
business time.

nothing new and exciting has happened lately, but i felt like i should update at least twice a week just in case you people are bored out of your minds on a friday and are all cursing me in your heads because i have given you nothing to read.

so w'ere moving in with my rents tomorrow! we're trying to be responsible adults and save some money up before baby comes. i will be doing almost nothing to help because i think if i did, both my mom and wade would freak out, so luckily we have a bunch of friends coming over to help us out.

oh there has been absolutely no business time since we found out we're pregnant. its funny, before this i always thought women were so crazy to worry about sex during pregnancy since all doctors seem to seem to think its fine... we are so freaked out about it! i feel bad for wade, im sure this is not what he had in mind when he pictured us as newlyweds... complete abstinence. ha ha. maybe when we're finally outta the danger zone we'll chill out a bit... poor guy.

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