fast forward through the morning routine of yelling about breakfast, trying to hurry the dogs business trip outside along, begging my two year old to put on his shoes, and then the awesome balancing act of putting of long gangly toddler into a carseat while holding my plump little nugget of a baby.
it is now 9:45.
next stop: moms to grab her gps.
gps acquired we finally START the day. running a little late, i decided to for once follow the gps' advised directions instead of going my norm route thinking she (the gps) might know some secret passage that i, in my 29 years of life in the northern virginia area am not aware of... she says i will get to the doctors office at exactly the right time so what the hey.
i realize that she is making me get on the toll road; the $4 toll road. i dont know about you, but to me thats pretty steep when i can just get on a couple of other side roads and get to the same destination for free. im already spending $4 per gallon for gas, do i really need to pay $4 to drive on a road? so ive already chosen my destiny and i have no choice but to pay, but then i remember i have no cash and momentarily go through a mental freak out about running the toll and then receiving a terrible ticket costing me more than the original $4 that i didnt even want to pay in the first place. but after a quick call to the moms, all is well, they accept cards. yay.
we get to the sleep center at the exact right time. awesome. then for the next hour i listen to the doctor give me the low down on exactly what is wrong with my child. he does in fact have obstructive sleep apnea due to a million things they discovered during his overnight stay. he also has restless leg syndrome. so from the one visit i now need to make appts to have his blood drawn, to see an ent, and another follow up with the sleep center. and thats just if all goes well with the ent and bloodwork- if not, then more appts will definitely be made. fun. and i get to listen to all of this while trying to entertain my now bored children. not an easy task. we finally make it out of there, all the while my toddler is crying that he needs milk and a nap- i give him the milk and promise that we are going home for nap time.

i lied.
when i put the baby in his carseat i realize that his face is swollen. rewind to this morning: the baby wakes up, i start to change his diaper and realize he has a rash all over his entire body. it doesnt seem to be bothering him so i assume it is just a reaction to something he ate the day before. i give him some allergy meds and we continue on with our morning routine. so now his face is swollen and the rash has not improved at all with the meds. so i call the nurse at the pediatricians office and leave a message asking if i should bring him in... btw, i dont know why i even call to ask- they ALWAYS make me bring them in.
it is now 1pm, we are in leesburg and the peds office wants me to bring the littles in at 4. so im thinking by the time we get home, calm the boys down and chilled out for naptime, ill be waking them up to go back to the dr. i ask about the other location and awesome they have a 2pm appt available. so we drive directly from leesburg to haymarket for the next appt.
he is fine. the dr agrees that it is an allergic reaction to something but since its not bothering him and the swelling has gone down were just keeping him on the allergy meds for a few days. yay!
we get back into the rover. me, one sleepy baby, and a loud, screaming, grumpy, overtired toddler. then i remember that im almost out of allergy meds and i need to stop for more...
we finally get home around 4:30. my children are exhausted. i had a salad for dinner, the baby had baby food, and the toddler had pancakes.
its been one of those days.

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