my husband and i went out to dinner a couple nights ago with some friends who all have iphones. being new to the club, the only things i really had on mine were some apps for the kids including a monster maker app, a diego game, and fun little way to call elmo. best mom ever, right? anyway, our friends told us about this game 'draw something,' everyone was cracking up about it so i installed right then. for those of you that have never played, its kinda like pictionary and word scramble together. someone draws a picture (you get to watch the whole process, not just the end result) and you guess what it is with the letters given to you.
i started playing it later that night once i put the kids down, and our friends were right. super fun, super hilarious. so of course i had to get my husband on the bandwagon. shortly after i got my sister to jump right on that cart with us.
i have some friends that are super good at it, for instance:

but i have definitely gotten some pictures that i had absolutely no idea what the heck they were and if i had known that my obsession would grow so great as to write a blog post about it, i wouldve taken a picture. but, on to the best part of this story.
yesterday i got a picture from my sister. it started out being a blonde woman with blue eyes. im looking at it for awhile thinking that it could be almost any woman, then slowly writing starts to appear at the top... it says, in the most ridiculous kindergarten looking writing that i have ever seen, 'morning lesbian.' i start laughing when i realize that my sister has attempted to draw 'ellen.'
so the next time youre flipping through the channels and you see that ellen is on, or you see one of the many new jc penny commercials, just remember 'morning lesbian.'
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