out 'days past ovulation.' makes sense.
so i wanna take a test, but im really trying to wait it out. we'll see how long that lasts... but i think that this is the test i need.

in avery news:: he now has a sentence fragment to add to his growing vocabulary list. lately hes been getting a little rough with stella (our bulldog) lately and we have to tell him to be gentle and then we pet stelly and tell her shes a good girl. so now ave will pet her and tell her shes a 'good gir.' its too cute! i try to get him to say it all the time which is probably not the best, im confusing the poor kid, but thats just what moms do...
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