
84+ in 7.

if you think you have an idea of just how often and how many diapers you will change when you have a newborn, you are sadly mistaken. i thought i was pretty mentally prepared to change a million diapers, but i didnt expect that my little man would need to be changed just about every five minutes.

not only does he poop every single time he eats, which lately has been about every two hours, he poos just for fun in between feedings and pees almost constantly. the best part is when im changing him and the exact moment his little heiny feels a clean diaper underneath it, he feels the need to poo again, so then we get to start the entire process all over again. fun fun. especially when hes a little cold and hating the fact that the lower part of his body is uncovered.


Mitch said...

You gotten peed on yet?

krp said...

indeed sir, indeed.

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