
tum tum = tom tom.

i am undoubtedly the gassiest woman in america.

for the past four days my stomach has been as hard and tight as a drum... and let me just inform you... in case you were wondering, it is absolutely not comfortable at all. and it always happens at night, which severly impairs comfortable sleeping. not cool. i have no idea what im eating or drinking to make the poor tum tum feel like a tom tom.

at our 22 week ultrasound the tech even pointed out how gassy and bloaty both avery and i were at the time. isnt that nice? the funniest part about it all is that i have never been one who is audibly gassy, until now. at least my pain is providing my family with some comic relief.

not only am i gassy, tired, and itchy, i got called 'fat' on a bus in ocean city. i really wanted to hit that woman... long story short, i could hear two people talking on the bus and the dude says to the lady 'i think shes pregnant,' to which the skank replied 'no, i think shes just FAT.' of course being the angry and vocal pregnant lady that i am i could not let these accusations go unpunished. i yell halfway across the length of the bus, 'excuse me, are you talking about me?' (the bus gets quiet... well, as quiet as a bus full of drunk people can be, and the terribly rude couple looks in my direction) 'because if you are talking about me, im six months pregnant, so im not JUST FAT.'

i get all fired up just thinking about it. people are rude.


Stefanie said...

Oh my goodness I would have beat those people up for you if I had been there and heard that. You know I am fiercely protective of you and Ashley!!!

Mary said...

People are the worst!! I can't count how many times someone told me I looked "huge" or that I was so big I was going to have the baby very early. I only wish I had been as vocal back with them like you were. Good for you!!

krp said...

ha ha, thanks ladies!!! :)

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