as some of you may know, my older child has recently started saying 'dannit.' and while dannit doesnt look bad, it is clearly his toddler version of damn it.
of course there have been some arguments as to who is the one to blame for our foul mouthed minor... my husband says that i say it in reference to our dog who is often standing right in front of me when i try to walk around holding the baby. i say that my husband says it in frustration to one of the many household fix ups that isnt quite cooperating with him. and anyone that knows my mom knows that 'dammit,' couldve almost been considered her catch phrase for a time. she has cleaned up her act since our little mockingbird has learned to speak, but the blame game prevails.
i must admit in my 'things my toddler shouldnt say' post that i am the culprit behind my sweet blonde haired baby saying 'crap.' i say crap like its going out of style. and while it isnt the worst thing he could say, it certainly isnt desirable, and neither are the looks from judgy parents when my child says it at the completely appropriate time of dropping his juice cup.
so, after trying to hide our giggles the first couple times that 'dannit' escaped from his lips, we have all decided to ignore his little cursings, hoping that he would forget about it once he learned a new catch phrase. this has not worked. next, i decided to tell him that it wasnt a nice thing to say. i dont think he cared much. then i told him flat out that he just wasnt allowed to say it. try telling any toddler that... not gonna happen.
so as a last resort i have decided to give him a substitute. we now say 'darn it.' and i know everyone knows what he really wants to say, but what can you do? when hes frustrated hes gotta be able to let it out somehow, and if he needs to yell out 'darn it, daddy!' then we just have to deal with it for the time being. im sure its just a phase and i will soon be deailng with some other silliness next month...
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