so it got me thinking... i really hate jeans. i prefer linen pants, although i prefer them much more when im about 50 lbs less than i am right now.
not gonna lie, im definitely one of those moms that chills out in sweat pants all day long unless i have to actually leave my house. and sadly im turning my children into bum clothes loving, sweatpant wearing little relaxicats. jeans are just so uncomfortable. well, theyre uncomfortable to me anyway.
i guess there was a time when i did love a good pair of jeans, but that was pre-baby, pre-chub chub body. but i think once you become a mom, jeans are so much harder to wear. because even if you are a little chubby without baby, your weight gain is probably evenly distributed-ish, but after you have a baby, or even worse for a jean wearing body, babies, a lot of weight stays in the belly area. i currently hate my belly.
and this brings us to mom jeans. after you have a baby and you have the jiggle belly going on, the mom jeans seem a bit more appealing... maybe not the mom jeans everyone pictures when you think about 'mom jeans,' but certainly some sort of magic jeans that keep the tum tum in control. a low waist jean means your belly will most definitely jiggle and hang out everywhere. a high waist jean is just terrible in every way. terrible looking, terrible feeling. terrible. so i just wish there was a perfect jean that was made higher than low waist, but lower than high waist, with a good crotch to waistband ratio. that also has a little stretch allowance so those of us with giant rumps dont have to constantly worry about crack sightings.

i mean really, if jessica simpson cant pull off mom jeans, how can anyone else?
1 comment:
I love high rise jeans, they are all I wear, but they don't work so well if the tummy is your problem area. It needs to be reasonably flat.
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