

ok so the grossness has fully kicked in... and it is no fun, let me tell you.

i think ive figured out that if i dont eat often enough i start to feel nauseous, but by that point its already too late because who wants to eat when you feel like throwing up? its a vicious cycle...

and my lower back is absolutely killing me! i feel like ive done some sort of exercise that would do something to my back and i am now paying for it. not the case. all i did this weekend was nap! and you cant use a heating pad, and im scared to take tylenol because i want to vomit now with no pain killers in my system...

its a really good thing im halfway through my first trimester...

1 comment:

red said...

this is why you need to come visit us here in Florida, because there was nothing better than getting in the pool to take away my sickness.
Weightlessness is a wonderful thing.

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