wow, so clearly i have neglected the blog as of late. not that there hasnt been anything to write about because believe me, i have some terribly embarrassing stories i could tell... but i think because so many people have come up to me to tell me that they read my blog im a little more reserved this time around. i just dont want to go out and hang out with kids and wonder if they are thinking about whether or not i peed myself when i laughed 15 minutes ago... i know, i have to go ahead and bite the bullet because lets face it, embarrassing things are way more entertaining to read than blah blah baby doctor stuff.
so today im just gonna recap my dr appt this morning, but if youre lucky you might be able to read a ridiculous story of the two top things on my 'things krp does not like during pregnancy' list. maybe... ok, just check back tomorrow-ish for the funnies.
so i saw a new dr at the practice this morning and he was GREAT! ive had a (very) little spotting that i didnt worry about at all because i had the same thing with ave and it was never a problem but when i told him about it he seemed slightly concerned and made sure that i know that if there is anymore that i should definitely call... another issue was the terrible rash that i had the entire time i was pregnant last time, he was worried that it could possibly be a liver issue Cholestasisso he ordered some bloodwork. its more likely just a reaction from my body to all the extra hormones going crazy in here. PUPPS PUPPS infoso i should get a call tomorrow morning letting me know the results, but i will absolutely be shocked if its anything other than 'everything looks fine.'
it took a little while to find the baby's heartbeat, but it always does... im hoping this isnt an indication that my child will be difficult. ha ha! oh and the dr made his prediction that the baby is a boy, so we will see next week if he was right. woohoo!
chubby girl
so i went back to the dr yesterday for my check up after the bad pee pee. we went over the results of the stuff that was sent out and they figured out that i was not dehydrated, he said that my urine was 'nice and diluted, just the way they like it.' ha ha! it made me laugh. so i guess the real issue is that they think that i am either not eating enough, or throwing up too much. there were ketones in the pee pee which means my body is breaking down fat for calories and i guess that is not the ideal situation while pregnant. it was funny to me later thinking about my dr telling a chubby girl that she has some sort of issue that resembles either anorexia or bulemia... clearly i do not have either of those problems in the real world.
ketone info
long story short, everything is ok but he still wants me to come in again next week just to check up on the baby one more time, then i think i should be good with the dr visits until next month! woohoo!
i do want to touch on a subject that i complained about during my last pregnancy... constipation is the absolute worst. number one, the pregnancy hormones on their own help the constipation, and then you combine that with the prenatal vitamins and all the extra iron, and now my vomit meds are helping to contribute to the whole non-pooing of my life and that equals me being miserable. so i am now taking prenatal vitamins, vomit meds, tylenol, and a stool softener daily... awesome. im pretty sure babies require a lot of work pre-birth just to get you ready for when they actually arrive.
pregnancy = no poo poos. rememba dat.
ketone info
long story short, everything is ok but he still wants me to come in again next week just to check up on the baby one more time, then i think i should be good with the dr visits until next month! woohoo!
i do want to touch on a subject that i complained about during my last pregnancy... constipation is the absolute worst. number one, the pregnancy hormones on their own help the constipation, and then you combine that with the prenatal vitamins and all the extra iron, and now my vomit meds are helping to contribute to the whole non-pooing of my life and that equals me being miserable. so i am now taking prenatal vitamins, vomit meds, tylenol, and a stool softener daily... awesome. im pretty sure babies require a lot of work pre-birth just to get you ready for when they actually arrive.
pregnancy = no poo poos. rememba dat.
proteins in the pee pees.
i am the lame sauce, i cant believe how long its been since ive written. of course hilarious and disgusting things have taken place but i guess im just too tired to write about them half the time. and for some reason i always think of great things to write about and good ways to word them when i am in bed falling asleep, then i totally cant remember anything when i wake up... sad day.
so i guess since i last wrote i have continued my gross vomitting that is not unlike taking out the christmas trash with one difference. it is now coming out with a fury! i dont know that i have ever projectile vomitted before but thats definitely how ive been lately, awesome!
i had a dr appt last week and it was pretty early in the monring after a night of throwing up so when i went in and peed in the cup i had protein in my urine which i hear is not a good thing. then they were a little concerned that i had lost more weight so i guess they were thinking that maybe i was dehydrated from all the throwing up which could account for the protein in my urine... soooo... i got a prescription for the anti-vomitness! woohoo!!! but because of the proteins in the pee pee i had to pee in a cup two more times, so i was there forever trying to work up more pee. and i have to go back in this week so they can do another pee check, fun!
we did the whole halloween thing this weekend which was super fun! my lil sis went to a party dressed up as me and half of our friends thought that she actually was me... ill post a pic later. and ave dressed up as a giraffe last night, we didnt do any trick or treating since he doenst eat candy or anything, but he did do a great job helping me give out candy. basically he would dive his little hands into the candy bowl and fling candy out in the yard, it was a good time. crazy kid. i will also post pics of this later...
so i guess since i last wrote i have continued my gross vomitting that is not unlike taking out the christmas trash with one difference. it is now coming out with a fury! i dont know that i have ever projectile vomitted before but thats definitely how ive been lately, awesome!
i had a dr appt last week and it was pretty early in the monring after a night of throwing up so when i went in and peed in the cup i had protein in my urine which i hear is not a good thing. then they were a little concerned that i had lost more weight so i guess they were thinking that maybe i was dehydrated from all the throwing up which could account for the protein in my urine... soooo... i got a prescription for the anti-vomitness! woohoo!!! but because of the proteins in the pee pee i had to pee in a cup two more times, so i was there forever trying to work up more pee. and i have to go back in this week so they can do another pee check, fun!
we did the whole halloween thing this weekend which was super fun! my lil sis went to a party dressed up as me and half of our friends thought that she actually was me... ill post a pic later. and ave dressed up as a giraffe last night, we didnt do any trick or treating since he doenst eat candy or anything, but he did do a great job helping me give out candy. basically he would dive his little hands into the candy bowl and fling candy out in the yard, it was a good time. crazy kid. i will also post pics of this later...

christmas trash.
so ive come to the realization that while not all pregnancies are the same, my pregnancies are similar with little tweaks here and there...
this time around i am super emotional, i can cry at the drop of a hat and whats worse is that i am also getting totally angry outta nowhere. which is really weird because in my non-pregnant life im not normally an angry person. but these next 7 months- watch out!
another similar difference is the vomitting. i threw up a ton with avery and i am throwing up just as much with this little lime in the belly. (the baby is the size of a lime now...) how big is my baby in a comparative way that i would understand like food
with my first little sweetness the vomitting was short and sweet if you will. it was kinda like taking out the trash after youve been on vacation for a week so theres really not all the much but you feel like you should be taking it out anyway but it takes no time because theres like one bag and the can is super light. with baby 2.0 its more like taking out the trash on the first pick up day after christmas... oh my gosh, no one wants that job. theres boxes, and bags, and wrapping paper, and all the leftover food from having tons of family over. and on top of that theres all of the regular day to day trash that has built up because during the holidays the trash pick up isnt as frequent or regular. you feel like theres crap everywhere and it takes hours to get all the trash accumulated and outta the house. and then when youre done youre all tired and exhausted and you feel like now the outside of your house looks all trashy because all the cans are filled up so you have boxes next to the can and the wind is blowin it around... you get the picture.
so im just hoping that i will have the magical 2nd trimester people always talk about where they totally stop vomitting and they have all of their energy back and everything is rainbows and unicorns.
this time around i am super emotional, i can cry at the drop of a hat and whats worse is that i am also getting totally angry outta nowhere. which is really weird because in my non-pregnant life im not normally an angry person. but these next 7 months- watch out!
another similar difference is the vomitting. i threw up a ton with avery and i am throwing up just as much with this little lime in the belly. (the baby is the size of a lime now...) how big is my baby in a comparative way that i would understand like food
with my first little sweetness the vomitting was short and sweet if you will. it was kinda like taking out the trash after youve been on vacation for a week so theres really not all the much but you feel like you should be taking it out anyway but it takes no time because theres like one bag and the can is super light. with baby 2.0 its more like taking out the trash on the first pick up day after christmas... oh my gosh, no one wants that job. theres boxes, and bags, and wrapping paper, and all the leftover food from having tons of family over. and on top of that theres all of the regular day to day trash that has built up because during the holidays the trash pick up isnt as frequent or regular. you feel like theres crap everywhere and it takes hours to get all the trash accumulated and outta the house. and then when youre done youre all tired and exhausted and you feel like now the outside of your house looks all trashy because all the cans are filled up so you have boxes next to the can and the wind is blowin it around... you get the picture.
so im just hoping that i will have the magical 2nd trimester people always talk about where they totally stop vomitting and they have all of their energy back and everything is rainbows and unicorns.
my own hell.
i totally just experienced the worst thing of my life. yes, the WORST.
me and the dino are hanging out and i finally get our lazy selves together to go to the store. stells is completely out of food after her bowl this morning so i am forced to go.
anyway, i go out to the car to put ave in and i see a tiny yellow-white spider on the door handle... i HATE spiders no matter how small, theres just too many legs and it totally creeps me out. so as im looking at the door handle and trying to figure out where i can quickly grab and open without fear of that terrible eight legged evilness touching me, i notice that there is a huge brown spider on my sleeve. of course i scream like a girl and drop the diaper bag thats in the spider hand onto the ground. and after furiously shaking my arm until i am satisfied that the second ecounter of evil is no longer on any part of me, i finally put avery in his seat and buckle him up.
i totally have the heebie jeebies at this point. i open my door and when i do, a bunch of crap falls, kinda like in the springtime when you go out to your car and theres pollen everywhere so crap goes flying everytime you open a door... anyway, the crap falls and i take a closer look and realize that there are hundreds of little baby spiders all over the door frame and it was something spider related that fell. OH. MY. GOSH... im standing there almost frozen because i hate those little creepy mccreepersons so much that i almost failed to notice what i can only assume was the huge mama spider now on averys door.
im panicking at this point thinking that i have to save my child from the disgusting grossness that is spiders but i totally dont want to touch that door. but of course im a mom and i have to put my craziness aside, i open the door, huge mama spider comes around to the inside- DISGUSTING, and i reach in, quickly unhook ave and get him the heck outta there.
this was probably 20 minutes ago and i still feel like there are spiders all over me. my dad is dropping the car off tonight at the dealership to be detailed in the morning.

ok... maybe it wasnt this bad but it felt like it...
me and the dino are hanging out and i finally get our lazy selves together to go to the store. stells is completely out of food after her bowl this morning so i am forced to go.
anyway, i go out to the car to put ave in and i see a tiny yellow-white spider on the door handle... i HATE spiders no matter how small, theres just too many legs and it totally creeps me out. so as im looking at the door handle and trying to figure out where i can quickly grab and open without fear of that terrible eight legged evilness touching me, i notice that there is a huge brown spider on my sleeve. of course i scream like a girl and drop the diaper bag thats in the spider hand onto the ground. and after furiously shaking my arm until i am satisfied that the second ecounter of evil is no longer on any part of me, i finally put avery in his seat and buckle him up.
i totally have the heebie jeebies at this point. i open my door and when i do, a bunch of crap falls, kinda like in the springtime when you go out to your car and theres pollen everywhere so crap goes flying everytime you open a door... anyway, the crap falls and i take a closer look and realize that there are hundreds of little baby spiders all over the door frame and it was something spider related that fell. OH. MY. GOSH... im standing there almost frozen because i hate those little creepy mccreepersons so much that i almost failed to notice what i can only assume was the huge mama spider now on averys door.
im panicking at this point thinking that i have to save my child from the disgusting grossness that is spiders but i totally dont want to touch that door. but of course im a mom and i have to put my craziness aside, i open the door, huge mama spider comes around to the inside- DISGUSTING, and i reach in, quickly unhook ave and get him the heck outta there.
this was probably 20 minutes ago and i still feel like there are spiders all over me. my dad is dropping the car off tonight at the dealership to be detailed in the morning.

ok... maybe it wasnt this bad but it felt like it...
heebie jeebies,
ugly baby
i disgust myself.
luckily for me this pregnancy is starting off much like my first, with the gagging and vomitting almost a constant, only this time around i am changing disgusting stinky poo poo diapers five times a day. even writing that last sentence made me a gag a little. ugh.
ok, so since my child is now pretty much completely on a regular food diet with meats and such, the poo poos smell absolutely terrible. i mean they smelled bad before i knew i was pregnant again... but now i cant even change one diaper without fear of vomitting on my own child. ive tried holding my breath, breathing through my mouth, and tying something around my face to block the smelly smells... nothing works.
last night while changing an especially stinky stink stink i started a gagging fit that i knew could only end in disaster. my child is lying half naked on the changing table when i realize that i am absolutely going to throw up, i cant walk away from him because he could fall, i cant just pick him up because hes naked and will most likely pee or poo on me as soon as cool air touches his little nakey self. so i do the only thing i can think to do... i vomitted into my own hand. GROSS.
this is my life now, vomitting into my hands. awesome.
ok, so since my child is now pretty much completely on a regular food diet with meats and such, the poo poos smell absolutely terrible. i mean they smelled bad before i knew i was pregnant again... but now i cant even change one diaper without fear of vomitting on my own child. ive tried holding my breath, breathing through my mouth, and tying something around my face to block the smelly smells... nothing works.
last night while changing an especially stinky stink stink i started a gagging fit that i knew could only end in disaster. my child is lying half naked on the changing table when i realize that i am absolutely going to throw up, i cant walk away from him because he could fall, i cant just pick him up because hes naked and will most likely pee or poo on me as soon as cool air touches his little nakey self. so i do the only thing i can think to do... i vomitted into my own hand. GROSS.
this is my life now, vomitting into my hands. awesome.
a haiku
A Haiku
panera lady;
sorry you heard me throw up.
Pregnancy puking.
sorry ive been super lame by not updating anyone on anything in the fascinating life of me...
we've just been pretty busy with quite a few things going on. we went to the beach for a week, the littles turned the big O.N.E., went to the dr to see and hear the new bebeh, and in between all of that there has been a lot of gagging, dry heaving, and throwing up in public places like the panera bread.
first, beach. was a great time, but when a baby plays hard, they will also cry hard and be a grumples mcgee when they do not nap on time. and it was super easy to get him to take a nap when all he wanted to do was swim in the pool or play on the beach... ugh. but at least he liked it, that kid wouldve crawled the entire beach if we had let him. red, swollen knees from crawling in the sand all day- thats nothin for a little man on a mission! ha ha!

so after our week of fun came the week of craziness... trying to unpack, clean the house, and get everything ready for the big birthday. before now, i had absolutely no idea how much work goes into even the simplest of birthday parties. yikes. you invite all these people, have no idea who will show up, decorate, make all sorts of food, get all sorts of desserts, and then throw them all away a few days later because the number of guests that actually showed up was much less than what you had planned for... but the baby dino had a good time, and woke up the next day feeling like it was christmas when he saw all of his new toys again. and he clearly loved his chocolate cupcake.

next on the list we went back to the ob to get another ultrasound done to check on the newest little addition to our family. everything was great! they bumped my due date back a few days to may 5, but being the crazy person that i am i hope that its actually may 6. then the b-day will be 5.6.11... you know, 5+6 = 11. yay! mathematical birthdays! i am the dorkiest mom ever. so we got to see the tiny baby, and there was actually something to see this time! woohoo! we also got to see and hear the heartbeat which was going strong. and the doctor even said that he would be very surprised if we lost the baby just because both of the ultrasounds so far have looked so normal, so he truly believes that this baby will be fine, it was really reassuring to hear him say that. im actually really liking this new dr a lot. he totally gets my craziness. i like that.
and finally, the new baby hates me and all foods that i consume. i cant even remember the last time that i ate something and actually felt good. i feel like vomitting almost constantly and yesterday it finally happened with a vengence when the hubs and i went out to lunch. i think i had maybe three bites of my sammy when the littles dropped in juice cup. so i pick it up and go to the bathroom to clean it up, but when i get there i absolutely hated the smell of the bathroom and immediately started gagging. terribly for me and all other patrons of panera, the main door to the b-room was open, so i hold back the pukage and shut the big door then run back into the stall where i am gagging uncontrollably. i look at the dirty floor and this further disgusts me so i start vomitting up the little but that i had eaten. disgusting. and this poor woman walks in to use the bathroom like a normal person only to be met with the wonderful sounds and smells of the pregnant women in the stall next to her, i cant imagine that that is what she hoped to encounter upon her entrance to the bathroom before enjoying her lunch. so, i am very sorry lady, but i dont think it was necessary for you to stand outside the bathroom to give me a dirty look as i left the area, next time i might puke on you.
panera lady;
sorry you heard me throw up.
Pregnancy puking.
sorry ive been super lame by not updating anyone on anything in the fascinating life of me...
we've just been pretty busy with quite a few things going on. we went to the beach for a week, the littles turned the big O.N.E., went to the dr to see and hear the new bebeh, and in between all of that there has been a lot of gagging, dry heaving, and throwing up in public places like the panera bread.
first, beach. was a great time, but when a baby plays hard, they will also cry hard and be a grumples mcgee when they do not nap on time. and it was super easy to get him to take a nap when all he wanted to do was swim in the pool or play on the beach... ugh. but at least he liked it, that kid wouldve crawled the entire beach if we had let him. red, swollen knees from crawling in the sand all day- thats nothin for a little man on a mission! ha ha!
so after our week of fun came the week of craziness... trying to unpack, clean the house, and get everything ready for the big birthday. before now, i had absolutely no idea how much work goes into even the simplest of birthday parties. yikes. you invite all these people, have no idea who will show up, decorate, make all sorts of food, get all sorts of desserts, and then throw them all away a few days later because the number of guests that actually showed up was much less than what you had planned for... but the baby dino had a good time, and woke up the next day feeling like it was christmas when he saw all of his new toys again. and he clearly loved his chocolate cupcake.

next on the list we went back to the ob to get another ultrasound done to check on the newest little addition to our family. everything was great! they bumped my due date back a few days to may 5, but being the crazy person that i am i hope that its actually may 6. then the b-day will be 5.6.11... you know, 5+6 = 11. yay! mathematical birthdays! i am the dorkiest mom ever. so we got to see the tiny baby, and there was actually something to see this time! woohoo! we also got to see and hear the heartbeat which was going strong. and the doctor even said that he would be very surprised if we lost the baby just because both of the ultrasounds so far have looked so normal, so he truly believes that this baby will be fine, it was really reassuring to hear him say that. im actually really liking this new dr a lot. he totally gets my craziness. i like that.
and finally, the new baby hates me and all foods that i consume. i cant even remember the last time that i ate something and actually felt good. i feel like vomitting almost constantly and yesterday it finally happened with a vengence when the hubs and i went out to lunch. i think i had maybe three bites of my sammy when the littles dropped in juice cup. so i pick it up and go to the bathroom to clean it up, but when i get there i absolutely hated the smell of the bathroom and immediately started gagging. terribly for me and all other patrons of panera, the main door to the b-room was open, so i hold back the pukage and shut the big door then run back into the stall where i am gagging uncontrollably. i look at the dirty floor and this further disgusts me so i start vomitting up the little but that i had eaten. disgusting. and this poor woman walks in to use the bathroom like a normal person only to be met with the wonderful sounds and smells of the pregnant women in the stall next to her, i cant imagine that that is what she hoped to encounter upon her entrance to the bathroom before enjoying her lunch. so, i am very sorry lady, but i dont think it was necessary for you to stand outside the bathroom to give me a dirty look as i left the area, next time i might puke on you.
my awesome downtown.
i had my first 'real' ob appointment today at my new practice... (had to switch because of a change in insurance)
and i am really super happy with how it went! woot!
i met the dr and he went over my previous pregnancy info, problems, and questions. and then he offered to do an ultrasound after i promised that i would not cry or freak out in any way if we didnt see a heartbeat because im so early.
he decides to just go ahead and do my exam in the ultrasound room instead of making me strip down twice to just move down the hallway. while hes checking out the downtown which i was nervous about for some reason... you would think after having a million people check it out with the last pregnancy it would be old hat, but nope, still got all tense. anyway, he does the whole downtown check and asks how long ago it was that i gave birth, i tell him that my son will be one year in two weeks and he says that i 'healed very nicely' ha ha!!! he even said that he never wouldve thought that i had ever given birth. i guess all those awesome kegels i did the last time were totally worth it! weird, but funny. i kinda liked that he was so candid, clearly i operate the same way.
link to kegel refresher
the dr shows me the ultrasound screen and i see a little black spot which is the baby, no heartbeat yet but thats ok, im going back in two weeks and we should definitely see it by then. so i now have a picture of my little black dot. woohoo! bummer that we didnt see the heartbeat but at least it was verified that the fertilized egg actually made it to the uterus so thats a good thing.
and i am really super happy with how it went! woot!
i met the dr and he went over my previous pregnancy info, problems, and questions. and then he offered to do an ultrasound after i promised that i would not cry or freak out in any way if we didnt see a heartbeat because im so early.
he decides to just go ahead and do my exam in the ultrasound room instead of making me strip down twice to just move down the hallway. while hes checking out the downtown which i was nervous about for some reason... you would think after having a million people check it out with the last pregnancy it would be old hat, but nope, still got all tense. anyway, he does the whole downtown check and asks how long ago it was that i gave birth, i tell him that my son will be one year in two weeks and he says that i 'healed very nicely' ha ha!!! he even said that he never wouldve thought that i had ever given birth. i guess all those awesome kegels i did the last time were totally worth it! weird, but funny. i kinda liked that he was so candid, clearly i operate the same way.
link to kegel refresher
the dr shows me the ultrasound screen and i see a little black spot which is the baby, no heartbeat yet but thats ok, im going back in two weeks and we should definitely see it by then. so i now have a picture of my little black dot. woohoo! bummer that we didnt see the heartbeat but at least it was verified that the fertilized egg actually made it to the uterus so thats a good thing.
i love pickles.
this is going to sound like absolute craziness because im only about 4.5 weeks pregnant, but i have already thrown up in my mouth twice, gagged while brushing my teeth, peed a little when i sneezed, and eaten an entire jar of pickles... and let me just tell you that about a week before i got my positive, the hubs asked if i had eaten any pickles lately and when i told him i finished the jar he said that that was all the confirmation that he needed... ha ha! way to go hubs, predicting the future based on my outta control pregnancy eating habits!
i have a feeling that this pregnancy may be even more outta control than the last.
and on top of all that im pretty sure that i now know what it feels like to have ADD. i was driving the mom & sis around the other day and i was the absolute worst driver in history. i was swerving all over the road and i just could not pay attention. i consider myself an alright driver, ive only gotten one ticket, and im even more cautios now that i have my precious cargo in the back seat. but for the life of me i could not get it together and i was consciously making an effort to pay attention. terrible.
and i keep forgetting everything. i will literally be having a conversation and i will forget what i have just said. i am a crazy person.
the 1st appt is wednesday with the ob nurse and to get some bloodwork done and then i go back in on thursday to meet with the doctor! woohoo!!!!
i have a feeling that this pregnancy may be even more outta control than the last.
and on top of all that im pretty sure that i now know what it feels like to have ADD. i was driving the mom & sis around the other day and i was the absolute worst driver in history. i was swerving all over the road and i just could not pay attention. i consider myself an alright driver, ive only gotten one ticket, and im even more cautios now that i have my precious cargo in the back seat. but for the life of me i could not get it together and i was consciously making an effort to pay attention. terrible.
and i keep forgetting everything. i will literally be having a conversation and i will forget what i have just said. i am a crazy person.
the 1st appt is wednesday with the ob nurse and to get some bloodwork done and then i go back in on thursday to meet with the doctor! woohoo!!!!
my pee is totally good.
i peed on another stick this morning around 5 am, and we got another very, very faint positive! woohoo!!! i cannot even believe that it worked on our first round of fertility meds... the last time it took three rounds. its craziness!
and i know all about the waiting until the first trimester is over before you go spreading the news, but i just kept thinking about how boring my blog would be if i tried to pretend that i wasnt pregnant for the next three months... and we're going to a wedding next weekend, and without a doubt in my mind, all of our friends wouldve call me out for not drinking and it wouldve been figured out anyway.
and if we have another miscarriage (which we're not because this is all about positive thinking and i am assuming that all you wonderful readers out there are praying for us) :) you guys are gonna hear about it. i mean thats what this blog is all about, me being terribly honest about all things relating to me and pregnancy.
so woohoo!!! kraby #2 is on the way!!!
and i know all about the waiting until the first trimester is over before you go spreading the news, but i just kept thinking about how boring my blog would be if i tried to pretend that i wasnt pregnant for the next three months... and we're going to a wedding next weekend, and without a doubt in my mind, all of our friends wouldve call me out for not drinking and it wouldve been figured out anyway.
and if we have another miscarriage (which we're not because this is all about positive thinking and i am assuming that all you wonderful readers out there are praying for us) :) you guys are gonna hear about it. i mean thats what this blog is all about, me being terribly honest about all things relating to me and pregnancy.
so woohoo!!! kraby #2 is on the way!!!
um.... ok so i know i just posted a couple hours ago with my poo poo thoughts of the negative pregnancy test BUT...
i went back and checked the test again and there is the very faintest of faint lines!!!! OMG!!! i have a bunch of negative nancy's around me and they want me to test again in the morning so i will, but i took another test this evening and i got another very faint line, so in my head two very faint, but positive tests = pregnant to me! woohoo!
so i am going to bed a very happy girl, and i will let everyone know what the test looks like tomorrow.
please check out my very faint tests below:
i went back and checked the test again and there is the very faintest of faint lines!!!! OMG!!! i have a bunch of negative nancy's around me and they want me to test again in the morning so i will, but i took another test this evening and i got another very faint line, so in my head two very faint, but positive tests = pregnant to me! woohoo!
so i am going to bed a very happy girl, and i will let everyone know what the test looks like tomorrow.
please check out my very faint tests below:

my pee is no good.
so i was supposed to start today and still no signs of the dreaded aunt flo other than a little light cramping which in my hopeful head i attributed to implantation cramping, the day before yesterday...
i just took a test and got a negative. i guess theres still a chance i could be pregnant because false negatives happen all the time, but im not trying to get my hopes up too much. because yeah, we didnt get a positive until we were like 7/8 weeks with the very first pregnancy but looking back and now knowing a little more about how things work, i shouldve known that was a bad sign. it took that long for my hcg levels to be high enough for a test to detect which meant that they werent multiplying fast enough, and then we lost the pregnancy... blegh.
this whole "maybe im pregnant, maybe im not" thing is the poo poo. i feel for all you other ladies out there that have gone or are going through the same thing.
i just took a test and got a negative. i guess theres still a chance i could be pregnant because false negatives happen all the time, but im not trying to get my hopes up too much. because yeah, we didnt get a positive until we were like 7/8 weeks with the very first pregnancy but looking back and now knowing a little more about how things work, i shouldve known that was a bad sign. it took that long for my hcg levels to be high enough for a test to detect which meant that they werent multiplying fast enough, and then we lost the pregnancy... blegh.
this whole "maybe im pregnant, maybe im not" thing is the poo poo. i feel for all you other ladies out there that have gone or are going through the same thing.
i totally wanna pee on a stick right now...
as many of you trying to conceive women out there know, once you get to be about 8-10 dpo (days past ovulation) you so wanna take POAS (pee on a stick), and i am definitely trying to force myself to wait. because lets face it, odds are that even if i am pregnant, im not gonna get a positive this early. but it is so hard not to test, especially when theres always those few ladies on the pregnancy boards talking about how they got their bfp's (big friggin positive) 7 dpo. and you know im back on those boards when i start writing with the pregnancy acronyms, because even though we clearly have enough time to chat with other pregnant or trying to conceive ladies all day, we absolutely DO NOT have enough time to write out 'days past ovulation.' makes sense.
so i wanna take a test, but im really trying to wait it out. we'll see how long that lasts... but i think that this is the test i need.

in avery news:: he now has a sentence fragment to add to his growing vocabulary list. lately hes been getting a little rough with stella (our bulldog) lately and we have to tell him to be gentle and then we pet stelly and tell her shes a good girl. so now ave will pet her and tell her shes a 'good gir.' its too cute! i try to get him to say it all the time which is probably not the best, im confusing the poor kid, but thats just what moms do...
so i wanna take a test, but im really trying to wait it out. we'll see how long that lasts... but i think that this is the test i need.

in avery news:: he now has a sentence fragment to add to his growing vocabulary list. lately hes been getting a little rough with stella (our bulldog) lately and we have to tell him to be gentle and then we pet stelly and tell her shes a good girl. so now ave will pet her and tell her shes a 'good gir.' its too cute! i try to get him to say it all the time which is probably not the best, im confusing the poor kid, but thats just what moms do...
im pretty sane.
i realize that i havent written in awhile, but honestly i was waiting for some sort of event, or maybe a trip into crazy town to write about... surprisingly, i have been pretty sane the past couple weeks, even with the fertility meds totally in my system.
i havent screamed at anyone, or cried uncontrollably at inappropriate times, and i think ive been annoyed once. yeah, 'annoyed,' i cant even use the word 'angry' because it hasnt gotten that far. so maybe with all my worrying about crazy pants mcgee coming back, i am more aware this time and have been able to control it. or maybe the meds this time around just werent strong enough to make a difference... i am on a lower dosage than the last time.
i will say that unless we achieve the big goal this month then we will be forced to wait it out a little while thanks to wils last job and their terrible practices of taking care of employees...
so wils last day at his previous employer was august 2nd, he went and outprocessed and was told that the last day of our health insurance was july 31st. that jerk company cancelled our insurance before his last day so that we wouldnt be covered through august. i will be so angry if there is a health insurance deduction taken out of his last paycheck because the last check will include three weeks of vacation that he never took, which really could be these next three weeks that we do not have health insurance. ugh. and the new health insurance doesnt start until september 1st.
long story short, i was supposed to go back in twice this month for labs and other things to see how the fertility meds are working and if they actually made my non-functioning body ovulate, but with no insurance i cant really go back in. which also means that if we didnt get pregnant this month then i should be on another round of the meds at the end of august but that also wont happen because of the lack of insurance. poop.
i havent screamed at anyone, or cried uncontrollably at inappropriate times, and i think ive been annoyed once. yeah, 'annoyed,' i cant even use the word 'angry' because it hasnt gotten that far. so maybe with all my worrying about crazy pants mcgee coming back, i am more aware this time and have been able to control it. or maybe the meds this time around just werent strong enough to make a difference... i am on a lower dosage than the last time.
i will say that unless we achieve the big goal this month then we will be forced to wait it out a little while thanks to wils last job and their terrible practices of taking care of employees...
so wils last day at his previous employer was august 2nd, he went and outprocessed and was told that the last day of our health insurance was july 31st. that jerk company cancelled our insurance before his last day so that we wouldnt be covered through august. i will be so angry if there is a health insurance deduction taken out of his last paycheck because the last check will include three weeks of vacation that he never took, which really could be these next three weeks that we do not have health insurance. ugh. and the new health insurance doesnt start until september 1st.
long story short, i was supposed to go back in twice this month for labs and other things to see how the fertility meds are working and if they actually made my non-functioning body ovulate, but with no insurance i cant really go back in. which also means that if we didnt get pregnant this month then i should be on another round of the meds at the end of august but that also wont happen because of the lack of insurance. poop.
so i dont really have anything significant to write about today, but i feel that since there are only two days of sanity left in my life for awhile maybe i should write just one more entry. on friday the crazy pills get started and i will be on them until we hopefully achieve another pregnancy which doesnt really lend any hands to bringing sanity back.
but there have been a few things ive been thinking about since we will be actively trying next week. ahhhh!!!!
at averys last appt the dr talked to us about a few goals we should be keeping in mind as we near his first birthday:
1) he should be sleeping in his own bed, in his own room
2) he should be drinking from a sippy cup pretty exclusively
3) he should be on an almost complete regular food diet
we are doing terribly on all three fronts.
1) i know he should be in his own room, and i honestly have tried, theres just so many little factors that make it so difficult. the first being the hubs' odd work sched. if ave went to bed at 7 every night, they might go a week without ever seeing each other. not cool. and not only that... about a week ago i decided i was gonna make ave try it. ugh. so from the get go hes screaming, i try to calm him down and leave the room. and with the 'cry it out' method, you let them cry obviously, but you go in at different intervals to try to calm the baby... this did not work. after no less then 10 minutes of straight screaming and three visits into his room, i can see in the dark that his face his really really red. i pick him up and bring him into the hallway and my child was so upset that his entire face was red, he gave himself hives, and the eye that always swelled up was of course, swelled up. we havent tried again since.
2) i am fairly certain that we have about 15 different sippy cups currently in our house. my son hates almost all of them. there are a few that he will try to use sometimes, but hes no sippy cup pro. and he does try but i cant figure if he just doesnt get that he needs to tilt his head back some, or if he just doesnt feel like tilting his head back...
3) we currently have two faces of disgust that we get from the little man when making him try something new. there is the 'tart face,' which looks like hes just tasted a lemon, and the 'im gonna barf' face, which i think is self explanitory. and let me be clear, this child has had nothing that could be considered too tart or acidic in any way, hes just silly. the barf face is also a fake. he will try something and the moment it hits his lips, that little face is contorted into the most terrible gag you have ever seen... i only wish we had a picture of the awful face of disgust he gave when he tried my mashed potatoes.
in conclusion, im not sure how great im gonna be at child number 2, and i am dreading with everything in me the big '1 year' appt. they are going to look at me like i am the worst mom ever if we dont tackle these above mentioned items within the next two months. so if any of you moms out there have any suggestions or tips, they would be greatly appreciated. thanks.
but there have been a few things ive been thinking about since we will be actively trying next week. ahhhh!!!!
at averys last appt the dr talked to us about a few goals we should be keeping in mind as we near his first birthday:
1) he should be sleeping in his own bed, in his own room
2) he should be drinking from a sippy cup pretty exclusively
3) he should be on an almost complete regular food diet
we are doing terribly on all three fronts.
1) i know he should be in his own room, and i honestly have tried, theres just so many little factors that make it so difficult. the first being the hubs' odd work sched. if ave went to bed at 7 every night, they might go a week without ever seeing each other. not cool. and not only that... about a week ago i decided i was gonna make ave try it. ugh. so from the get go hes screaming, i try to calm him down and leave the room. and with the 'cry it out' method, you let them cry obviously, but you go in at different intervals to try to calm the baby... this did not work. after no less then 10 minutes of straight screaming and three visits into his room, i can see in the dark that his face his really really red. i pick him up and bring him into the hallway and my child was so upset that his entire face was red, he gave himself hives, and the eye that always swelled up was of course, swelled up. we havent tried again since.
2) i am fairly certain that we have about 15 different sippy cups currently in our house. my son hates almost all of them. there are a few that he will try to use sometimes, but hes no sippy cup pro. and he does try but i cant figure if he just doesnt get that he needs to tilt his head back some, or if he just doesnt feel like tilting his head back...
3) we currently have two faces of disgust that we get from the little man when making him try something new. there is the 'tart face,' which looks like hes just tasted a lemon, and the 'im gonna barf' face, which i think is self explanitory. and let me be clear, this child has had nothing that could be considered too tart or acidic in any way, hes just silly. the barf face is also a fake. he will try something and the moment it hits his lips, that little face is contorted into the most terrible gag you have ever seen... i only wish we had a picture of the awful face of disgust he gave when he tried my mashed potatoes.
in conclusion, im not sure how great im gonna be at child number 2, and i am dreading with everything in me the big '1 year' appt. they are going to look at me like i am the worst mom ever if we dont tackle these above mentioned items within the next two months. so if any of you moms out there have any suggestions or tips, they would be greatly appreciated. thanks.
she came!
i finally started my period today, woohoo! i know, who gets excited about that? about a week late, but better late than never! and there isnt even one good thing i think of when it comes to periods, especially mine since i have them for no reason, stupid non-ovulating ovaries.
anyway, now that ive started, we can offically start the process of makin a baby! yeah, baby time! ill start taking clomid on friday which will be terribly unpleasant. the last time i was on clomid was october through december, so the hot flashes werent that too much of a big deal. other than our thanksgiving in florida, sitting at the table and my sister in law says 'you ok? youre not looking so hot.' its pretty bad when people can literally see that youre having a hot flash. but starting clomid in july during record breaking temperatures is going to be less than pleasant. the mood swings alone arent fun, and add in that im gonna be hot all the time. el terible.
so if im grumpy, rude, snotty, weepy, angry, or any other non positive adjective to any of you kids out there within the next three months, please allow me to apologize in advance.
anyway, now that ive started, we can offically start the process of makin a baby! yeah, baby time! ill start taking clomid on friday which will be terribly unpleasant. the last time i was on clomid was october through december, so the hot flashes werent that too much of a big deal. other than our thanksgiving in florida, sitting at the table and my sister in law says 'you ok? youre not looking so hot.' its pretty bad when people can literally see that youre having a hot flash. but starting clomid in july during record breaking temperatures is going to be less than pleasant. the mood swings alone arent fun, and add in that im gonna be hot all the time. el terible.
so if im grumpy, rude, snotty, weepy, angry, or any other non positive adjective to any of you kids out there within the next three months, please allow me to apologize in advance.
ima boy.

finally got a call back from dr today and after she looked over the results from my last round of blood work, she believes that i do have PCOS. poop. i guess PCOS sometimes really affects insulin levels, and according to the doc, my levels are fine right now, BUT i have elevated levels of testosterone. gross!!! im a boy! ha ha! and she told me again that i ABSOLUTELY do not ovualte. awesome. did she really need to say it again?...
so... she called in a prescription for me to start the super fun clomid on my next cycle, yay! poor wil. i am an absolute crazy person on that crap, but since the theory of 'maybe youll start ovulating on your own after a successful pregnancy' didnt happen then i guess this is what we have to do. and i now have a list of a million different days within my cycle that i have to go back in for more labs to see how my levels are and if the clomid is actually working.
i know i went through a ton of craziness trying to have avery, but i just kinda hoped that the second time around might be a little easier. it just feels weird to schedule the baby making time. we are so not one of those couples that has this sweet story of how our little one came to be. 'well son, one day your mom was screaming at me after taking her crazy pills the week before...' ha ha! awesome.
so yesterday i had started writing a funny blog about the goofy way my child eats and i was waiting to post it until i got a great video of him, but i got a call this morning...
i went back into my ob yesterday to have my second round of labs done. my dr is awesome and was right on top of it, she called me this morning at 8 to tell me what the results were... she said that i am definitely NOT ovulating, which i kinda knew because thats what they had determined the first time. but then she told me that some things in my original labs are leading her to believe that i have polycystic ovarian syndrome. not cool. basically, it causes little cysts on the ovaries which not only make conception more difficult, but also raises the chance of miscarriage up to 45% or higher... awesome.
so im going back in this morning after i feed my baby dino to have some more labs done to see if that is indeed the case.
PCOS info
i guess ill find out tomorrow what the dr thinks...
i went back into my ob yesterday to have my second round of labs done. my dr is awesome and was right on top of it, she called me this morning at 8 to tell me what the results were... she said that i am definitely NOT ovulating, which i kinda knew because thats what they had determined the first time. but then she told me that some things in my original labs are leading her to believe that i have polycystic ovarian syndrome. not cool. basically, it causes little cysts on the ovaries which not only make conception more difficult, but also raises the chance of miscarriage up to 45% or higher... awesome.
so im going back in this morning after i feed my baby dino to have some more labs done to see if that is indeed the case.
PCOS info
i guess ill find out tomorrow what the dr thinks...
::: UPDATE ::: [poo poos]
after my post yesterday about successfully getting my sons poop probs back on track he decided to show me that i clearly do not understand the intricacies to the baby poos poos...
so we're sitting at my parents house playing dominoes with the fam, avery is sitting next to me at the table in one of those sweet baby chairs that hook to the table. at one point he makes the 'poop face' (see previous post) but i didnt think anything actually happened, i mean my childs poo poos are one of the most foul smelling smells that has ever entered my nasal cavity, and i didnt smell a thing.
my cousin is sitting on the other side of baby stinkypants and points to the floor and says that one of the dogs peed... it looks more like they peed elsewhere and let their downtowns drip dry underneath the table. i check aves diaper to make sure hes all good, he is, we clean up the mess and continue on with our game.
about five minutes passes when my mom walks by and starts to yell that a dog peed again... until further inspection revealed that it was not a dog at all. while i was checking the very dry front of averys diaper, the back of it was leaking liquid poo that had soaked through the chair and was currently dripping onto the floor. DIS.GUS.TING.
i quickly unstrapped my little poop machine, and holding him with outstretched arms whisked him upstairs and threw that stinker into the tub.
long story short, dont assume you have the low downs on the pees and browns.
so we're sitting at my parents house playing dominoes with the fam, avery is sitting next to me at the table in one of those sweet baby chairs that hook to the table. at one point he makes the 'poop face' (see previous post) but i didnt think anything actually happened, i mean my childs poo poos are one of the most foul smelling smells that has ever entered my nasal cavity, and i didnt smell a thing.
my cousin is sitting on the other side of baby stinkypants and points to the floor and says that one of the dogs peed... it looks more like they peed elsewhere and let their downtowns drip dry underneath the table. i check aves diaper to make sure hes all good, he is, we clean up the mess and continue on with our game.
about five minutes passes when my mom walks by and starts to yell that a dog peed again... until further inspection revealed that it was not a dog at all. while i was checking the very dry front of averys diaper, the back of it was leaking liquid poo that had soaked through the chair and was currently dripping onto the floor. DIS.GUS.TING.
i quickly unstrapped my little poop machine, and holding him with outstretched arms whisked him upstairs and threw that stinker into the tub.
long story short, dont assume you have the low downs on the pees and browns.
poop sched.
i dont know if anyone knows this, but the poo sched of a baby is very delicate business. it can set them up to be an excellent pooper in the future, or give them a complex that will cause them to be in pain and fear the poo poos. they get constipated so it hurts to poop which makes them hold in the poo which makes them constipated all over again... vicious cycle.
some poop & constipation infos
i have recently messed with my childs poo poos.
my little man eats prunes for breakfast everyday... i know, it sounds gross and boring to be eating the same thing everyday but it keeps him regular. just one day without prunes messes up the poop sched. so we went outta town to go visit my sis and have a super fun pool day. one of the mornings while we were outta town i gave ave some pears and blueberries instead of the prunes. terrible idea. that poor kid did not have a normal poop for at least four days. and the worst part is seeing him try to poo and crying because it hurts.
so he just had his prunes for breakfast and i will no doubt have a gross poo poo diaper to change in about an hour, but at least there will be no pain for his poor little heiny cakes.

this is what happens when you mess with the poo poos. i was taking a picture of a smiling baby and in less than a second the smile turned into the poo poo face. sad.
some poop & constipation infos
i have recently messed with my childs poo poos.
my little man eats prunes for breakfast everyday... i know, it sounds gross and boring to be eating the same thing everyday but it keeps him regular. just one day without prunes messes up the poop sched. so we went outta town to go visit my sis and have a super fun pool day. one of the mornings while we were outta town i gave ave some pears and blueberries instead of the prunes. terrible idea. that poor kid did not have a normal poop for at least four days. and the worst part is seeing him try to poo and crying because it hurts.
so he just had his prunes for breakfast and i will no doubt have a gross poo poo diaper to change in about an hour, but at least there will be no pain for his poor little heiny cakes.

this is what happens when you mess with the poo poos. i was taking a picture of a smiling baby and in less than a second the smile turned into the poo poo face. sad.
we were never here...
because my blog seems to be getting more attention now, and from quite a few people i dont really know (btw, i LOVE that!) i have decided to change my blog address and all personal names... so i will be using pseudonyms for everyone in my family. i just dont want to cause any embarrassment in the future to my son or my husband since i write so... candidly. also, in this time where identity theft is all around us, i feel that having so much personal info out there probably isnt the greatest idea...
so here we go:
my husband: Wil
my son: Avery
me: K
hope theres no confusion for anyone!
so here we go:
my husband: Wil
my son: Avery
me: K
hope theres no confusion for anyone!
the poo poos & the pee pees.
so this particular entry is really more geared to the other moms out there. sorry to all of you other readers that do not have children but instead like to read my blog for purposes that can only be described as morbid curiousity perhaps? thats cool too. but i need to take a minute to talk about the pee pees and the poo poos.
as many of you know, we have had to deal with quite a few allergy issues with the baby dino. although i am happy to announce that im fairly certain that he has gotten over his dairy allergy! woohoo! we still have some other things to figure out...
his face has not broken out in quite some time and were thinking that it may be due to a switch in our diaper brands. weird, i know. but apparently pampers brand changed up their 'formula' and the new diapers were not being as widely accepted as they wouldve liked. we read that they were causing 'chemical like burns' on some babies; i know, terrible, right? then i saw the pictures and realized that avery had those same things... initially i just thought i was a terrible mom and either not changing his diaper often enough or his little heiny cakes did not like any of the diaper creams we were using. (i eventually had to get prescription stuff from the dr) anyway, wil started thinking that maybe the diapers were also causing the face rash which totally made no sense to me... until wade pointed out that while i change ashelys diaper i always hand him the diaper to 'hold' (it keeps him still). so of course while hes holding it and looking at it its all up in his face. so i figured what the heck, lets switch em up! btw... i think i was buying the most expensive pampers sensitive because of my allergy baby.
more info on pampers rash
so we switched it up and aside from a few days of red eyes, ave has been rash free... so we switched and weve been trying different brands but im not sure which ones i like the best. huggies do have the super cute new 'jean' diapers that are hilarious.

but ive also tried luvs which are super soft but dont have the same absorbancy level... those are the only brands ive tried, just because its expensive to try things out and have his cakes hate them.
so im posting a little poll on the left hand side of the page so give me your votes. which dipes do you use on your sweet little heiny cakes?
as many of you know, we have had to deal with quite a few allergy issues with the baby dino. although i am happy to announce that im fairly certain that he has gotten over his dairy allergy! woohoo! we still have some other things to figure out...
his face has not broken out in quite some time and were thinking that it may be due to a switch in our diaper brands. weird, i know. but apparently pampers brand changed up their 'formula' and the new diapers were not being as widely accepted as they wouldve liked. we read that they were causing 'chemical like burns' on some babies; i know, terrible, right? then i saw the pictures and realized that avery had those same things... initially i just thought i was a terrible mom and either not changing his diaper often enough or his little heiny cakes did not like any of the diaper creams we were using. (i eventually had to get prescription stuff from the dr) anyway, wil started thinking that maybe the diapers were also causing the face rash which totally made no sense to me... until wade pointed out that while i change ashelys diaper i always hand him the diaper to 'hold' (it keeps him still). so of course while hes holding it and looking at it its all up in his face. so i figured what the heck, lets switch em up! btw... i think i was buying the most expensive pampers sensitive because of my allergy baby.
more info on pampers rash
so we switched it up and aside from a few days of red eyes, ave has been rash free... so we switched and weve been trying different brands but im not sure which ones i like the best. huggies do have the super cute new 'jean' diapers that are hilarious.

but ive also tried luvs which are super soft but dont have the same absorbancy level... those are the only brands ive tried, just because its expensive to try things out and have his cakes hate them.
so im posting a little poll on the left hand side of the page so give me your votes. which dipes do you use on your sweet little heiny cakes?
a war of the wills...
as we are going through all the motions and mentally preparing ourselves for the possibilty of having another wee one running around, it seems as though the little dino may have his own ideas...
he went in for his 9 month check up on monday and his pediatrician had some ideas and suggestions about the way we are handling some situations. first, and i know its terrible, but the baby is not only in our room, but currently in our bed. we know he should be in his own room, and i honestly have tried, but with him not feeling well and taking medications, i just felt like he should be closer to us... thats all over and now its just hard because the hubs works the crazy hours and it would be difficult on the two of them to never see each other. anyway, its a work in progress. :) she (pediatrician) also thinks that he should be sleeping through the night without any wake ups for a bottle. he currently wakes up between 5 and 6 am to have a bottle.
last night i decided to tackle at least one of these issues. last night i also i came to the realization that this is much easier said than done.
so avery wakes up around 4:45, a little earlier than normal but thats ok because i am ready. he starts to wiggle around some and cry a bit, but i quickly give him the binky back and talk him back to sleep. at this point i actually think what im doing is going to work. silly me. not 10 minutes later he wakes back up, this time with a vengence... he then proceeds to scream like someone has physically hurt him. im starting to feel bad for him and thinking about giving him the bottle when all of a sudden he completely stops crying and looks over to me to see what im gonna do... it is then that i realize that he is faking it, so i make the decision that i am totally not going to give in. after about 10 seconds he begins to cry and scream again for another 10 minutes when he stops and 'checks' on me. this goes on for what seems like an eternity but in actuality is only an hour, i have a terrible headache, im worried about him waking the neighbors, and im worried about his throat due to the incessant screaming. im starting to wonder if we are going to be able to handle another baby right now...
i give him the bottle.
ave: 1
mom: 0
he went in for his 9 month check up on monday and his pediatrician had some ideas and suggestions about the way we are handling some situations. first, and i know its terrible, but the baby is not only in our room, but currently in our bed. we know he should be in his own room, and i honestly have tried, but with him not feeling well and taking medications, i just felt like he should be closer to us... thats all over and now its just hard because the hubs works the crazy hours and it would be difficult on the two of them to never see each other. anyway, its a work in progress. :) she (pediatrician) also thinks that he should be sleeping through the night without any wake ups for a bottle. he currently wakes up between 5 and 6 am to have a bottle.
last night i decided to tackle at least one of these issues. last night i also i came to the realization that this is much easier said than done.
so avery wakes up around 4:45, a little earlier than normal but thats ok because i am ready. he starts to wiggle around some and cry a bit, but i quickly give him the binky back and talk him back to sleep. at this point i actually think what im doing is going to work. silly me. not 10 minutes later he wakes back up, this time with a vengence... he then proceeds to scream like someone has physically hurt him. im starting to feel bad for him and thinking about giving him the bottle when all of a sudden he completely stops crying and looks over to me to see what im gonna do... it is then that i realize that he is faking it, so i make the decision that i am totally not going to give in. after about 10 seconds he begins to cry and scream again for another 10 minutes when he stops and 'checks' on me. this goes on for what seems like an eternity but in actuality is only an hour, i have a terrible headache, im worried about him waking the neighbors, and im worried about his throat due to the incessant screaming. im starting to wonder if we are going to be able to handle another baby right now...
i give him the bottle.
ave: 1
mom: 0
yay! i finally started yesterday! not that i really like hanging out with the aunt, but at least we can start trying to figure out whats wrong and getting back on the fertility meds! i will be a crazy person again! ha ha!
so tomorrow i go and have some blood drawn and then again on day 21, im not exactly sure in medical terms what they will be looking for, but i know its something that will prove whether or not i actually ovulated... my last ob assumed that was my prob and just gave me the meds, but my current ob is a little more interested in the why. so thats cool i guess. she mentioned the possibility of doing some crazy pants dye test where they would insert dye and then check out to make sure my tubes and everything are working properly. but since i have achieved one pregnancy she doesnt think they will have to go there.
i know it seems kinda soon for us to be trying again already, but we're not getting any younger and i feel like if we wait the normal 'accepted' amount of time, it could still take us a couple years after that because of my poo poo downtown not working right. so we have just decided that were ready now. so maybe in the next six months we will be getting ready for baby #2! hopefully... my ob also said that if we dont get pregnant after six rounds of clomid (same fertility med i was on before) that we will have to go to a fertility specialist which i am fairly certain we cannot afford so i really hope we dont have to go that far.
yay! baby fun times... ha ha!
so tomorrow i go and have some blood drawn and then again on day 21, im not exactly sure in medical terms what they will be looking for, but i know its something that will prove whether or not i actually ovulated... my last ob assumed that was my prob and just gave me the meds, but my current ob is a little more interested in the why. so thats cool i guess. she mentioned the possibility of doing some crazy pants dye test where they would insert dye and then check out to make sure my tubes and everything are working properly. but since i have achieved one pregnancy she doesnt think they will have to go there.
i know it seems kinda soon for us to be trying again already, but we're not getting any younger and i feel like if we wait the normal 'accepted' amount of time, it could still take us a couple years after that because of my poo poo downtown not working right. so we have just decided that were ready now. so maybe in the next six months we will be getting ready for baby #2! hopefully... my ob also said that if we dont get pregnant after six rounds of clomid (same fertility med i was on before) that we will have to go to a fertility specialist which i am fairly certain we cannot afford so i really hope we dont have to go that far.
yay! baby fun times... ha ha!
so i am really going to make a conscious effort to start blogging on a regular basis again. i think some people are still at least kinda interested, and i think writing makes me feel better about things sometimes.
ave just turned 9 months! yay! he goes to the dr on monday so ill have exact measurements, but at his last visit he was a little under 20 pounds and was 30 inches long. apparently my long, skinny baby is just getting longer and skinnier. the rash still comes and goes but it hasnt gotten nearly as bad as the first break out. no one has any idea of what is causing it, but im thinking about taking him to an allergist to see if we can figure it out. hes doing all sorts of things these days, sitting up, crawling around, clapping, waving... its super fun. he also says mama, dada, and baba. but lately mama sometimes comes out as mommy and dada comes as like 'dat.' real cute.

in other news... we are trying to start the whole baby process over again, fun! ha ha! i went to my ob the other day to talk about getting back onto fertility meds. but they want me to do some scheduled bloodwork before we jump right in, so now im waiting for my super fun time of grossness to start so i can do the bloodwork, and then we can figure out what course of action we want to take. i think my drs are more concerned about the cause of infertilty rather than just treating it, which is ok i guess since the rest of my family seems to be fertile myrtles. we will see what happens...
ave just turned 9 months! yay! he goes to the dr on monday so ill have exact measurements, but at his last visit he was a little under 20 pounds and was 30 inches long. apparently my long, skinny baby is just getting longer and skinnier. the rash still comes and goes but it hasnt gotten nearly as bad as the first break out. no one has any idea of what is causing it, but im thinking about taking him to an allergist to see if we can figure it out. hes doing all sorts of things these days, sitting up, crawling around, clapping, waving... its super fun. he also says mama, dada, and baba. but lately mama sometimes comes out as mommy and dada comes as like 'dat.' real cute.

in other news... we are trying to start the whole baby process over again, fun! ha ha! i went to my ob the other day to talk about getting back onto fertility meds. but they want me to do some scheduled bloodwork before we jump right in, so now im waiting for my super fun time of grossness to start so i can do the bloodwork, and then we can figure out what course of action we want to take. i think my drs are more concerned about the cause of infertilty rather than just treating it, which is ok i guess since the rest of my family seems to be fertile myrtles. we will see what happens...
avery & the goats.
i highly reccommend taking your child to a petting zoo. even if you think they may be a little to young to enjoy it, it will be tremendously entertaining for everyone else. avery both loved and hated the goats. the video below shows his dislike, unfortunately we did not get a video of his happiness.
ok, so as much as i LOVE my child and i do love him more than anything else in this world, i feel like something is just a little off...
i really havent felt like myself since i had him. dont get me wrong, i couldnt be happier, i have a wonderful healthy little boy, and an awesome husband that would do anything for us. so why do i feel like i could just cry at any moment?
talking to another friend today that also recently had a child made me realize that a lot of women feel this way. but why? is it totally that our hormones are just that out of whack that we go a little crazy for awhile? and if it is that common, why do i feel bad that some part of me is unhappy when i should be absolutely ecstatic? and really, i dont feel sad, i just feel like i could use one good big cry for some reason... i dont even know why.
and i think that when post partum depression is discussed before you give birth, or even at your 6 week check up, doctors shouldnt ask you if you feel depressed, because thats not the word. i feel like they should ask you if you feel like youre back to your old self. because if i had been asked that, i wouldve said 'no, actually, now that you mention it, i feel a little off...'
its hard being a new mom. and not even the 'mom' part of it, its everything that goes along with it. its feeling like youre no longer really connecting with your friends, or wondering if your husband really is still attracted to you even though there are parts of you that are much softer(uglier) than they were before, or even if youre a good mom. there are so many uncertainties that make you feel like a totally different person. i was pretty confident and sure of the person that i was before i had my son.
so now i dont know if im unsure about myself because my situation itself has changed, or because i have.
i really havent felt like myself since i had him. dont get me wrong, i couldnt be happier, i have a wonderful healthy little boy, and an awesome husband that would do anything for us. so why do i feel like i could just cry at any moment?
talking to another friend today that also recently had a child made me realize that a lot of women feel this way. but why? is it totally that our hormones are just that out of whack that we go a little crazy for awhile? and if it is that common, why do i feel bad that some part of me is unhappy when i should be absolutely ecstatic? and really, i dont feel sad, i just feel like i could use one good big cry for some reason... i dont even know why.
and i think that when post partum depression is discussed before you give birth, or even at your 6 week check up, doctors shouldnt ask you if you feel depressed, because thats not the word. i feel like they should ask you if you feel like youre back to your old self. because if i had been asked that, i wouldve said 'no, actually, now that you mention it, i feel a little off...'
its hard being a new mom. and not even the 'mom' part of it, its everything that goes along with it. its feeling like youre no longer really connecting with your friends, or wondering if your husband really is still attracted to you even though there are parts of you that are much softer(uglier) than they were before, or even if youre a good mom. there are so many uncertainties that make you feel like a totally different person. i was pretty confident and sure of the person that i was before i had my son.
so now i dont know if im unsure about myself because my situation itself has changed, or because i have.
after a night of screaming by my child that i have seemingly scarred for life by an excessively long road trip, i thought nothing could top the cake... until i experienced for the first time the notorious 'spit up in my mouth.'
my brother recently had a baby and my mom and i decided it would be a great idea to drive 1,000 miles to biloxi mississippi with a four month old baby. not a great idea. he did really well on the ride down; we broke it up into three days and he really only got fussy on the third day. the ride home was a completely different story, from the moment his little heiny cakes touched his car seat it was clear that he was not going to be a happy or cooperative baby.
so because my poor child was in a car seat for a little over 2,000 miles, i am fairly certain he hates the car with a passion. we were in the car for about 10 minutes last night on the way to dinner and im pretty sure he cried for 9 and half minutes. same goes for the ride home.
we finally get home and i get my little man calmed down, were playing and hes giggling and having a good time. and im doing the whole lifting him in the air like hes super man, working on those little core muscles and then it happens. out of nowhere there is spit up in my mouth! i didnt even see it coming! he was laughing and i was laughing and then i had a mouthful of spit up. pretty disgusting but surprisingly i didnt gag at all. i just put him down, wiped my mouth, and drank a bottle of water.
luckily for you i do not have a picture of my spit up mouth experience because i think that wouldve made me spit up. but here is a picture of my little man with my brothers little lady.
my brother recently had a baby and my mom and i decided it would be a great idea to drive 1,000 miles to biloxi mississippi with a four month old baby. not a great idea. he did really well on the ride down; we broke it up into three days and he really only got fussy on the third day. the ride home was a completely different story, from the moment his little heiny cakes touched his car seat it was clear that he was not going to be a happy or cooperative baby.
so because my poor child was in a car seat for a little over 2,000 miles, i am fairly certain he hates the car with a passion. we were in the car for about 10 minutes last night on the way to dinner and im pretty sure he cried for 9 and half minutes. same goes for the ride home.
we finally get home and i get my little man calmed down, were playing and hes giggling and having a good time. and im doing the whole lifting him in the air like hes super man, working on those little core muscles and then it happens. out of nowhere there is spit up in my mouth! i didnt even see it coming! he was laughing and i was laughing and then i had a mouthful of spit up. pretty disgusting but surprisingly i didnt gag at all. i just put him down, wiped my mouth, and drank a bottle of water.
luckily for you i do not have a picture of my spit up mouth experience because i think that wouldve made me spit up. but here is a picture of my little man with my brothers little lady.

my favorite.
i cant believe i havent posted this pic yet, its my favorite.

it probably took me a good hour to get this shot. for some reason, dublin can be smiling and happy as can be, but the moment the red light from my camera's flash hits his face, the smile instantly drops into the saddest and funniest little frowny face ever. i now have about 30 pictures of odd faces of my child saved in a folder. ive decided that i should compile all the weird pictures i accidentally take throughout the years and give it to him on his 18th birthday. ha.

it probably took me a good hour to get this shot. for some reason, dublin can be smiling and happy as can be, but the moment the red light from my camera's flash hits his face, the smile instantly drops into the saddest and funniest little frowny face ever. i now have about 30 pictures of odd faces of my child saved in a folder. ive decided that i should compile all the weird pictures i accidentally take throughout the years and give it to him on his 18th birthday. ha.
the pits.
this dairy allergy thing is the pits.
i had what i thought was the best non-dairy snack ever that i had been totally chowing down on until last night. who would ever think that tortilla chips have dairy in them? worst mom ever.
not even cool.
i had what i thought was the best non-dairy snack ever that i had been totally chowing down on until last night. who would ever think that tortilla chips have dairy in them? worst mom ever.

babies and b-dogs.

so im back after a crazy holiday season that included celebrating christmas a week late and almost ignoring new years eve altogether.
the hubs and my pops ended up having to work a lot of extra hours so we kept postponing and postponing until we were able to spend an entire day together, it was pretty great once we finally got it! the moms and pops got avery an exersaucer which is awesome, and he loves it.
and i am currently writing this blog while watching hours and hours of 'the office,' because i received the entire series for christmas from wil. it is spectacular.
we had a pretty rough day today because the little man is having some sort of issue which caused him to scream for the better part of three hours. after finally getting him in to see the dr where he made me look like an absolute crazy person, he was happy as can be... but i do have to somehow collect and store four liquid poo samples for some tests to be run to make sure everything is ok. it is proving to be fairly difficult. im pretty sure they expected the samples to be in sometime soon but im thinking it might take a few more days than that to get the amount of liquid poo required. gross.
and the b-dog is now limping around...
days in the life of moms.

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