after watching 'the help' last week i have totally wanted some delicious fried chicken. and of course through some fantastic pinning i found a recipe that looked pretty good. so i get my chicken and let it hang out in the fridge in its buttermilk and spices marinade for a couple hours. then i do the whole flour and spices thing and let it set for a half an hour. meanwhile i throw some potatoes and eggs in a pot to boil and im chopping up cabbage and making a vinegar based cole slaw dressing. then i throw those chickens in the pan (it took an entire can of crisco btw... kinda gross) and get started on the biscuits.
you can imgaine what my kitchen looks like at this point... a mound of dough on one counter sitting in a sea of flour. a cutting board with shards of orange and greens amongst discarded cores of cabbage, a pyrex dish with chicken waiting to be fried, a hot pan spitting grease all over my stove top and counters everytime the lid is lifted... it is not pretty.
finally i get the potato salad and cole slaw finished. the biscuits are cooling and its time to get the chicken out of the pan. but of course before i get it out i definitely managed to drop the chicken back in the pan when the breading that was so carefully prepared decided to fall off. so then im mad that the breading fell off, and all of a sudden i am completely splashed with hot grease. not even cool.
its time to eat. the chicken is moist and good, but lacking about half of the breading (which i suppose my thighs were probably thankful for). and the cole slaw is ok but definitely not the delicious cole slaw that i had at a friends wedding last summer. the biscuits are good with a little honey. and the potato salad was the only thing that was what i had envisioned and thats only because ive made it numerous times. oh yeah, and the tea was good.
sidenote: the big boy would eat nothing that i had prepared which was no surprise, but meant we had to make more food in addition to everything i just spent hours making. the baby ate some chicken.
i rarely do dishes at night. i almost always wait until the next morning because we eat dinner, do a little playtime or take a walk with the kiddos then were ready to go upstairs for bathtime and the rest of the boys nighttime ritual.
so i woke up to absolute chaos in my kitchen this morning. and too add icing to the cake, i had to unload my dishwasher before i could load it. i hate that more than anything. but im happy to report that all the dishes are now clean except for the grease pit of a pan that is now soaking... that will be fun to tackle later.
moral of the story. go to kfc.

OMG, last line cracked me up girl!
ha ha! i try! but really... so much easier!
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