
i am spoiled.

i am hungry. all the time.

and its not like you would think... im not eating everything in sight, im actually not eating much at all, and not because i dont want to, but more because i have no idea what i want to eat. this part is no fun, its like a weird tease that you dont know how to get past. i want to eat something and im standing in the middle of a fully stocked kitchen and in my head, 'there is nothing to eat!' luckily i have a very patient husband that will continue to offer me things until something sounds appetizing. i even got fresh pineapple and bananas late sunday night with chocolate fondue! ha ha... how spoiled am i?

in more exciting news, i am pretty sure that i felt the baby move last week! woooo! i know that it is still a little early for me to be feeling anything, but now that i felt it once, i cant wait to feel it again! we were laying in bed and it was just before i fell asleep and i felt this little flutter... it was pretty awesome. :)

this part of pregnancy is kinda boring in terms of anything to report. the morning sickness is almsot completely gone, i just get random waves of nausea from certain sights or smells... im really not showing too much, i feel like ive looked the same for the last 3 or 4 weeks... and i dont go back to the dr for another week... ugh! it kinda makes me question whether or not the baby is ok, when you go from feeling awful to basically feeling like normal, it kinda makes you wonder. im really hoping that everything is fine, but once i go back to dr and hear the heartbeat again, i will feel much better!


Mitch said...

Yeah, it won't be too long before he/she is flying dragon kicking you in the ribs at night while you're trying to fall asleep...just ask Anna. The baby is fine, stop worrying and enjoy the peace.

krp said...

ha ha! i know i should enjoy it... im just a worry wart...

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