
tootie magooties.

my children are disgusting.

i truly didnt think they would really turn into boys until they were like 7 or 8. but i was wrong.

apparently the grossness of boys is in there from birth.

my children giggle when they toot. honestly, my ten month old son thinks that he is absolutely hilarious when hes a little gassy goosey. gross. and of course the 2.5 year old will point out and make sure you know that he has tooted if by chance you didnt hear it. 'mom, mom! i toot!' great job buddy. he also likes to point out if anyone else does it, so if youre in close proximity to my little tootie tattler you betta watch yoself!

and to continue with the potty talk, my son, while loving to point out toots, doesnt know the different between the poo poos and the pee pees. well, im sure he knows that they are two different things, but he will say that hes done one when hes done the other and sometimes he gets it right. maybe he thinks the words are interchangable... i dont know. but he does LOVE to talk about poop. he pooped, the baby pooped, the doggy pooped, doesnt matter who the pooper is, that kid is gonna talk about it.

i wonder if baby girls are gross too and i just dont know it...


.:Mrs.Hess:. said...

Hi Kristen,

I am enjoying your new posts! Even though I don't have any kids yet, I wish that could've been our St. Patty's Day! I can't wait until we are able to a little family with our kids, and that be enough. what a awesome feeling that must be. Your such a great mommy.


DKH said...

I think it's the age....Ella thinks all toots are HILARIOUS! She also plays 20 questions whenever you even go near a bathroom or she suspects you might be using the bathroom. And she's very curious about why the dog goes outside and not on the potty. no worries, there's a lot of potty talk in my house too!

krp said...

ha ha ha! the big boy talks about doggy poop like it is his job... kids are so crazy! and yeah, i cannot remember the last time i was able to poop without a little boy hangin out in the b-room with me... so silly!

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